Question of the legality of the General Warrants issued for the arrest of the authors, printers, and publishers of John Wilkes's North Briton, no. 45 (April 23, 1763), which was insulting to George III. General Warrants were eventually declared illegal. Images include: America as a burdened Indian; Britannia despondent; the Economy as a servant; ships for sale; William Pitt, Earl Chatham, on a crutch; George Grenville holding a scale; a prison; "Stamp Men," (tax collectors).
Question of the legality of the General Warrants issued for the arrest of the authors, printers, and publishers of John Wilkes's North Briton, no. 45 (April 23, 1763), which was insulting to George III. General Warrants were eventually declared illegal. Images include: America as a burdened Indian; Britannia despondent; the Economy as a servant; ships for sale; William Pitt, Earl Chatham, on a crutch; George Grenville holding a scale; a prison; "Stamp Men," (tax collectors).
Narrative description