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The covenant of nature made with Adam described, and cleared from sundry great mistakes. : I And thereby proving, I. That the kind of death that was threatned in that covenant, in Gen. 2. 17. ought not to be understood of any other kind of death but of a double spiritual death, 1. By depriving Adam of Gods concreated image: and 2. By corruption of nature that followed thereupon. II. Proving that the said covenant was totally extinguished and made utterly null, as soon as Adam had but tasted of the forbidden fruit, and received the said threatned punishment. III. Expounding Gal. 3. 10. and proving that the curse therein threatned must not be understood of the curse of the said covenant of nature, but of that curse that is threatned in the covenant of grace to the fallen posterity of Adam, for their not doing of Moses law by faith in Christ, which was given to them for the covenant of grace and reconciliation only. IV. Expounding Gen. 3. 15. of a double warlike combate; 1. Between the Devil and the now converted believing woman with all her believing seed. 2. Between the Devils potent seed, and the one single seed of the woman, (Christ.) V. Expounding Dan. 9. 24, 25, 26, 27. for the fuller explanation of the time and manner of confirming the covenant of grace and reconciliation. VI. Explaining the true nature of Gods forgiveness, and howit makes believing sinners to be perfectly righteous in Gods sight, from Ch. 15. to Ch. 23. VII. Expounding every word in Isa. 53. 5 in Ch. 24. VIII. Expounding Rom. 8. 1,  2,  3,  4,  5.  6,  6,  8. in Ch. 25. /
The covenant of nature ...
Pynchon, William, 1590-...
Printed for the author ...
Author (contributor)
Pynchon, William, 1590-1662.
[Norton, John,--1606-1663.--Discussion of that great point in divinity, the sufferings of Christ., Bible Commentaries., Bible Criticism, interpretation, etc., Atonement., Covenant theology., Election (Theology), Theology, Doctrinal, Congregational churches--Theology., Imprint 1662.]
The meritorious price of mans redemption, or Christs satisfaction discussed and explained. : 1 By shewing how the sufferings and the sacrifice of Christ, did satisfie Gods justice, pacifie his wrath, and procure his reconciliation for mans redemption, from Satans head-plot. 2 By vindicating the sufferings and the sacrifice of Christ, from that most dangerous scripture-less tenent, that is held forth by Mr. Norton of New England in his book of Christs sufferings, affirming that he suffered the essential torments of Hell, and the second death from Gods immediate vindicative wrath. 3 By shewing that the righteousness and obedience of Christ in relation to his office of mediatorship, is a distinct sort of obedience, from his moral obedience, in chapter the third and elsewhere. 4 By shewing that the righteousness of God (so called in Rom. 3.21, 22, 26 in Rom. 10.3, in 2 Cor. 5.21. and in Phil. 3.9.) is to be understood of God the Fathers performance of his covenant with Christ; namely, that upon Christs performance of his covenant (by combating with Satan, and at last by making his death a sacrifice) he would be reconciled to beleeving sinners, and not impute their sins to them. And therefore 1. This righteousness of God must needs be the formal cause of a sinners justification. And 2. It must needs be a distinct sort of righteousness from the righteousness of Christ, contrary to Mr. Nortons tenent. This is evidenced in Chap. 14.and elsewhere. 5 By explaining Gods declaration of the combate between the Devil and the seed of the woman in Gen. 3.15 from whence (as from the foundation-principle) this present reply doth explain all the after prophecies of Christs sufferings. 6 By clearing several other scriptures of the greatest note in these controversies, from Mr. Nortons corrupt expositions, and by expounding them in their right sense; both according to the context, and according to sundry eminent orthodox writers. /
The meritorious price o...
Pynchon, William, 1590-...
printed by R Ibbitson f...
Author (contributor)
Pynchon, William, 1590-1662.
[Norton, John,--1606-1663.--Discussion of that great point in divinity, the sufferings of Christ., Pynchon, William,--1590-1662.--Meritorious price of our redemption, justification, &c., Redemption., Atonement., Imprint 1655.]
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