Browse All : Artifacts, industry, and human activities of Brazil from 1492-1600

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[Les cerimonies, sepulture, et funerailles, qu'ils font à leurs decés.]
[Les cerimonies, sepult...
Thevet, André, 1502-159...
Image title
[Les cerimonies, sepulture, et funerailles, qu'ils font à leurs decés.]
Source place of publication
A Anvers [Antwerp]
Source date
[Mourning ceremony]
[Mourning ceremony]
Thevet, André, 1502-159...
Image title
[Mourning ceremony]
Source place of publication
A Anvers [Antwerp]
Source date
[Description d'vne maladie nommée Pians, à laquelle son subiets ces peuples de l'Amerique, tant es isles que terre ferme.]
[Description d'vne mala...
Thevet, André, 1502-159...
Image title
[Description d'vne maladie nommée Pians, à laquelle son subiets ces peuples de l'Amerique, tant es isles que terre ferme.]
Source place of publication
A Anvers [Antwerp]
Source date
[Map of the world]
[Brazil, Caribbean Isla...
[Map of the world]
Agnese, Battista, fl. 1...
Image title
[Map of the world]
Source place of publication
Source date
[Harbor scene and departure from Lisbon]
[Harbor scene and depar...
Image title
[Harbor scene and departure from Lisbon]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[How their fortifications were constructed and how they fought against us]
[How their fortificatio...
Image title
[How their fortifications were constructed and how they fought against us]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[How we sailed from Prannenbucke to Buttugaris, came upon a French ship, and fought it.]
[How we sailed from Pra...
Image title
[How we sailed from Prannenbucke to Buttugaris, came upon a French ship, and fought it.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[How we arrived at America, were unable to make out the harbor, and how a great storm came upon us.]
[How we arrived at Amer...
Image title
[How we arrived at America, were unable to make out the harbor, and how a great storm came upon us.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[How some of us sailed to examine the harbor and found a crucifix standing on a rock.]
[How some of us sailed ...
Image title
[How some of us sailed to examine the harbor and found a crucifix standing on a rock.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[How we attempted to sail to Saint Vincent in the possession of the Portuguese, intending to take passage with another ship, but were shipwrecked in a great storm.]
[How we attempted to sa...
Image title
[How we attempted to sail to Saint Vincent in the possession of the Portuguese, intending to take passage with another ship, but were shipwrecked in a great storm.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[How I was captured by the savages.]
[How I was captured by ...
Image title
[How I was captured by the savages.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[Title page]
[Title page]
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[Title page]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[Ceremonies by which the the Tuppin Ikins kill their enemies and eat them.]
[Ceremonies by which th...
Image title
[Ceremonies by which the the Tuppin Ikins kill their enemies and eat them.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[How the savages, having captured me, fought our people who attempted to rescue me.]
[How the savages, havin...
Image title
[How the savages, having captured me, fought our people who attempted to rescue me.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[How they behaved to me on the day when they brought be to their village.]
[How they behaved to me...
Image title
[How they behaved to me on the day when they brought be to their village.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[How they danced with me before the huts where they keep their idols, the Tamerka.]
[How they danced with m...
Image title
[How they danced with me before the huts where they keep their idols, the Tamerka.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[How twenty-five canoes of the Tuppin Ikins arrived intended to attack the huts where I was.]
[How twenty-five canoes...
Image title
[How twenty-five canoes of the Tuppin Ikins arrived intended to attack the huts where I was.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[How the sick king, Jeppipo Wasu, returned home again.]
[How the sick king, Jep...
Image title
[How the sick king, Jeppipo Wasu, returned home again.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[How a ship was again sent after me by the Portuguese.]
[How a ship was again s...
Image title
[How a ship was again sent after me by the Portuguese.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[How the Tuppin Ikins had a slave who would have let me be killed. That slave was killed and eaten in my presence.]
[How the Tuppin Ikins h...
Image title
[How the Tuppin Ikins had a slave who would have let me be killed. That slave was killed and eaten in my presence.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[How a French ship arrived and traded with the savages for cotton and brazilwood, but I was not allowed to escape with them.]
[How a French ship arri...
Image title
[How a French ship arrived and traded with the savages for cotton and brazilwood, but I was not allowed to escape with them.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[How the savages set forth to war and took me with them, and what happened on the expedition.]
[How the savages set fo...
Image title
[How the savages set forth to war and took me with them, and what happened on the expedition.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[Warfare among the savages.]
[Warfare among the sava...
Image title
[Warfare among the savages.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[How the savages danced with their enemies when we encamped the next day.]
[How the savages danced...
Image title
[How the savages danced with their enemies when we encamped the next day.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[What the dwellings of the Tuppin Ikins are like.]
[What the dwellings of ...
Image title
[What the dwellings of the Tuppin Ikins are like.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[How the Tuppin Ikins make and drink their beverages.]
[How the Tuppin Ikins m...
Image title
[How the Tuppin Ikins make and drink their beverages.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[Ceremonies by which the the Tuppin Ikins kill their enemies and eat them.]
[Ceremonies by which th...
Image title
[Ceremonies by which the the Tuppin Ikins kill their enemies and eat them.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[Ceremonies by which the the Tuppin Ikins kill their enemies and eat them.]
[Ceremonies by which th...
Image title
[Ceremonies by which the the Tuppin Ikins kill their enemies and eat them.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[Ceremonies by which the the Tuppin Ikins kill their enemies and eat them.]
[Ceremonies by which th...
Image title
[Ceremonies by which the the Tuppin Ikins kill their enemies and eat them.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[Colloque du massacreur avec le prisonnier qu'il doit assommer.]
[Colloque du massacreur...
Léry, Jean de, 1534 - 1...
Image title
[Colloque du massacreur avec le prisonnier qu'il doit assommer.]
Source place of publication
Source date
M. D. XCIIII [1594]
[Wie der krancke König Jeppipo Wasu wider beym kam.]
[Wie der krancke König ...
Staden, Hans, 16th cent...
Image title
[Wie der krancke König Jeppipo Wasu wider beym kam.]
Source place of publication
Gedrukt zu Marpurg [Marburg]
Source date
[Wie eyn Frankösisch schiff ankamc ...]
[Wie eyn Frankösisch sc...
Staden, Hans, 16th cent...
Image title
[Wie eyn Frankösisch schiff ankamc ...]
Source place of publication
Gedrukt zu Marpurg [Marburg]
Source date
[Wie die Obersten des Schiffs genent waren ..]
[Wie die Obersten des S...
Staden, Hans, 16th cent...
Image title
[Wie die Obersten des Schiffs genent waren ..]
Source place of publication
Gedrukt zu Marpurg [Marburg]
Source date
[Wie unser etlicke mit dem bott fuhren den bauingen zubestchtigen ... ]
[Wie unser etlicke mit ...
Staden, Hans, 16th cent...
Image title
[Wie unser etlicke mit dem bott fuhren den bauingen zubestchtigen ... ]
Source place of publication
Gedrukt zu Marpurg [Marburg]
Source date
[Wie ire Festunge war und wie sie gegen uns stritten.]
[Wie ire Festunge war u...
Staden, Hans, 16th cent...
Image title
[Wie ire Festunge war und wie sie gegen uns stritten.]
Source place of publication
Gedrukt zu Marpurg [Marburg]
Source date
[Wie wir auss Prannenbuckte fuhren nach eyner landschafft Buttagaris genant ... ]
[Wie wir auss Prannenbu...
Staden, Hans, 16th cent...
Image title
[Wie wir auss Prannenbuckte fuhren nach eyner landschafft Buttagaris genant ... ]
Source place of publication
Gedrukt zu Marpurg [Marburg]
Source date
[Wie wir in die höhe XXVIII gradus bei das landt America kamen ... ]
[Wie wir in die höhe XX...
Staden, Hans, 16th cent...
Image title
[Wie wir in die höhe XXVIII gradus bei das landt America kamen ... ]
Source place of publication
Gedrukt zu Marpurg [Marburg]
Source date
[Wie wir gewar wurden in was landtschafft der Wilden leut wir den schiffbruch gelitten hatten.]
[Wie wir gewar wurden i...
Staden, Hans, 16th cent...
Image title
[Wie wir gewar wurden in was landtschafft der Wilden leut wir den schiffbruch gelitten hatten.]
Source place of publication
Gedrukt zu Marpurg [Marburg]
Source date
[Wie Sancte Vincente gelegen ist.]
[Wie Sancte Vincente ge...
Staden, Hans, 16th cent...
Image title
[Wie Sancte Vincente gelegen ist.]
Source place of publication
Gedrukt zu Marpurg [Marburg]
Source date
[Wie sie ire gedrencke machen dar an sie sich druncken drincken und wie sie sich halten mit dem trincken. ]
[Wie sie ire gedrencke ...
Staden, Hans, 16th cent...
Image title
[Wie sie ire gedrencke machen dar an sie sich druncken drincken und wie sie sich halten mit dem trincken. ]
Source place of publication
Gedrukt zu Marpurg [Marburg]
Source date
[Comme les femmes des Sauuages font leur breuuage.]
[Comme les femmes des S...
Thevet, André, 1502-159...
Image title
[Comme les femmes des Sauuages font leur breuuage.]
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
Pourtrait de l'herbe Petu[m] ou Angoulmoisine.
Pourtrait de l'herbe Pe...
Thevet, André, 1502-159...
Image title
Pourtrait de l'herbe Petu[m] ou Angoulmoisine.
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
[Femmes & filles pleure[n]t de ioye.]
[Femmes & filles pleure...
Thevet, André, 1502-159...
Image title
[Femmes & filles pleure[n]t de ioye.]
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
Figur der hütten un[d] stocketen.
Figur der hütten un[d] ...
Staden, Hans, 16th cent...
Image title
Figur der hütten un[d] stocketen.
Source place of publication
Gedrukt zu Marpurg [Marburg]
Source date
[Wie sie mit mir wolten wider zurück fahren und die unsern ankamen, meinten mich inen wider zunemen…]
[Wie sie mit mir wolten...
Staden, Hans, 16th cent...
Image title
[Wie sie mit mir wolten wider zurück fahren und die unsern ankamen, meinten mich inen wider zunemen…]
Source place of publication
Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[Wie ich von den wilden gefangen wurd und wie sichs zutrüg.]
[Wie ich von den wilden...
Staden, Hans, 16th cent...
Image title
[Wie ich von den wilden gefangen wurd und wie sichs zutrüg.]
Source place of publication
Gedrukt zu Marpurg [Marburg]
Source date
[Was sich auff der wider umbreyse begab nach irem lande.]
[Was sich auff der wide...
Staden, Hans, 16th cent...
Image title
[Was sich auff der wider umbreyse begab nach irem lande.]
Source place of publication
Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[Wie die Wilden zu krieg zogen mich mit namen unnd was sich auff dem zuge begab.]
[Wie die Wilden zu krie...
Staden, Hans, 16th cent...
Image title
[Wie die Wilden zu krieg zogen mich mit namen unnd was sich auff dem zuge begab.]
Source place of publication
Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
Wie sie Fe[ue]r ma[ch]en.
Wie sie Fe[ue]r ma[ch]e...
Staden, Hans, 16th cent...
Image title
Wie sie Fe[ue]r ma[ch]en.
Source place of publication
Gedrukt zu Marpurg [Marburg]
Source date
Warin sie schlaffen
Warin sie schlaffen
Staden, Hans, 16th cent...
Image title
Warin sie schlaffen
Source place of publication
Gedrukt zu Marpurg [Marburg]
Source date
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