JCB Books Internet Archive
Juana Inés de la Cruz, Sister, 1651-1695.
Author (contributor):
Women of the Page Exhibition (John Carter Brown Library)
Author (contributor):
Stirling Maxwell, William, 1818-1878
Author (contributor):
Castorena y Ursúa, Juan Ignacio de, 1668-1733.
Fama, y obras posthumas del fenix de Mexico, decima musa, poetisa americana, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, religiosa professa en el convento de San Geronimo de la imperial ciudad de Mexico; : consagralas a la Magestad Catholica de la reyna nuestra señora doña Mariana de Neoburg Baviera Palatina del Rhin, por mano de la Excma. señora doña Juana de Aragon y Cortès, duquesa de Monteleon, y Terra-Nova, marquesa del Valle de Goaxaca, &c. /
En la Imprenta de Manuel Ruiz de Murga à la calle de la Habada
Begin Publication Date:
MMS Id (Alma identifier):
Permanent Call Number:
BA700 .J91f
Statistics Note 1 (Accession Number):
Uniform Resource Identifier:
Spanish poetry--Classical period, 1500-1700.
Spiritual exercises.
Imprint 1700.
General Note:
Generally considered the first edition of the third volume of her works; many of the the first leaves of each gathering have either "Parte III." or "Tom. 3" following text at bottom of pages.; "Prologo a quien leyere, el doctor don Iuan Ignacio de Castorena Vrsua, capellan de honor de Su Magestad, theologo, examinador de la nunciatura de España, y prebendado de la Santa Iglesa Metropolitana de Mexico": p. [120-132], 1st count.; Much of the preliminary matter is filled with laudatory poetry by different authors for Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.; Much of the works by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz on p. 1-210, are poems with some religious meditations and spiritual exercises.; Signatures: pi² (-pi2) [par.]⁴ 2[par.]⁴ 3[par.]⁴ 4[par]⁴ chi1 5[par]⁴ 6[par.]⁴ a-c⁴ 7[par.]⁴ 8[par.]⁴ 9[par.]⁴ 10[par.]⁴ *⁴⁻****⁴ ²chi1 A-2D⁴ (H2 missigned H3); Errata: p. [35], 1st count.; "Advertencia": p. [141-142], 1st count.; Title page printed in red and black; head and tail pieces; initials.; Engraved portrait bound following title page leaf in architectural border ornamented with emblems and armorial bearings of the patrons of this publication, the queen and the marquesa del Valle.
Local Note:
The first volume of her works was entitled "Inundacion castalida de la unica poetisa, musa dezima, soror Juana Ines de la Cruz" and printed in Madrid, 1689. The second volume was entitled "Segundo volumen de las obras de Soror Juana Ines de la Cruz, monja profesa en el Monasterio del Señor San Gerónimo de la ciudad de Mexico" and printed in Madrid, 1692.; John Carter Brown Library copy bound in 19th century calf with blind-tooled coat of arms of William Stirling on front board and unidentifed coat of arms on rear board; front board fully detached.; John Carter Brown Library copy acquired as a gift of the JCB Associates.; Provenance of the John Carter Brown Library copy: William Stirling: armorial bookplate on front pastedown and blind-tooled coat of arms on front board.

Fama, y obras posthumas del fenix de Mexico, decima musa, poetisa americana, Sor Juana Ine...