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Theodor de Bry (Firm)
Author (contributor):
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Author (contributor):
Rhode Island Historical Society. Library. former owner.
Author (contributor):
Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623.
Author (contributor):
Bry, Johann Israel de, -1611.
Author (contributor):
Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598.
Author (contributor):
Arthus, Gotthard, 1568-
Author (contributor):
Roelofsz., Roelof.
Indiae Orientalis pars octaua: Navigationes quinque, : primam, à Iacobo Neccio, ab anno 1600. vsque ad annum 1603. Secundam, à Iohanne Hermanno de Bree, ab anno 1602. vsq[ue], ad annum 1604. Tertiam, à Cornelio Nicolai, annis quatuor. Quartam, à Cornelio de Vena, duobus annis. Quintam, sub Stephano de Hagen tribus annis, in Indiam Orientalem susceptas & peractas continens. Locorum, regnum, populorum, rituuḿque variorum descriptione, victoriarum item à Lusitanis reportatarum, & Araboinae, Tidoriśque expugnationis commemoratione addita. /
In officina typographica Wolfgangi Richteri
Begin Publication Date:
MMS Id (Alma identifier):
Permanent Call Number:
J De Bry SV pt. 8 1607 1 Lat
Statistics Note 1 (Accession Number):
Uniform Resource Identifier:
Neck, Jacob Cornelisz. van,--1564-1638.
Imprint 1607.
Bree, Jan Harmensz. van,---1604.
Claesz, Cornelis,--approximately 1546-1609.
Warwyck, Wijbrant van,--approximately 1569-1615.
Venne, Cornelis van de.
Hagen, Stephen van der,--approximately 1563-1624.
East Indies--Description and travel.
China--Description and travel.
Maluku (Indonesia)--Description and travel.
General Note:
Constitutes the eighth part of Theodor de Bry's Small voyages, printed in 13 parts and an Appendix in Frankfurt am Main and Oppenheim from 1597 to 1633.; This work has been identified as the first issue of the sole Latin edition of part eight of the Small voyages by Church.; This part contains accounts of five voyages made by the Dutch to the East Indies to counteract the influence of the Portuguese and Spaniards who had sought to establish themselves there. They are as follows: (1) the voyage of Jacob van Neck, from 1600-1604, during which he visited the islands of Ternate and Macao, and the city of Patane. The narrative of this voyage was written by Roelof Roelofsz and was translated by Artus for both the German and Latin editions of De Bry. (2) Jan Harmensz. Bree's account of the voyage to the East Indies in 1602-1604, under the command of Admirals de Weert and Pietersz. (3) A short relation made by Cornelis Claesz of that part of the expedition, under the command of Admiral van Neck, which was detached from the main fleet, placed under the command of Corneille Nicolas, and visted China. (4) The voyage of two vessels detached from the fleet under the command of Wilbrandt van Warwijck and placed under the command of Cornelis van de Venne, who sailed with them to China. This relation was published in the Small Voyages for the first time. (5) An account of the second voyage of Steven van der Hagen to the islands of the Moluccas in 1603-1606; first published in Rotterdam in 1606. Cf. Church.; "Historica descriptio navigationis, a Iacobo Neccio cvm navibvs aliqvot in Orientalem Indiam susceptae, & ab anno 1601. vsque ad annum 1604. peractae, addita omnium, quae hoc ei tempore obtigerunt, annotatione": p. 13-44.; "Historiae, a qvodam Hermanno de Bree, navis cvivsdam, qvam sepem Hollandicam vocant, mercatore, in navigatione versus Orientalem Indiam ab anno 1602. vsque ad annum 1604. quo vitam suam finiuit suscepta, consignatae, descriptio": p. 45-100.; "Descriptio navigationis a Cornelio Nicolao ad admiralitatem sive praefectaram Iacobi Neccii pertinentis, quatuor annorum decursu in Orientali India perfectae": p. 101-104.; "Brevis descriptio navigationis, qvam Cornelivs de Vena in Indiam Orientalem duorum annorum spacio perfecit": p. 105-106.; "Descriptio navigationis, qvam admiralis Stephanvs ab Hagen cvm XII. navibvs in Indiam Orientalem svscepit, addita victoriarum, quas Hollandi de nauibus aliquot Lusitanis reportarunt, commemoratione, & Amboinae Tidorisque castellorum expugnatione": p. 107-114.; There are two issues of the sole Latin edition of part 8. The first issue has the plate XII of Amacao in the original state with six rocks in the upper left-hand corner and two water-carriers in the left-center margin; and plates III, V, VIII and XI which have been retouched. The second issue has plate XII of Amacao re-engraved, with only three rocks in the upper left-hand corner and only one water carrier in the left-center margin; the ship at the left in the upper left-hand corner with but three masts; the plough with a wheel attached to it; and with verdure along the shore at the bottom of the plate.; "Icones seu Genvinae et expressae delineationes omnivm memorabilivm, qvae in hac octava Indiae Orientalis parte annotata sunt, varias simul populorum in Ternate, Patane, Cande & aliis locis habitantium ceremonias, mores, habitus, que ob oculos ponentes, accvrato stvdio et opera in aes incisae, & studioso nouarum rerum lectori communicatae exhibitaeque, a Ioanne Theodorico et Ioanne Israele de Bry, fratribvs germanis", p. [3-4], 3rd count, has separate title page with imprint: Francoforti, in officina typographica Wolfgangi Richteri. M. DC. VII. [1607]; Signatures: A-O⁴ (A1 verso blank) chi² (chi2 blank) ²A1 (²A1 verso blank); Errors in paging: p. 63 and 79 misnumbered 83 and 81 respectively.; Fully engraved and illustrated title page; engraved head and tail pieces; initials.; Contains 18 leaves of plates which are numbered I-XVII
Local Note:
John Carter Brown Library copies 1 and 2 represent the first issue in which plate XII of Amacao in the original state has six rocks in the upper left-hand corner and two water-carriers in the left-center margin.; John Carter Brown Library copy 1 bound as 1st item of 3 with: Indiae Orientalis pars IX. Historicam descriptionem nauigationis ab Hollandis & Selandis in Indiam Orientalem, sub imperio Petri-Guilielmi Verhuffi, cum nouem maiorem & quatuor minorum nauium classe, annis 1607. 1608. & 1609. / by Johann Verken, Frankfurt am Main, 1612, which is the first Latin edition of part 9 of De Bry's Small voyages, and Indiae Orientalis pars X. Qua continetur, historica relatio sive descriptio novi ad Aqvilonem transitvs, svpra terras Americanas in Chinam atq[ue] Iaponem ducturi / by Hessel Gerritsz, Frankfurt am Main, 1613, which is the first Latin edition of part 10 of De Bry's Small voyages.; John Carter Brown Library copy 1 imperfect: several lines of text on p. 107 and 111 have been erased and obscured; binding trimmed down to 30 cm. in height.; Provenance of the John Carter Brown Library copy 1: Rhode Island Historical Society: book stamp on recto of second front flyleaf and pink book stamp on title page.; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 has double plate XIII followed by an variant folded state of the plate.

Indiae Orientalis pars octaua: Navigationes quinque, : primam, à Iacobo Neccio, ab anno 1...

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