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7,951-8,000 of 27,512
A King of Florida consulting his Magician previous to his going to Battle.
A King of Florida consu...
Image title
A King of Florida consulting his Magician previous to his going to Battle.
Source place of publication
Source date
The Ceremony of a Divorce, as practised by the natives of Canada, in North America.
The Ceremony of a Divor...
Image title
The Ceremony of a Divorce, as practised by the natives of Canada, in North America.
Source place of publication
Source date
[bottom] View of A Town in the Island of Terra Del Fuego.
[bottom] View of A Town...
Image title
[bottom] View of A Town in the Island of Terra Del Fuego.
Source place of publication
Source date
Affecting interview of two Moskito Men, one of whom had been left Three Years on the Island of Juan Fernandez by Captn. Dampier.
Affecting interview of ...
Image title
Affecting interview of two Moskito Men, one of whom had been left Three Years on the Island of Juan Fernandez by Captn. Dampier.
Source place of publication
Source date
[top] A Young Sea Otter found off the NorthWest Coast of America. [bottom] A White Bear found in the Pacific Ocean near Icy Cape.
[top] A Young Sea Otter...
Image title
[top] A Young Sea Otter found off the NorthWest Coast of America. [bottom] A White Bear found in the Pacific Ocean near Icy Cape.
Source place of publication
Source date
[left] A Man of Christmas Sound, Tierra del Fuego.; [right] A Woman of Christmas Sound, Tierra del Fuego.
[left] A Man of Christm...
Image title
[left] A Man of Christmas Sound, Tierra del Fuego.; [right] A Woman of Christmas Sound, Tierra del Fuego.
Source place of publication
Source date
Chart of Norton Sound and of Bherings Strait made by the East Cape of Asia and the West Point of America.
Chart of Norton Sound a...
Image title
Chart of Norton Sound and of Bherings Strait made by the East Cape of Asia and the West Point of America.
Source place of publication
Source date
Celebration of the Canadian's grand Sacrifice to Quitchi Manitou, whom they call their great Spirit.
Celebration of the Cana...
Image title
Celebration of the Canadian's grand Sacrifice to Quitchi Manitou, whom they call their great Spirit.
Source place of publication
Source date
The Indians Astonished at the Eclipse of the Moon foretold by Columbus.
The Indians Astonished ...
Drake, Edward Cavendish
Image title
The Indians Astonished at the Eclipse of the Moon foretold by Columbus.
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLXX [1770]
Women expecting death from the hands of Dutch Sailors who had murdered their husbands.
Women expecting death f...
Drake, Edward Cavendish
Image title
Women expecting death from the hands of Dutch Sailors who had murdered their husbands.
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLXX [1770]
Captain Rogers's People stripping some Ladies of their Jewels in the Neighbourhood of Guiaquil
Captain Rogers's People...
Drake, Edward Cavendish
Image title
Captain Rogers's People stripping some Ladies of their Jewels in the Neighbourhood of Guiaquil
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLXX [1770]
The Landing of Captain Rogers's men at California, and their reception by the Natives
The Landing of Captain ...
Drake, Edward Cavendish
Image title
The Landing of Captain Rogers's men at California, and their reception by the Natives
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLXX [1770]
Modo che tengono i medici nel medicare gl'infermi
Modo che tengono i medi...
Benzoni, Girolamo, b. 1...
Image title
Modo che tengono i medici nel medicare gl'infermi
Source place of publication
Venetia [Venice]
Source date
M D LXV. [1565]
Admiral Anson's men in the dress of the Inhabitants of Payta.
Admiral Anson's men in ...
Drake, Edward Cavendish
Image title
Admiral Anson's men in the dress of the Inhabitants of Payta.
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLXX [1770]
A View of Truxillo a City belonging to the Spaniards in the Bay of Honduras.
A View of Truxillo a Ci...
Drake, Edward Cavendish
Image title
A View of Truxillo a City belonging to the Spaniards in the Bay of Honduras.
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLXX [1770]
Sir Walter Raleigh sets at Liberty five Indian Kings, who were all linked together.
Sir Walter Raleigh sets...
Drake, Edward Cavendish
Image title
Sir Walter Raleigh sets at Liberty five Indian Kings, who were all linked together.
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLXX [1770]
Inhabitants of North America, near Hudsons Bay with their manner of Killing Wild Fowl.
Inhabitants of North Am...
Drake, Edward Cavendish
Image title
Inhabitants of North America, near Hudsons Bay with their manner of Killing Wild Fowl.
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLXX [1770]
[top] Habits of the People of Chili in America. [bottom] Remarkable Serpents and Baboons of Gautimala [sic] in America.
[top] Habits of the Peo...
Drake, Edward Cavendish
Image title
[top] Habits of the People of Chili in America. [bottom] Remarkable Serpents and Baboons of Gautimala [sic] in America.
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLXX [1770]
[Death of female slave on St. Christopher]
[Death of female slave ...
Raynal, abbé (Guillaume...
Image title
[Death of female slave on St. Christopher]
Source place of publication
Geneve [Geneva]
Source date
M. DCC. LXXV. [1775]
Ramel, Jean-Pierre, 176...
Image title
Source place of publication
Londres [London]
Source date
[Plan of the Philadelphia prison]
North America
[Plan of the Philadelph...
Turnbull, Robert J. (Ro...
Image title
[Plan of the Philadelphia prison]
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
l'an VIII. [1800]
Modo di fare il pane
Modo di fare il pane
Benzoni, Girolamo, b. 1...
Image title
Modo di fare il pane
Source place of publication
Venetia [Venice]
Source date
M D LXV. [1565]
Montanus, Arnoldus, 162...
Image title
Source place of publication
Source date
[Brazilians dancing]
[Brazilians dancing]
Montanus, Arnoldus, 162...
Image title
[Brazilians dancing]
Source place of publication
Source date
[Brazilians cook human flesh]
[Brazilians cook human ...
Montanus, Arnoldus, 162...
Image title
[Brazilians cook human flesh]
Source place of publication
Source date
[Native American worship]
[Native American worshi...
Montanus, Arnoldus, 162...
Image title
[Native American worship]
Source place of publication
Source date
Montanus, Arnoldus, 162...
Image title
Source place of publication
Source date
[Native American warfare]
[Native American warfar...
Montanus, Arnoldus, 162...
Image title
[Native American warfare]
Source place of publication
Source date
The Habits of the Gronelanders.
The Habits of the Grone...
Image title
The Habits of the Gronelanders.
Source place of publication
Source date
[Title page]
Spanish America
[Title page]
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
t' Amsterdam
Source date
The Death of Warren
North America
The Death of Warren
Brackenridge, H. H. (Hu...
Image title
The Death of Warren
Source place of publication
Source date
Oploop te Mexico
Spanish America
Oploop te Mexico
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
Image title
Oploop te Mexico
Source place of publication
t' Amsterdam
Source date
Begravinge van de koning der Mechaocanen
Spanish America
Begravinge van de konin...
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
Image title
Begravinge van de koning der Mechaocanen
Source place of publication
t' Amsterdam
Source date
Gevaerlycke Passagie.
Spanish America
Gevaerlycke Passagie.
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
Image title
Gevaerlycke Passagie.
Source place of publication
t' Amsterdam
Source date
Onnoselheÿt der Indianen
Spanish America
Onnoselheÿt der Indiane...
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
Image title
Onnoselheÿt der Indianen
Source place of publication
t' Amsterdam
Source date
Vreemde Maniere van Dorschen.
Spanish America
Vreemde Maniere van Dor...
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
Image title
Vreemde Maniere van Dorschen.
Source place of publication
t' Amsterdam
Source date
Gierigheyt der Geestelicken
Spanish America
Gierigheyt der Geesteli...
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
Image title
Gierigheyt der Geestelicken
Source place of publication
t' Amsterdam
Source date
Vliegende Springhanen
Spanish America
Vliegende Springhanen
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
Image title
Vliegende Springhanen
Source place of publication
t' Amsterdam
Source date
[Title page]
[Brazil, Caribbean Isla...
[Title page]
Roggeveen, Arent, d. 16...
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
A Amsterdam
Source date
[Suite de la mort de Vitachuco.]
North America
[Suite de la mort de Vi...
Vega, Garcilaso de la, ...
Image title
[Suite de la mort de Vitachuco.]
Source place of publication
A Leide [Leiden]
Source date
MDCC XXXI. [1731]
Cari cuna: huarmi cuna
Spanish America
Cari cuna: huarmi cuna
Perez Bocanegra, Juan
Image title
Cari cuna: huarmi cuna
Source place of publication
Impresso en Lima
Source date
Habits & Maisons des Floridains dans le Païs de Yupaha.
North America
Habits & Maisons des Fl...
Vega, Garcilaso de la, ...
Image title
Habits & Maisons des Floridains dans le Païs de Yupaha.
Source place of publication
A Leide [Leiden]
Source date
MDCC XXXI. [1731]
[Queen of the Cofitachequi greets Hernando de Soto]
North America
[Queen of the Cofitache...
Vega, Garcilaso de la, ...
Image title
[Queen of the Cofitachequi greets Hernando de Soto]
Source place of publication
A Leide [Leiden]
Source date
MDCC XXXI. [1731]
[Spanish soldiers and native American chief]
North America
[Spanish soldiers and n...
Vega, Garcilaso de la, ...
Image title
[Spanish soldiers and native American chief]
Source place of publication
A Leide [Leiden]
Source date
MDCC XXXI. [1731]
[Tascaluca meets the Spanish]
North America
[Tascaluca meets the Sp...
Vega, Garcilaso de la, ...
Image title
[Tascaluca meets the Spanish]
Source place of publication
A Leide [Leiden]
Source date
MDCC XXXI. [1731]
[Spaniards enter Mobile]
North America
[Spaniards enter Mobile...
Vega, Garcilaso de la, ...
Image title
[Spaniards enter Mobile]
Source place of publication
A Leide [Leiden]
Source date
MDCC XXXI. [1731]
[top] Tartarian, or Hunting Indian, Inhabiting the Inland parts of North America. [bottom] Esquimaux, or Fishing Indian, Inhabiting the Sea-Coasts of Labrador and Davis's Strait.
North America
[top] Tartarian, or Hun...
Chappell, Edward, 1792-...
Image title
[top] Tartarian, or Hunting Indian, Inhabiting the Inland parts of North America. [bottom] Esquimaux, or Fishing Indian, Inhabiting the Sea-Coasts of Labrador and Davis's Strait.
Source place of publication
Source date
Fish Flake, and Salting House; as they are seen in all the Ports of Newfoundland.
North America
Fish Flake, and Salting...
Chappell, Edward, 1792-...
Image title
Fish Flake, and Salting House; as they are seen in all the Ports of Newfoundland.
Source place of publication
Source date
Entrance to St. John's Harbour, Newfoundland.
North America
Entrance to St. John's ...
Chappell, Edward, 1792-...
Image title
Entrance to St. John's Harbour, Newfoundland.
Source place of publication
Source date
Wigwam of the Micmac Indians, in St. George's Bay, Newfoundland.
North America
Wigwam of the Micmac In...
Chappell, Edward, 1792-...
Image title
Wigwam of the Micmac Indians, in St. George's Bay, Newfoundland.
Source place of publication
Source date
7,951-8,000 of 27,512