JCB Books Internet Archive
New Spain.
Author (contributor):
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Author (contributor):
Harvard University.
Author (contributor):
Biblioteca Pública de Lima (Peru)
Author (contributor):
Jesuits. Province of Peru.
Author (contributor):
Puga, Vasco de, -1576.
Prouisio[n]es cedulas instruciones de Su Magestad: : ordena[n]ças d[e] difu[n]tos y audie[n]cia, p[ar]a la buena expedicio[n] de los negocios, y administracio[n] d[e] justicia: y gouernacio[n] d[e]sta Nueua España: y p[ar]a el bue[n] tratamie[n]to y [con]seruacio[n] d[e] los yndios, dende el año 1525. hasta este presente de. 63.
En casa de Pedro Ocharte
Begin Publication Date:
MMS Id (Alma identifier):
Permanent Call Number:
1-SIZE BB .N532 1563 1
Statistics Note 1 (Accession Number):
Accession number: 5254
Uniform Resource Identifier:
Law--New Spain.
Indians of North America--Legal status, laws, etc.
Indians of Mexico--Legal status, laws, etc.
Indians of the West Indies--Legal status, laws, etc.
New Spain--Law and legislation.
Imprint 1563.
General Note:
At head of title: Philippvs hispaniarvm et indiarvm rex.; Compiled by Vasco de Puga. Commonly known as Cedulario de Puga.; Illustrated title page; coat of arms on t.p. and leaf 5v; ornamented and historiated capitals.; Colophon on leaf [5]r: "[par.] A ho[n]rra y gloria de Nuestro Señor Jesu Christo acabose este presente libro en Mexico en casa de Pedro Ocharte, a veynte y tres dias del mes de nouiembre de mill [et] quinientos [et] sesenta y tres años. [par.] Esta tassado por el illustrissimo señor do[n] Luys de Uelasco uirrey a real el pliego. Por ma[n]dado de su señoria Antonio de Turcios secretario."; The copy reported upon in Icazbalceta and the two copies held at the John Carter Brown Library vary slightly. Icazbalceta (incorrectly?) reports the month in line 2 of leaf 2 verso as "mayo", where both JCBL copies read "março", as is also reported by Medina. Foliation errors common to all three copies: leaves 13, 19, 28, 107, 112, 123, 137, 172, 180 and 196 misprinted as 145, 29, 20, 109, 120, 12, 150, 173, 181 and 188; no. 39 defective. Icazbalceta additionally reports leaf 36 misprinted 37.; Signatures: a-2d⁸ chi² (versos of a1 and chi2 are blank). Misprinting d4 and 2a4 as c4 and a4 respectively; t2 not signed.; Index on leaves [1-5]
Local Note:
John Carter Brown Library copy 1: leaf 203 misprinted 202. Excessively trimmed at upper margin. Some corners and edges repaired, without loss of text. Ink ms. addition to table on leaf [3]v.; John Carter Brown Library copy 2: leaf 210 misprinted 110.; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 bound in contemporary limp vellum.; Provenance of the John Carter Brown Library copy 2: Circular brand on bottom edge not legible. Brand on top edge reads: Biblioteca Pub. d Lima. Circular stamps on t.p. and leaves 40 and 80 read: Biblioteca Publica de Lima. Ink ms. on t.p. reads: De la Comp[añia] de J[esus] de Lima de la libreria. Leaves 91 and 94 are darkly foxed. Purchased from Harvard University.
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