Browse All : Benedictines--Portugal--Biography. and Benedictines--Portugal--History. and Benedictines--Brazil--Biography.

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Elogios dos reverendissimos padres DD. abbades geraes da Congregação Benedictina do reyno de Portugal, e principado do Brazil. : Que offerece ao Rmo. P.P. geral Fr. Joaõ Baptista da Gama ex-geral Benedictino &c. &c. /
Elogios dos reverendiss...
Aquino, Thomaz de, Frei...
Na Offic de Francisco M...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Benedictines--Biography., Benedictines--Portugal--Biography., Benedictines--Portugal--History., Benedictines--Brazil--Biography., Benedictines--Brazil--History., Catholic Church--Brazil--History., Imprint 1767.]
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