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The vvay of the churches of Christ in New-England. Or, the vvay of churches walking in brotherly equality, or co-ordination, without subjection of one church to another. : Measured and examined by the golden reed of the sanctuary. Containing a full declaration of the church-way in all particulars. /
The vvay of the churche...
Cotton, John, 1584-1652...
Printed by Matthew Simm...
[Church polity., Congregational churches--New England., New England--Church history--17th century., Imprint 1645.]
Reformed Church in the ...
Isaiah Warner und Corne...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Lischy, Jacob,--1719-1781., Church polity., Germans--Pennsylvania., Imprint 1743.]
Avthentische Nachricht von der Verhandlung und dem Verlass der am 14den und 15den Januarii Anno 1741/2 im sogenannten Falckner-Schwamm an Georg Hübners Hause gehaltenen zweyten Versammlung sowol einiger teutschen Arbeiter der evangelischen Religionen als verschiedener einzelen treuen Gezeugen und gottesfürchtiger Nachbarn. : Nebst einigen Beylagen.
Avthentische Nachricht ...
Congregation of God in ...
gedruckt und zu haben b...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig, Graf von, 1700-1760., Gruber, Johann Adam., Antes, Henry, 1701-1755., Schaues, Adam.]
[Church polity., Germans--Pennsylvania.]
Avthentische Relation von dem Anlass, Fortgang und Schlusse der am 1sten und 2ten Januarii Anno 1741/2 in Germantown gehaltenen Versammlung einiger Arbeiter derer meisten chrislichen Religionen und vieler vor sich selbst gott-dienenden Christen-Menschen in Pennsylvania; : aufgesetzt in Germantown an Abend des 2ten obigen Monats.
Avthentische Relation v...
Congregation of God in ...
gedruckt and sic zu hab...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Müller, Johann Jacob, active 1740.]
[Church polity., Germans--Pennsylvania.]
The appeal farther defended; : in answer to the farther misrepresentations of Dr. Chauncy. /
The appeal farther defe...
Chandler, Thomas Bradbu...
Printed by Hugh Gaine a...
[Chandler, Thomas Bradbury,--1726-1790.--Appeal to the public., Imprint 1771., Chandler, Thomas Bradbury,--1726-1790.--Appeal defended., Chauncy, Charles,--1705-1787.--Appeal to the public answered., Chauncy, Charles,--1705-1787.--Reply to Dr. Chandler's Appeal defended., Church of England--United States., Church of England--Apologetic works., Church polity., Episcopacy., Luce grant.]
Abermahlige treue Warnung und Vermahnung an meine sehr werthe und theuer geschätzte reformirte Glaubens-Verwandte, wie auch alle andere die den Herrn Jesum lieb haben, sein Heil. Evangelium und seine Heil. Sacramenten in höchstem Werth halten. : Denen sambt und sonders wünsche ich, dass sie, durch die Gnade Jesu Christi, die Liebe seines Himmlischen Vatters, und den kräfftig-würckenden Beystandt Gottes des Heil. Geistes mogen bewahrt werden vor allem Irrthum und Schaden ihrer unsterblichen Seelen. Amen.
Abermahlige treue Warnu...
Boehm, John Philip, 168...
gedruckt bey Isaiah War...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Congregation of God in the Spirit., Church polity., Germans--Pennsylvania., Imprint 1743.]
Gründliche An- und Aufforderung an die ehmalig erweckte hier und dar zerstreuete Seelen dieses Landes, in oder ausser Partheyen, zur neuen Umfassung gliedlicher Vereinigung, und Gebets-Gemeinschaft; /
Gründliche An- und Auf...
Gruber, Johann Adam.
gedruckt und zu haben b...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Congregation of God in the Spirit.]
[Church polity., Germans--Pennsylvania.]
Extract aus des Conferenz-Schreibers Johann Jacob Müllers Registratur von der sechsten Versammlung der evangelischen Arbeiter in Pennsylvania. : Und der Gemeine Gottes in Geist siebender General-Synodus zu Philadelphia am 2. und 3ten Junii 1742. st.v.
Extract aus des Confere...
Congregation of God in ...
Daselbst gedruckt und z...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Müller, Johann Jacob, active 1740., Antes, Henry, 1701-1755.]
[Church polity., Germans--Pennsylvania.]
Extract aus unsers Conferenz-Schreibers Johann Jacob Müllers geführten Protocoll bey der fünften Versammlung der Gemeine Gottes im Geist, gehalten in Germantown 1742. den 6ten April und folgende Tage : Nebst einer Vorrede an die ehrwürdige Conferenz aller Arbeiter bey der Kirche Jesu Christi in Pennsylvania.
Extract aus unsers Conf...
Congregation of God in ...
gedruckt und zu haben b...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Müller, Johann Jacob, active 1740., Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig, Graf von, 1700-1760.]
[Church polity., Germans--Pennsylvania.]
The vvay of the churches of Christ in New-England. Or The vvay of churches walking in brotherly equalitie, or co-ordination, without subjection of one church to another. : Measured and examined by the golden reed of the sanctuary. Containing a full declaration of the church-way in all particulars. /
The vvay of the churche...
Cotton, John, 1584-1652...
Printed by Matthew Simm...
[Church polity., Congregational churches--New England., New England--Church history--17th century., Imprint 1645.]
A tryall of the new-church vvay in New-England and in old. : Wherein are handled these questions following. 1. Whether a stinted forme of prayer and set liturgie be unlawfull. 2. Whether it be unlawfull to joyne in prayer or receive the sacraments where a stinted liturgie is used. 3. Whether the children of godly and approved Christians, be not to be baptized till their parents be set-members of some particular congregation. 4. Whether the parents themselves being of approved pietie, ought not to be received to the Lords Supper untill they be first admitted as set-members. 5. Whether the power of excommunication &c. be so in the body of the church, that what the major part shall allow, that must be done, though the pastors and governors and part of the assembly be of another minde, and peradventure upon more substantiall reasons. 6. Whether those that are admitted as set-members, ought not to depart or remove, without the consent of that congregation whereof they are members. 7. Whether a minister be so a minister to a particular congregation, that if they dislike him or leave him, be utterly ceaseth to be a minister. 8. Whether a minister may not performe ministeriall acts to another congregation than his owne. 9. Whether members of one congregation, may not communicate in another. /
A tryall of the new-chu...
Ball, John, 1585-1640.
Printed by T Paine and ...
Author (contributor)
[Rathband, William, -1695., Ashe, Simeon, -1662.]
[Church polity., Congregational churches--Doctrines., Great Britain--Church history--17th century., New England--Church history--17th century., Imprint 1644.]
The doctrine of the church to which are committed the keys of the kingdome of Heaven. : Wherein is demonstrated by way of question and answere, what a visible church is, according to the order of the gospel: and what officers, members, worship and government Christ hath ordained in the New Testament. /
The doctrine of the chu...
Cotton, John, 1584-1652...
Printed for Ben Allen &...
[Church polity., Church discipline., Imprint 1643.]
Moses and Aaron: or, The rights of church and state; containing two disputations. : The former concerning the church, in which are examined the principles of separation, and their inconsistency with truth and peace demonstrated: and the government of the church vindicated into the hands of her proper rulers. The latter asserts the sacrednesse of the persons and authority of kings against sacrilegious usurpation and king-killing. /
Moses and Aaron: or, Th...
Noyes, James, 1608-1656...
Printed by TR for Edmun...
Author (contributor)
[Stevens, Henry, Jr., 1819-1886, Woodbridge, Benjamin, 1622-1684., Parker, Thomas, 1595-1677.]
[Church and state--England., Church polity., Regicide., Imprint 1661.]
Pennsylvanische Nachrichten von dem Reiche Christi, Anno 1742.
Pennsylvanische Nachric...
Johann Christoph Stöhr
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Congregation of God in the Spirit., Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig, Graf von, 1700-1760.]
[Moravian Church--Controversial literature., Church polity., Germans--Pennsylvania.]
A letter of many ministers in old England, requesting the judgement of their reverend brethren in New England concerning nine positions. : Written anno Dom. 1637. Together with their answer thereunto returned, anno 1639. And the reply made unto the said answer and sent over unto them, anno 1640. Now published (by occasion mentioned in the epistle to the reader, following in the next page,) upon the desire of many godly and faithfull ministers in and about the city of London, who love and seeke the truth. /
A letter of many minist...
Ball, John, 1585-1640.
Printed by Thomas Vnder...
Author (contributor)
[Rathband, William, -1695., Ashe, Simeon, -1662.]
[Church polity., Congregational churches--Doctrines., Great Britain--Church history--17th century., New England--Church history--17th century., Imprint 1643.]
The keyes of the kingdom of heaven, and power thereof, according to the vvord of God. /
The keyes of the kingdo...
Cotton, John, 1584-1652...
Printed by M Simmons fo...
Author (contributor)
[British Library. Department of Printed Books, Nye, Philip, 1596?-1672., Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680.]
[Church polity., Congregational churches--Discipline., Imprint 1644.]
The keyes of the kingdom of heaven, and power thereof, according to the vvord of God. /
The keyes of the kingdo...
Cotton, John, 1584-1652...
Printed by M Simmons fo...
Author (contributor)
[British Library. Department of Printed Books, Nye, Philip, 1596?-1672., Goodwin, Thomas, 1600-1680.]
[Church polity., Congregational churches--Discipline., Imprint 1644.]
The doctrine of the church, to which is committed the keys of the kingdome of Heaven. : Wherein is demonstrated by way of question and answer, what a visible church is, according to the order of the Gospel: and what officers, members, worship, and government Christ hath ordained in the New Testament. /
The doctrine of the chu...
Cotton, John, 1584-1652...
Printed for Ben Allen a...
Author (contributor)
Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864
[Church polity., Church discipline., Imprint 1644.]
Johann Philip Fresenius Bewährte Nachrichten von herrnhutischen Sachen. Zweyter Band. Worin die dritte und vierte Samlung nebst einem Register enthalten.
Johann Philip Fresenius...
Fresenius, Johann Phili...
bey Johann Leonhard Buc...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Gruber, Johann Adam.]
[Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig,--Graf von,--1700-1760., Moravian Church--Controversial literature., Church polity.]
Vierte General-Versammlung der Kirche Gottes aus allen evangelischen Religionen in Pennsylvania, teutscher Nation; gehalten zu Germantown am 10. 11. und 12ten Martii im Jahr 1741/2. : An Mr. Ashmeads Hause.
Vierte General-Versamml...
Congregation of God in ...
gedruckt und zu haben b...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Müller, Johann Jacob, active 1740.]
[Church polity., Germans--Pennsylvania.]
Vindiciae clavium: or, A vindication of The keyes of the kingdome of heaven, into the hands of the right owners. : Being some animadversions upon a tract of Mr. I.C. called, The keyes of the kingdome of heaven. As also upon another tract of his, called, The way of the churches of New-England. Manifesting; 1. The weaknesse of his proofes. 2. The contradictions to himselfe, and others 3. The middle-way (so called) of independents, to be the extreme, or by-way of the Brownists. /
Vindiciae clavium: or, ...
Cawdrey, Daniel, 1588-1...
Printed by TH for Peter...
Author (contributor)
Cranford, James, -1657.
[Cotton, John,--1584-1652.--Keyes of the kingdom of heaven, and power thereof, according to the word of God., Cotton, John,--1584-1652.--Way of the churches of Christ in New-England., Church polity., Brownists., Congregational churches--New England., Imprint 1645.]
Zuverlässige Beschreibung der dritten Conferenz der evangelischen Religionen teutscher Nation in Pennsylvania, welche am 9. 10. und 11ten Februarii 1741/2 in Oley an Johann de Türcks Hause gehalten worden; : samt denen dieses Mahl verfassten Gemein-Schlüssen.
Zuverlässige Beschreib...
Congregation of God in ...
gedruckt und zu haben b...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Church polity., Germans--Pennsylvania.]
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