JCB Books Internet Archive
JCB Books Internet Archive
Verken, Johann, active 1607-1613.
Verken, Johann, active 1607-1613.
Author (contributor):
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Author (contributor)
Author (contributor):
Rhode Island Historical Society. Library. former owner.
Rhode Island Historical Society. Library. former owner.
Author (contributor)
Author (contributor):
Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623.
Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623.
Author (contributor)
Author (contributor):
Bry, Johann Israel de, -1611.
Bry, Johann Israel de, -1611.
Author (contributor)
Author (contributor):
Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598.
Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598.
Author (contributor)
Author (contributor):
Arthus, Gotthard, 1568-
Arthus, Gotthard, 1568-
Author (contributor)
Indiae Orientalis pars IX. Historicam descriptionem nauigationis ab Hollandis & Selandis in Indiam Orientalem, sub imperio Petri-Guilielmi Verhuffii, cum nouem maiorem & quatuor minorum nauium classe, annis 1607. 1608. & 1609. susceptae & peractae, &c. continens: : addita omnium, quae hoc tempore eis obtigerunt, annotatione; /
Indiae Orientalis pars IX. Historicam descriptionem nauigationis ab Hollandis & Selandis in Indiam Orientalem, sub imperio Petri-Guilielmi Verhuffii, cum nouem maiorem & quatuor minorum nauium classe, annis 1607. 1608. & 1609. susceptae & peractae, &c. continens: : addita omnium, quae hoc tempore eis obtigerunt, annotatione; /
Ex officina typographica Wolffgangi Richteri
Ex officina typographica Wolffgangi Richteri
Begin Publication Date:
Begin Publication Date
MMS Id (Alma identifier):
MMS Id (Alma identifier)
Permanent Call Number:
J De Bry SV pt. 8 1607 1 Lat cop. 1
J De Bry SV pt. 8 1607 1 Lat cop. 1
Permanent Call Number
Statistics Note 1 (Accession Number):
Statistics Note 1 (Accession Number)
Uniform Resource Identifier:
Uniform Resource Identifier
Verhoeff, Pieter Willemszoon,--approximately 1573-1609.
Verhoeff, Pieter Willemszoon,--approximately 1573-1609.
Indonesian language--Texts.
Indonesian language--Texts.
Malagasy language--Texts.
Malagasy language--Texts.
East Indies--Description and travel.
East Indies--Description and travel.
Indonesia--Description and travel.
Indonesia--Description and travel.
Madagascar--Description and travel.
Madagascar--Description and travel.
Maluku (Indonesia)--Description and travel.
Maluku (Indonesia)--Description and travel.
Imprint 1612.
Imprint 1612.
Imprint 1613.
Imprint 1613.
General Note:
Constitutes the ninth part of Theodor de Bry's Small voyages, printed in 13 parts and an Appendix in Frankfurt am Main and Oppenheim from 1597 to 1633.; This work has been identified as the first issue of the sole Latin edition of part nine of the Small voyages by Church.; At head of engraved title page is the word "Architectvra"; This part contains the relation of a voyage to the Moluccas, or Spice Islands, made by Admiral Pieter Willemsz. Verhoeff in 1607, for the purpose of wresting them from the Portuguese. It was written by Johann Vercken, one of the officers of the fleet, who went out with the expedition but did not return to Holland until 1612. The Supplementum contains a description of the country seen by Vercken during his stay in the East, particularly of the islands of Celebes, Java, Sumatra, Mauritius, and Madagascar. Cf. Church.; There are two issues of the sole Latin edition of part 9. The first issue has plates III, IV, VI, VII, X, and XII, bound following p. 3, 4th count, and plates I-V, bound following p. 1-3, [1], 4th and 5th counts, engraved in their original state as described by Church. The second issue has III, IV, VI, VII, X, and XII, bound following p. 3, 4th count, and plates I-V, bound following p. [1-2], 7th count, re-engraved in a reversed state, as described by Church.; "Icones, omnia, qvae memoratv maxime digna in hac navigatione continentvr, quaeqve tam Hollandis qvam Lvsitanis aliisque populis acciderunt, ad viuum repraesentantes; tabvlis aliqvot eximia dexteritate in aes incisis declaratae & illustratae, opera & studio, Iohannis Theodori de Bry", p. [1-2], 4th count, has separate title page with imprint: Francofvrti, ex officina typographica Wolffgangi Richteri. M. DC. XII. [1612]; "Svpplementvm nonae partis Indiae Orientalis, hoc est, Continvatio prioris itineris sive navigationis, ab Hollandis et Selandis in Indiam Orientalem, svb admirale Petro Guilhelmo Verhuffio, cum nouem maiorum & quatuor minorum nauium classe, ab anno 1607. vsque ad annum 1612. peractae. Addita commemoratione omnivm, quae ipsis porro in Bandicis insulis & alibi acciderunt. Accesservnt colloqvia Latino-Malaica, sev vvulgares qvaedam loquendi formulae, Latina, Malaica & Madagascarica linguis, in gratiam eorum, qui nauigationem fortè in Orientalem Indiam ipsimet suscepturi sunt, conscriptae. Auctore M. Gotardo Arthusio Dantiscano. Omnia elegantissimis in aes incisis iconibus illustrata & in lucem emissa, per Ioannem Theodorum de Bry", p. [2-3], 5th count, has separate title page with imprint: Francofvrti, typis viduae Matthiae Beckeri. M. DC. XIII. [1613]; Pages [31]-88, 6th count, contains dialogues in Latin with their Indonesian and Malagasy equivalents in parallel columns.; "Icones seu imagines, praecipvas historias et res ab Hollandis in Bandicis insvlis porrò gestas, aliaque nonnulla, quae memoratu maximè digna in continuatione hac continentur, ad viuum repraesentantes: tabvlis aliqvot in aes elegantur incisis illustratae, studio & opera Iohannis Theodori de Bry", p. [1-2], 7th count, has separate title page with imprint: Francofvrti, typis viduae Matthiae Beckeri. M. DC. XIII. [1613]; Signatures: pi² (pi1 verso blank) A-F⁴ (F4 verso blank) chi² (chi1 verso, chi2 blank) a² (A1, a2 versos blank) ²A-²F⁴ (²E1 verso blank) G-L⁴ chi1 ³A1 (³A1 verso blank); Fully engraved and illustrated title page; engraved head and tail pieces; initials.; Contains 21 leaves of plates, which include the double map of Mozambique and the double illustration of St. Helena and plates which are numbered I-XII, all of which are printed on recto only and are signed [a]1-2, b-c4, and chi1-2; also there are plates I-V, all of which are printed on recto only following p. [1-2], 7th count, which are signed ⁴A2-4, and chi1-2.; Cf. Alden, J.E. European Americana, 613/135.
Constitutes the ninth part of Theodor de Bry's Small voyages, printed in 13 parts and an Appendix in Frankfurt am Main and Oppenheim from 1597 to 1633.; This work has been identified as the first issue of the sole Latin edition of part nine of the Small voyages by Church.; At head of engraved title page is the word "Architectvra"; This part contains the relation of a voyage to the Moluccas, or Spice Islands, made by Admiral Pieter Willemsz. Verhoeff in 1607, for the purpose of wresting them from the Portuguese. It was written by Johann Vercken, one of the officers of the fleet, who went out with the expedition but did not return to Holland until 1612. The Supplementum contains a description of the country seen by Vercken during his stay in the East, particularly of the islands of Celebes, Java, Sumatra, Mauritius, and Madagascar. Cf. Church.; There are two issues of the sole Latin edition of part 9. The first issue has plates III, IV, VI, VII, X, and XII, bound following p. 3, 4th count, and plates I-V, bound following p. 1-3, [1], 4th and 5th counts, engraved in their original state as described by Church. The second issue has III, IV, VI, VII, X, and XII, bound following p. 3, 4th count, and plates I-V, bound following p. [1-2], 7th count, re-engraved in a reversed state, as described by Church.; "Icones, omnia, qvae memoratv maxime digna in hac navigatione continentvr, quaeqve tam Hollandis qvam Lvsitanis aliisque populis acciderunt, ad viuum repraesentantes; tabvlis aliqvot eximia dexteritate in aes incisis declaratae & illustratae, opera & studio, Iohannis Theodori de Bry", p. [1-2], 4th count, has separate title page with imprint: Francofvrti, ex officina typographica Wolffgangi Richteri. M. DC. XII. [1612]; "Svpplementvm nonae partis Indiae Orientalis, hoc est, Continvatio prioris itineris sive navigationis, ab Hollandis et Selandis in Indiam Orientalem, svb admirale Petro Guilhelmo Verhuffio, cum nouem maiorum & quatuor minorum nauium classe, ab anno 1607. vsque ad annum 1612. peractae. Addita commemoratione omnivm, quae ipsis porro in Bandicis insulis & alibi acciderunt. Accesservnt colloqvia Latino-Malaica, sev vvulgares qvaedam loquendi formulae, Latina, Malaica & Madagascarica linguis, in gratiam eorum, qui nauigationem fortè in Orientalem Indiam ipsimet suscepturi sunt, conscriptae. Auctore M. Gotardo Arthusio Dantiscano. Omnia elegantissimis in aes incisis iconibus illustrata & in lucem emissa, per Ioannem Theodorum de Bry", p. [2-3], 5th count, has separate title page with imprint: Francofvrti, typis viduae Matthiae Beckeri. M. DC. XIII. [1613]; Pages [31]-88, 6th count, contains dialogues in Latin with their Indonesian and Malagasy equivalents in parallel columns.; "Icones seu imagines, praecipvas historias et res ab Hollandis in Bandicis insvlis porrò gestas, aliaque nonnulla, quae memoratu maximè digna in continuatione hac continentur, ad viuum repraesentantes: tabvlis aliqvot in aes elegantur incisis illustratae, studio & opera Iohannis Theodori de Bry", p. [1-2], 7th count, has separate title page with imprint: Francofvrti, typis viduae Matthiae Beckeri. M. DC. XIII. [1613]; Signatures: pi² (pi1 verso blank) A-F⁴ (F4 verso blank) chi² (chi1 verso, chi2 blank) a² (A1, a2 versos blank) ²A-²F⁴ (²E1 verso blank) G-L⁴ chi1 ³A1 (³A1 verso blank); Fully engraved and illustrated title page; engraved head and tail pieces; initials.; Contains 21 leaves of plates, which include the double map of Mozambique and the double illustration of St. Helena and plates which are numbered I-XII, all of which are printed on recto only and are signed [a]1-2, b-c4, and chi1-2; also there are plates I-V, all of which are printed on recto only following p. [1-2], 7th count, which are signed ⁴A2-4, and chi1-2.; Cf. Alden, J.E. European Americana, 613/135.
General Note
Local Note:
John Carter Brown Library copy 1 (J De Bry SV pt. 8 1607 1 Lat cop. 1) bound as 2nd item of 3 with: Indiae Orientalis pars octava: Navigationes qvinqve / by Jacob van Neck and others, Frankfurt am Main, 1607, which is the first Latin edition of part 8 of De Bry's Small voyages, and India Orientalis pars X. Qua continetur, historica relatio sive descriptio novi ad Aqvilonem transitvs, svpra terrasAmericanas in Chinam atq[ue] Iaponem ducturi / by Hessel Gerritsz, Frankfurt am Main, 1613, which is the first Latin edition of part 10 of De Bry's Small voyages.; John Carter Brown Library copy 1 represents a hybrid combination of issues 1 and 2 with plates I-XII, following p. 1-3, [1], 4th and 5th counts, in the original states of the plates III, IV, VI, VII, X, and XII as described by Church, of which I, IV, V, VIII, XI, and XII are folded, and plates I-V, following p. [1-2], 7th count, are in the re-engraved reversed state, as described by Church.; John Carter Brown Library copy 1 imperfect: wanting p. [2-3], 3rd count, blank leaf; wanting the double illustration of St. Helena bound following p. 1-3, [1], 4th and 5th counts; binding trimmed down to 30 cm. in height.; Provenance of the John Carter Brown Library copy 1: Rhode Island Historical Society: book stamp on recto of second front flyleaf and pink book stamp on title page.; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 (J De Bry SV pt. 9 1612 1 Lat) has the original states of the plates III, IV, VI, VII, X, and XII as described by Church following p. 1-3, [1], 4th and 5th counts, and plates I-V in the original state following p. [1-2], 7th count, as described by Church.; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 imperfect: the "Icones seu imagines, praecipvas historias et res ab Hollandis in Bandicis insvlis porrò gestas", p. [1-2], 7th count, and plates I-V following are misbound after p. 30, 6th count, which is then followed by p. [31]-88, 6th count, which contain dialogues in Latin with their Indonesian and Malagasy equivalents in parallel columns; the word "Architectvra" at head of engraved title page has been crossed out.; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 has text block untrimmed and measures 35 cm. in height.
John Carter Brown Library copy 1 (J De Bry SV pt. 8 1607 1 Lat cop. 1) bound as 2nd item of 3 with: Indiae Orientalis pars octava: Navigationes qvinqve / by Jacob van Neck and others, Frankfurt am Main, 1607, which is the first Latin edition of part 8 of De Bry's Small voyages, and India Orientalis pars X. Qua continetur, historica relatio sive descriptio novi ad Aqvilonem transitvs, svpra terrasAmericanas in Chinam atq[ue] Iaponem ducturi / by Hessel Gerritsz, Frankfurt am Main, 1613, which is the first Latin edition of part 10 of De Bry's Small voyages.; John Carter Brown Library copy 1 represents a hybrid combination of issues 1 and 2 with plates I-XII, following p. 1-3, [1], 4th and 5th counts, in the original states of the plates III, IV, VI, VII, X, and XII as described by Church, of which I, IV, V, VIII, XI, and XII are folded, and plates I-V, following p. [1-2], 7th count, are in the re-engraved reversed state, as described by Church.; John Carter Brown Library copy 1 imperfect: wanting p. [2-3], 3rd count, blank leaf; wanting the double illustration of St. Helena bound following p. 1-3, [1], 4th and 5th counts; binding trimmed down to 30 cm. in height.; Provenance of the John Carter Brown Library copy 1: Rhode Island Historical Society: book stamp on recto of second front flyleaf and pink book stamp on title page.; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 (J De Bry SV pt. 9 1612 1 Lat) has the original states of the plates III, IV, VI, VII, X, and XII as described by Church following p. 1-3, [1], 4th and 5th counts, and plates I-V in the original state following p. [1-2], 7th count, as described by Church.; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 imperfect: the "Icones seu imagines, praecipvas historias et res ab Hollandis in Bandicis insvlis porrò gestas", p. [1-2], 7th count, and plates I-V following are misbound after p. 30, 6th count, which is then followed by p. [31]-88, 6th count, which contain dialogues in Latin with their Indonesian and Malagasy equivalents in parallel columns; the word "Architectvra" at head of engraved title page has been crossed out.; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 has text block untrimmed and measures 35 cm. in height.
Local Note
Book files:
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