JCB Books Internet Archive
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796. (Guillaume-Thomas-François),
Author (contributor):
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Author (contributor):
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796. (Guillaume-Thomas-François),
Author (contributor):
Bonne, Rigobert, 1727-1794.
Author (contributor):
Deleyre, Alexandre, 1726-1796.
Histoire philosophique et politique des établissements & du commerce des Européens dans les deux Indes. Tome premier [-septieme]
chez Jean-Edme Dufour imprimeur & libraire
Begin Publication Date:
MMS Id (Alma identifier):
Permanent Call Number:
E774 .R274h3
Statistics Note 1 (Accession Number):
STAT_NOTE_1_ACCESSION #: 32779-32805
Uniform Resource Identifier:
East Indies.
America--Discovery and exploration.
General Note:
Author's name from Barbier (and from portrait); Originally published Amsterdam, 1770.; Edition in 7 volumes in octavo, with 19 books of text, 4 folded maps designed by Rigobert Bonne, a frontispiece illustration in each volume and a portrait of Raynal in v.1.; According to various sources, the following persons provided substantial information and collaborated with Raynal in the writing of the text: Denis Diderot; Jean Pechméja; Paul Henri Dietrich Holbach; Paulze; J. Dutasta; and abbé Martin.; Authorship of book 19 (v.7: p. [143]-303) sometimes exclusively assigned to Alexandre Deleyre; other sources state text partly written by Raynal and partly by Deleyre, while yet different sources report Deleyre as editor of book 19. A different edition of v.7 published under the same title and by the same publisher, Maastricht, 1774, and intended as a supplement to earlier editions consisting of 6 volumes, includes additional text to v. 1-6 and the text of book 19.; Vignette on title pages.; Half titles for v. 1-7 read: Histoire philosophique et politique. Tome premier [-septieme]. Half title for book 19 (v.7: p. [143]) reads: Tableau de l'Europe.; Numerous errors in paging.; Plates (12) unnumbered.; Cf. Barbier, A.A. Ouvrages anonymes 8264; Feugère, A. Bib. critique de l'abbé Raynal 41.; Includes indexes.
Local Note:
For collation by signatures, see the John Carter Brown Library's bibliographical file.; John Carter Brown Library copy bound in contemporary sheep.; John Carter Brown Library copy gift of the Associates of the John Carter Brown Library.