JCB Books Internet Archive
JCB Books Internet Archive
Theodor de Bry (Firm)
Theodor de Bry (Firm)
Author (contributor):
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Author (contributor)
Author (contributor):
Kemys, Lawrence, -1618.
Kemys, Lawrence, -1618.
Author (contributor)
Author (contributor):
Pretty, Francis.
Pretty, Francis.
Author (contributor)
Author (contributor):
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1552?-1618.
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1552?-1618.
Author (contributor)
Author (contributor):
Arthus, Gotthard, 1568-
Arthus, Gotthard, 1568-
Author (contributor)
Author (contributor):
Bry, Johann Israel de, -1611.
Bry, Johann Israel de, -1611.
Author (contributor)
Author (contributor):
Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623.
Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623.
Author (contributor)
Author (contributor):
Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598.
Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598.
Author (contributor)
Americae pars VIII. : Continens primo, Descriptionem trium itinerum nobilissimi et fortissimi equitis Francisci Draken, qui peragrato primum vniuerso terrarum orbe, postea cum nobilissimo equite Iohanne Hauckens, ad expugnandum ciuitatem Panama, in Indiam nauigauit, vbi vitam suam ambo finierunt. Secundo, iter noblissimi equitis Thomae Candisch, qui duorum ferè annorum spacio, 13000. Anglicana miliaria in mari confecit, vbi describuntur quoque omnia quae in hoc itinere ipsi acciderunt & visa sunt. Tertio, duo itinera, nobilissimi & fortissimi domini Gualtheri Ralegh equitis & designati gubernatoris regij in Anglia praesidij, nec non fortissimi capitanei Laurentii Keyms. Quibus itineribus describitur auriferum et potentissimum regnum Guiana, ad septentrionem fluminis Orenoque, aliàs Oreciliana dicti, situm, cum metropoli eius Manoa & Macuieguarai, aliisq[ue] finitimis regionibus & fluuis, mereibus item praestantissimis, & mercatura, quae in regno hoc exercetur. /
Americae pars VIII. : Continens primo, Descriptionem trium itinerum nobilissimi et fortissimi equitis Francisci Draken, qui peragrato primum vniuerso terrarum orbe, postea cum nobilissimo equite Iohanne Hauckens, ad expugnandum ciuitatem Panama, in Indiam nauigauit, vbi vitam suam ambo finierunt. Secundo, iter noblissimi equitis Thomae Candisch, qui duorum ferè annorum spacio, 13000. Anglicana miliaria in mari confecit, vbi describuntur quoque omnia quae in hoc itinere ipsi acciderunt & visa sunt. Tertio, duo itinera, nobilissimi & fortissimi domini Gualtheri Ralegh equitis & designati gubernatoris regij in Anglia praesidij, nec non fortissimi capitanei Laurentii Keyms. Quibus itineribus describitur auriferum et potentissimum regnum Guiana, ad septentrionem fluminis Orenoque, aliàs Oreciliana dicti, situm, cum metropoli eius Manoa & Macuieguarai, aliisq[ue] finitimis regionibus & fluuis, mereibus item praestantissimis, & mercatura, quae in regno hoc exercetur. /
Per Matthaeum Becker sumptibus dictorum Theodorici de Bry viduae & filiorum
Per Matthaeum Becker sumptibus dictorum Theodorici de Bry viduae & filiorum
Begin Publication Date:
Begin Publication Date
MMS Id (Alma identifier):
MMS Id (Alma identifier)
Permanent Call Number:
J De Bry GV pt. 8 1599 Lat
J De Bry GV pt. 8 1599 Lat
Permanent Call Number
Statistics Note 1 (Accession Number):
Statistics Note 1 (Accession Number)
Uniform Resource Identifier:
Uniform Resource Identifier
Drake, Francis,--approximately 1540-1596.
Drake, Francis,--approximately 1540-1596.
Cavendish, Thomas,--1560-1592.
Cavendish, Thomas,--1560-1592.
Raleigh, Walter,--Sir,--1552?-1618.
Raleigh, Walter,--Sir,--1552?-1618.
Voyages around the world.
Voyages around the world.
Guyana--Description and travel.
Guyana--Description and travel.
America--Discovery and exploration--British.
America--Discovery and exploration--British.
Imprint 1599.
Imprint 1599.
General Note:
Constitutes a hybrid of the eighth part, first and second issues of the first Latin edition of Theodor de Bry's Great voyages, printed in fourteen parts, in Latin, German, French, and English, in Frankfurt am Main, Oppenheim, and Hanau from 1590-1644, and the Elenchus, an outline of the thirteen Latin parts, published by Matthias Merian in Frankfurt am Main in 1634.; This work has been identified as a hybrid of the first and second issues of part eight of the first Latin edition of the Great voyages by Church.; Imprint from letterpress tite page to plates, p. [2-3], 4th count.; The first issue of the first edition of Latin part eight can be identified by the missigned leaf 2A2 as A2, and by a lack of a small copperplate mappa mundi at the foot of p. 78, 2nd count, and the same of the mare del nort on p. 3, 3rd count; plates VI, VII, VIII, and IX lack the index numbers printed in the plates; in the course of printing plates XIII and XIIII were transposed, but the correct illustrations have been cut out and pasted in their proper places; gathering 2K, p. 71-77, 2nd count, has 2K1 printed as 2R1 and had the ink scratched out to correct the signature mark, and 2K3 is misigned 2R3.; The second issue of the first edition of Latin part eight can be identified by leaf 2A2 being corrected [possibly to ):(2, though Church does not mention exactly how it is signed], and by the inclusion of a small copperplate mappa mundi at the foot of p. 78, 2nd count, and the same of the mare del nort on p. 3, 3rd count; plates VI, VII, VIII, and IX include the index numbers printed in the plates, and plates XIII and XIIII are correctly printed; gathering 2K, p. 71-77, 2nd count, has 2K1 printed correctly but 2K3 still misigned 2R3.; "Tabulae & imagines ad septimam et octavam Americae partem, nimirvm primo ad historiam Vlrici Fabri, deinde ad descriptionem itineris Francisci Draen, ac tandem ad illustrationem regionis Gvianae, pertinentes. In quibus vita mores & ceremoniae, horum populorum ad vituum depinguntur. Facta item et res gestae Hispaniorvm et Anglorvm, qvaeqve ipsis in itinere acciderunt, illustrantur. Solido aeri incisae et lectori ante oculos positae, studio & opera Theodorici de Bry P. M. relictae viduae & filiorum", p. [2-3], 4th count, has imprint: Impressae Francofvrti ad Moenvm per Matthaevm Becker, sumptibus dictorum Theodorici de Bry viduae & filiorum. Anno M. D. XCIX.; This part contains relations of six different voyages; three by Drake, one by Candish or Cavendish, and two by Sir Walter Raleigh. Drake's first voyage (p. 3-16) took place in 1577-1580. No description of it had previously been published. This account, from which de Bry, and later Hakluyt, published it in Latin and English respectively, was written by Niño de Sylva, a Portuguese. The second voyage of Drake (p. 17-32) around the world was finished in 1585. De Bry's account is based upon that of Thomas Cates. Drake's third voyage (p. 33-44), directed against the Spanish at Panama, took place in 1595-1596. This account is taken from his log-book of the expedition, which was continued by his men. Thomas Candish, or Cavendish, circumnavigated the world in 1586-1588. An account of the voyage was written in English by Thomas [i.e. Francis] Pretty who accompanied him. It was published by Hakluyt. De Bry's narrative appears to have been based upon a manuscript account of Pretty's relation. The first voyage of Sir Walter Raleigh was undertaken in 1595, during which he visited Guiana. He himself published an account of it in London in 1596. The second voyage, attributed to Raleigh, does not appear to have been made by him, but by Laurent Keymis, a companion of the voyage of 1595, who set out for Guiana in 1596. On his return he wrote a description of his voyage which was published in London in the same year. Cf. Church.; Contains a double map of the northeastern part of South America with text in Latin and German bound between p. 2 and 3, 2nd count, and plates numbered I-XVIII,
Constitutes a hybrid of the eighth part, first and second issues of the first Latin edition of Theodor de Bry's Great voyages, printed in fourteen parts, in Latin, German, French, and English, in Frankfurt am Main, Oppenheim, and Hanau from 1590-1644, and the Elenchus, an outline of the thirteen Latin parts, published by Matthias Merian in Frankfurt am Main in 1634.; This work has been identified as a hybrid of the first and second issues of part eight of the first Latin edition of the Great voyages by Church.; Imprint from letterpress tite page to plates, p. [2-3], 4th count.; The first issue of the first edition of Latin part eight can be identified by the missigned leaf 2A2 as A2, and by a lack of a small copperplate mappa mundi at the foot of p. 78, 2nd count, and the same of the mare del nort on p. 3, 3rd count; plates VI, VII, VIII, and IX lack the index numbers printed in the plates; in the course of printing plates XIII and XIIII were transposed, but the correct illustrations have been cut out and pasted in their proper places; gathering 2K, p. 71-77, 2nd count, has 2K1 printed as 2R1 and had the ink scratched out to correct the signature mark, and 2K3 is misigned 2R3.; The second issue of the first edition of Latin part eight can be identified by leaf 2A2 being corrected [possibly to ):(2, though Church does not mention exactly how it is signed], and by the inclusion of a small copperplate mappa mundi at the foot of p. 78, 2nd count, and the same of the mare del nort on p. 3, 3rd count; plates VI, VII, VIII, and IX include the index numbers printed in the plates, and plates XIII and XIIII are correctly printed; gathering 2K, p. 71-77, 2nd count, has 2K1 printed correctly but 2K3 still misigned 2R3.; "Tabulae & imagines ad septimam et octavam Americae partem, nimirvm primo ad historiam Vlrici Fabri, deinde ad descriptionem itineris Francisci Draen, ac tandem ad illustrationem regionis Gvianae, pertinentes. In quibus vita mores & ceremoniae, horum populorum ad vituum depinguntur. Facta item et res gestae Hispaniorvm et Anglorvm, qvaeqve ipsis in itinere acciderunt, illustrantur. Solido aeri incisae et lectori ante oculos positae, studio & opera Theodorici de Bry P. M. relictae viduae & filiorum", p. [2-3], 4th count, has imprint: Impressae Francofvrti ad Moenvm per Matthaevm Becker, sumptibus dictorum Theodorici de Bry viduae & filiorum. Anno M. D. XCIX.; This part contains relations of six different voyages; three by Drake, one by Candish or Cavendish, and two by Sir Walter Raleigh. Drake's first voyage (p. 3-16) took place in 1577-1580. No description of it had previously been published. This account, from which de Bry, and later Hakluyt, published it in Latin and English respectively, was written by Niño de Sylva, a Portuguese. The second voyage of Drake (p. 17-32) around the world was finished in 1585. De Bry's account is based upon that of Thomas Cates. Drake's third voyage (p. 33-44), directed against the Spanish at Panama, took place in 1595-1596. This account is taken from his log-book of the expedition, which was continued by his men. Thomas Candish, or Cavendish, circumnavigated the world in 1586-1588. An account of the voyage was written in English by Thomas [i.e. Francis] Pretty who accompanied him. It was published by Hakluyt. De Bry's narrative appears to have been based upon a manuscript account of Pretty's relation. The first voyage of Sir Walter Raleigh was undertaken in 1595, during which he visited Guiana. He himself published an account of it in London in 1596. The second voyage, attributed to Raleigh, does not appear to have been made by him, but by Laurent Keymis, a companion of the voyage of 1595, who set out for Guiana in 1596. On his return he wrote a description of his voyage which was published in London in the same year. Cf. Church.; Contains a double map of the northeastern part of South America with text in Latin and German bound between p. 2 and 3, 2nd count, and plates numbered I-XVIII,
General Note
Local Note:
John Carter Brown Library copy 1 imperfect: double map of the northeastern part of South America with text in Latin and German bound between p. [2], 1st count, and p. 1, 2nd count.; John Carter Brown Library copy 1 has 2 copies of p. 77-78, 2nd count, the first lacking the mappa mundi at the foot of p. 78, which is counted in collation, followed by the one with p. 78 containing the mappa mundi at the foot of p. 78, which is not counted in collation; there are two copies of p. 3-4, 3rd count, the first wanting the mare del nort map at foot of p. 3, which is counted in collation, and the other with the map at the foot of p. 3, which is not counted in collation; in this copy plates VI, VII, VIII, and IX do have the index numbers printed on the plates and plates XIII and XIII have not been transposed and have the correct illustrations printed onto the plates.; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 imperfect: wanting p. [4-5], 4th count, final blank leaf e4.; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 has the cartographic vignette intended to have been printed on p. 3, 3rd count, as the vignette on the title page; there is a folded, double map of the northeastern part of South America with text in Latin and German bound between p. 2 and 3, 2nd count; this copy is lacking the mappa mundi at the foot of p. 78, 2nd count, and the mare del nort on p. 3, 3rd count; leaf 2A2, p. 3-4, 2nd count, is here signed ):(2, leaf 2F3, p. 43-44, 2nd count, is also missigned 2E3, and leaf 2K3, p. 75-76, 2nd count, is also missigned 2R3; plates VI, VII, VIII, and IX include the index numbers printed in the plates and plates XIII and XIII have not been transposed and have the correct illustrations printed onto the plates.
John Carter Brown Library copy 1 imperfect: double map of the northeastern part of South America with text in Latin and German bound between p. [2], 1st count, and p. 1, 2nd count.; John Carter Brown Library copy 1 has 2 copies of p. 77-78, 2nd count, the first lacking the mappa mundi at the foot of p. 78, which is counted in collation, followed by the one with p. 78 containing the mappa mundi at the foot of p. 78, which is not counted in collation; there are two copies of p. 3-4, 3rd count, the first wanting the mare del nort map at foot of p. 3, which is counted in collation, and the other with the map at the foot of p. 3, which is not counted in collation; in this copy plates VI, VII, VIII, and IX do have the index numbers printed on the plates and plates XIII and XIII have not been transposed and have the correct illustrations printed onto the plates.; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 imperfect: wanting p. [4-5], 4th count, final blank leaf e4.; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 has the cartographic vignette intended to have been printed on p. 3, 3rd count, as the vignette on the title page; there is a folded, double map of the northeastern part of South America with text in Latin and German bound between p. 2 and 3, 2nd count; this copy is lacking the mappa mundi at the foot of p. 78, 2nd count, and the mare del nort on p. 3, 3rd count; leaf 2A2, p. 3-4, 2nd count, is here signed ):(2, leaf 2F3, p. 43-44, 2nd count, is also missigned 2E3, and leaf 2K3, p. 75-76, 2nd count, is also missigned 2R3; plates VI, VII, VIII, and IX include the index numbers printed in the plates and plates XIII and XIII have not been transposed and have the correct illustrations printed onto the plates.
Local Note
Book files:
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