JCB Books Internet Archive
Gay, Claudio, 1800-1873.
Author (contributor):
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Author (contributor):
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Historia fisica y politica de Chile : segun documentos adquiridos en esta republica durante doze años de residencia en ella /
En la imprenta de Fain y Thunot calle Racine 28 cerca del Odeon; En el Museo de historia natural de Santiago; En casa de autor
Begin Publication Date:
MMS Id (Alma identifier):
Permanent Call Number:
B844 .G285h
Statistics Note 1 (Accession Number):
Uniform Resource Identifier:
Natural history--Chile.
General Note:
Text arranged according to five divisions: Historia. Tomo primero [-octavo], 1844 [i.e. 1843]-1871; Documentos sobre la historia, la estadistica y la geografia. Tomo primero [-segundo], 1846-1852; Botanica. Tomo primero [-octavo], 1845-1852 [i.e. 1854]; Zoologia. Tomo primero [-octavo], 1847-1854; and: Agricultura. Tomo primero [-segundo], 1862-1865.; Text in Spanish; diagnoses of plants and animals (divisions Botanica and Zoologia) in Latin.; Vignette on title pages.; Printer's imprint on p. facing t.p., in later volumes also on last page.; Printer's imprint varies: Paris. En la imprenta de E. Thunot y Ca, calle Racine, 28 [later: 26], cerca del Odeon (Hist., v. 5-6; Bot., v. 5-6, 8; Agric., v. 1-2; Atlas, v. 1-2); Paris. En la imprenta de Rouge y Comp. rue du Four Saint Germain [later: 43] (Hist., v. 7-8); Paris, Imprenta de Maulde y Renou, calle Bailleul, 9 [later: 9-11], cerca del Louvre [later: calle des Fosses St-Germ. l'Auxerrois, 14; still later: calle de Rivoli, 114] (Bot., v. 7; Zool., v. 1-8); Dates of publication: Most of the text volumes probably published in parts, although definite proof has been reported only for the division Botanica (except for v. 6) and for v. 1 of division Historia and v. 2 of division Zoologia (for details see Stafleu & Cowan, Engelmann, and BMNH). Title page dates are: 1844 (Hist., v.1); 1845 (Hist., v. 2; Bot., v. 1); 1846 (Docum., v. 1; Bot., v. 2); 1847 (Hist., v. 3; Bot., v. 3; Zool., v. 1); 1848 (Hist., v. 4; Zool., v. 2); 1849 (Hist., v. 5; Bot., v. 4-5; Zool., v. 3-4); 1850 (Bot., v. 7); 1851 (Zool., v. 5-6); 1852 (Docum., v. 2; Bot., v.8; Zool., v. 7); 1853 (Bot, v. 6); 1854 (Hist., v. 6; Zool., v. 8; Atlas, v. 1-2); 1862 (Agric., v. 1); 1865 (Agric., v. 2); 1870 (Hist, v. 7); 1871 (Hist., v. 8); Title pages of atlas volumes: Atlas de la Historia fisica y politica de Chile por Claudio Gay. Tomo primero [-segundo]. Paris en la imprenta de E. Thunot y Ca calle Racine, 26, cerca del Odeon. MDCCCLIV.; Numerous errors in paging.; 315 leaves of plates (1 folded), many colored or partly colored. All plates (except for the folded map) have heading: Historia de Chile, and most of the plates are numbered, not consecutively, but according to divisions and sections. Atlas v. 1 has 180 plates, with the unnumbered folded map and a portrait; the section Geografia [of the division Documentos] with 18 maps and 2 plans; the division Historia [not designated as such] with 55 plates; and the division Botanica with 103 plates. Atlas v. 2 has 135 plates and comprises the division Zoologia. The division Agricultura does not have illustrations.; Errata (Botanica v. 8: p. [399]-403; Zoologia v. 8: p. [477]); Includes indexes (divisions Botanica and Zoologia only); For contributors of the divisions Botanica and Zoologia see Stafleu & Cowan and BMNH; the division Documentos often lists the names of the persons responsible for the various documents included.
Local Note:
For collation by signatures and pages, see the John Carter Brown Library's bibliographical file.; John Carter Brown Library copy, bound in contemporary quarter calf and paper boards, imperfect: lacks half title and title page in Zoologia v. 5 and half title in Agricultura v. 2.; John Carter Brown Library copy gift of Mr. Giles W. Mead.; Atlas volumes have call number: B844 G285h 2-SIZE.

Historia fisica y politica de Chile : segun documentos adquiridos en esta republica durant...