Browse All : Images from 1772

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The Right Honourable William Pitt, Earl of Chatham
North America
The Right Honourable Wi...
Image title
The Right Honourable William Pitt, Earl of Chatham
Source place of publication
Source date
Admiral Rodney before Cartagena
Admiral Rodney before C...
European political scen...
Admiral Rodney before Cartagena
Image technique
European political scene
Memoire a consulter, et consultation, sur plusieurs questions importantes dans une affaire pendante en l'Amirauté de Rouen. : Notamment sur la question si un capitaine-géreur, domicilié à Rouen, a pu se créer, pendant le tems par lui employé aux opérations de sa commission, un domicile en Amérique, au préjudice & en fraude de ses constituans, à l'effet de se soustraire aux juges de Rouen, juges naturels du compte qu'il doit leur rendre, & de son exécution. Et sur la question si, n'y ayant pas encore de loi qui oblige par corps un capitaine-géreur de se rendre en France lorsque ses constituans l'y rappellent, aux termes de la soumission qu'il en a prise, pour y rendre son compte & payer le reliquat, ses constituans ont fait un acte oppressif de la liberté civile, en obtenant un ordre du roi, pour, sur son refus de revenir en France, même de finir à l'amiable en Amérique, le faire revenir en France devant ses juges naturels
[Saurine, Pierre, La Cr...
Memoire a consulter, et...
[Saurine, Pierre, La Croix, Joseph-Vincent de, Gossey, A, Elie de Beaumont, Jean-Baptiste-Jacques, 1732-1786, Amirauté de Rouen]
Memoire a consulter, et consultation, sur plusieurs questions importantes dans une affaire pendante en l'Amirauté de Rouen. : Notamment sur la question si un capitaine-géreur, domicilié à Rouen, a pu se créer, pendant le tems par lui employé aux opérations de sa commission, un domicile en Amérique, au préjudice & en fraude de ses constituans, à l'effet de se soustraire aux juges de Rouen, juges naturels du compte qu'il doit leur rendre, & de son exécution. Et sur la question si, n'y ayant pas encore de loi qui oblige par corps un capitaine-géreur de se rendre en France lorsque ses constituans l'y rappellent, aux termes de la soumission qu'il en a prise, pour y rendre son compte & payer le reliquat, ses constituans ont fait un acte oppressif de la liberté civile, en obtenant un ordre du roi, pour, sur son refus de revenir en France, même de finir à l'amiable en Amérique, le faire revenir en France devant ses juges naturels
[France, Haiti]
[Rouen?] : De l'impr. de L. Cellot, rue Dauphine
Mémoire sur les avantages qu'il y auroit a changer absolument la nourriture des gens de mer.
Mémoire sur les avantag...
Poissonnier-Desperrières, Antoine, 1722-1793
Mémoire sur les avantages qu'il y auroit a changer absolument la nourriture des gens de mer.
[Diet in disease, Diet therapy, Nutritionally induced diseases, Sailors, Scurvy]
A Versailles : de l'Imprimerie de l'Hôtel de la Guerre
Procès-verbal de l'analyse des eaux minérales du Port-à-Piment, faite par Mrs Polony, médecin, & Chatard, apothicaire du Roi
[Polony, Chatard, apoth...
Procès-verbal de l'anal...
[Polony, Chatard, apothicaire]
Procès-verbal de l'analyse des eaux minérales du Port-à-Piment, faite par Mrs Polony, médecin, & Chatard, apothicaire du Roi
Mineral waters
Au Cap [Cap-Français, i.e. Cap-Haïtien, Haiti] : chez Guillot, imprimeur bréveté du Roi.
Relacion del exemplar castigo que acaba de executarse en esta Ciudad de los Reyes : en una quadrilla de ladrones el dia 13. de agosto de este año de 1772. de órden del Exmo. señor virey D. Manuel de Amat y Junient; cuyas circunstancias se participan en carta escrita á un correspondiente por el capitan D. Juan Bernardo Valero, ayudante mayor del regimiento de infanteria de milicias de esta ciudad, y de la guardia de Su Exc.
[Montt, Luis, 1848-1909...
Relacion del exemplar c...
[Montt, Luis, 1848-1909. fmo RPJCB, Valero, Jaun Bernardo]
Relacion del exemplar castigo que acaba de executarse en esta Ciudad de los Reyes : en una quadrilla de ladrones el dia 13. de agosto de este año de 1772. de órden del Exmo. señor virey D. Manuel de Amat y Junient; cuyas circunstancias se participan en carta escrita á un correspondiente por el capitan D. Juan Bernardo Valero, ayudante mayor del regimiento de infanteria de milicias de esta ciudad, y de la guardia de Su Exc.
[Lima : Imprenta de la Calle de San Jacinto]
De par le Roi. Réglement de police. : Du 19 juin 1772
[France, France. Sovere...
De par le Roi. Réglemen...
[France, France. Sovereign (1715-1774 : Louis XV), Port-au-Prince (Haiti). Conseil supérieur, Dubois, G. fmo RPJCB]
De par le Roi. Réglement de police. : Du 19 juin 1772
Black people, Slavery
Au Port-au-Prince : Chez Guillot, imprimeur brévéte du Roi.
A New Map of the Southern Parts of America taken from Manuscript Maps made in the Country and a Survey of the Eastern Coast made by Order of the King of Spain.
A New Map of the Southe...
South America
Falkner, Thomas, 1707-1...
Map title
A New Map of the Southern Parts of America taken from Manuscript Maps made in the Country and a Survey of the Eastern Coast made by Order of the King of Spain.
Thomas Kitchin
Hydrographical Map of the Atlantic Ocean, Extending from the Southermost part of North America to Europe ...
Hydrographical Map of t...
North America
De Brahm, John Gerar Wi...
Map title
Hydrographical Map of the Atlantic Ocean, Extending from the Southermost part of North America to Europe ...
P. Andrews
[Map of the Southern Parts of America]
[Map of the Southern Pa...
South America
Falkner, Thomas, 1707-1...
Map title
[Map of the Southern Parts of America]
Thomas Kitchin
A map of the most inhabited part of New England, containing the Provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire, with the Colonies of Conecticut and Rhode Island, divided into counties and townships. The whole composed from actual surveys and its situation adjusted by astronomical observations
A map of the most inhab...
North America
Map title
A map of the most inhabited part of New England, containing the Provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire, with the Colonies of Conecticut and Rhode Island, divided into counties and townships. The whole composed from actual surveys and its situation adjusted by astronomical observations
Green, John, d. 1757
America Meridionalis conciñata juxta observationes Dñn Acad. Regalis Scientiarum et nonnullorum aliorum et juxta annotationes recentissimas per G. de L'Isle Geographum ; venalis prostat Agustae Vindelicorum ; apud Tobiam Conr. Lotter, Geogr. et Calcogr
America Meridionalis co...
South America
Map title
America Meridionalis conciñata juxta observationes Dñn Acad. Regalis Scientiarum et nonnullorum aliorum et juxta annotationes recentissimas per G. de L'Isle Geographum ; venalis prostat Agustae Vindelicorum ; apud Tobiam Conr. Lotter, Geogr. et Calcogr
[L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726, Lotter, Gustav Conrad]
A general map of America divided into North and South and West Indies, with the newest discoveries
A general map of Americ...
Western hemisphere
Map title
A general map of America divided into North and South and West Indies, with the newest discoveries
Sayer, Robert, 1725-1794
[North America] A map of the whole continent of America divided into North and South and West Indies with a copius table fully shewing the several possessions of each European Prince & State, as settled by the definitive treaty concluded at Paris Feby. 10th 1763 the clauses of which relative thereto are inserted compiled from Mr. D'Anvilles maps of that continent, 1772
[North America] A map o...
North America
Anville, Jean Baptiste ...
Map title
[North America] A map of the whole continent of America divided into North and South and West Indies with a copius table fully shewing the several possessions of each European Prince & State, as settled by the definitive treaty concluded at Paris Feby. 10th 1763 the clauses of which relative thereto are inserted compiled from Mr. D'Anvilles maps of that continent, 1772
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', 1697-1782
[South America] A map of the whole continent of America divided into North and South and West Indies with a copius table fully shewing the several possessions of each European Prince & State, as settled by the definitive treaty concluded at Paris Feby. 10th 1763 the clauses of which relative thereto are inserted compiled from Mr. D'Anvilles maps of that continent, 1772
[South America] A map o...
South America
Anville, Jean Baptiste ...
Map title
[South America] A map of the whole continent of America divided into North and South and West Indies with a copius table fully shewing the several possessions of each European Prince & State, as settled by the definitive treaty concluded at Paris Feby. 10th 1763 the clauses of which relative thereto are inserted compiled from Mr. D'Anvilles maps of that continent, 1772
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', 1697-1782
Col. Benjamin. Church.
North America
Col. Benjamin. Church.
Church, Benjamin, 1639-...
Image title
Col. Benjamin. Church.
Source place of publication
Newport, Rhode-Island
Source date
Philip. King of Mount Hope
North America
Philip. King of Mount H...
Church, Benjamin, 1639-...
Image title
Philip. King of Mount Hope
Source place of publication
Newport, Rhode-Island
Source date
[top] Amerikaansche Wilde Duie [bottom] Rakoon
North America
[top] Amerikaansche Wil...
Kalm, Pehr, 1716-1779
Image title
[top] Amerikaansche Wilde Duie [bottom] Rakoon
Source place of publication
Te Utrecht
Source date
Mocking bird. Purpere Krai of Spreuw. Robin-red-breast. Rode Krai of Spreuw.
North America
Mocking bird. Purpere K...
Kalm, Pehr, 1716-1779
Image title
Mocking bird. Purpere Krai of Spreuw. Robin-red-breast. Rode Krai of Spreuw.
Source place of publication
Te Utrecht
Source date
[Carding machine for cotton]
Spanish America
[Carding machine for co...
Image title
[Carding machine for cotton]
Source place of publication
Impresa en México
Source date
[The nations of Europe assemble]
Spanish America
[The nations of Europe ...
Image title
[The nations of Europe assemble]
Source place of publication
London [i.e, Paris?]
Source date
[Title page]
North America
[Title page]
Kalm, Pehr, 1716-1779
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
Te Utrecht
Source date
De par le Roi. Réglement de police. : Du 19 juin 1772.
De par le Roi. Régleme...
Chez Guillot imprimeur ...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Haiti Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), France. Sovereign (1715-1774 : Louis XV), Port-au-Prince (Haiti). Conseil supérieur., Dubois, G.]
[Slaves--Law and legislation--Haiti., Black people--Law and legislation--Haiti., Haiti--History--To 1791., Haiti--Politics and government--To 1791., Imprint 1772.]
Noticias americanas: : Entretenimientos phisicos-historicos, sobre la América Meridional, y la Septentrianal [sic] oriental.  Comparacion general de los territorios, climas, y produciones en las tres especies, vegetales, animales, y minerales: Con relacion particular de las petrificaciones de cuerpos marinos de los Indios naturales de aquellos paises, sus costumbres, y usos: De las antiguedades: Discurso sobre la lengua, y sobre el modo en que pasaron los primeros pobladores. /
Noticias americanas: : ...
Ulloa, Antonio de, 1716...
En la imprenta de don F...
[Natural history--South America., Natural history--North America., Indians of South America., Mines and mineral resources--South America., South America--Description and travel., North America--Description and travel.]
De la félicité publique. Ou Considérations sur le sort des hommes dans les différentes epoques de l'histoire.
De la félicité publiq...
Chastellux, François Je...
Chez Marc-Michel Rey
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Social history., Economic history., Booksellers' catalogs--Netherlands--1772., Imprint 1772.]
A vindication of the power, obligation and encouragement of the unregenerate to attend the means of grace. Against the exceptions of the Rev. Mr. Samuel Hopkins, in the second part of his reply to the Rev. Mr. Mills; intitled, "The true state and character of the unregenerate, stripped of all misrepresentation and disguise." /
A vindication of the po...
Hemmenway, Moses, 1735-...
Printed and sold by J K...
[Hopkins, Samuel,--1721-1803.--True state and character of the unregenerate., Regeneration (Theology), Salvation.]
Congrès politique, ou Entretiens libres des puissances de l'Europe; sur le bal général prochain. : Avec figures.
Congrès politique, ou ...
Chez TR Delorme imprim ...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Europe--Politics and government--18th century., Imprint 1772.]
A complete German grammar : in two parts. The first part containing the theory of the language through all the parts of speech; the second part is the practice in as ample a manner as can be desired /
A complete German gramm...
Bachmair, John James, -...
London printed Philadel...
[German language--Grammar., German language--Pronunciation., German language--Orthography and spelling., German language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., German language--Textbooks for foreign speakers--English., Imprint 1772.]
Concerning Labrador, Feb. 1772. There is a wild nation of savages, the Eskimaux, on the coast of Labrador, on the continent of North America, opposite Newfoundland, who have for many years been accustomed to rob and murder the English, .
Concerning Labrador, Fe...
Carta, /
Carta, /
Catholic Church. Dioces...
En la oficina de la cal...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Llano Zapata, José Eusebio de, 1716?-1780., Ríos, Francisco de los, 1720-1776.]
[Amat y Junient, Manuel de,--1707-1782., Peru--Politics and government--1548-1820., Imprint 1772.]
The case of Mr. John Gordon, : with respect to the title to certain lands in East Florida, purchased of His Catholick Majesty's subjects by him and Mr. Jesse Fish, for themselves and others his Britannick Majesty's subjects: in conformity to the twentieth article of the last definitive treaty of peace. : With an appendix.
The case of Mr. John Go...
Walker, Fowler, 1731 or...
[Real property--Florida., Land titles--Florida., Florida--History--To 1821--Sources., Imprint 1772.]
A candid disquisition of the principles and practices of the most antient and honourable society of Free and Accepted Masons; together with some strictures on the origin, nature, and design of that institution. Dedicated, with permission, to the most noble and most worshipful Henry Duke of Beaufort, &c. &c. Grand Master. By Wellins Calcott P.M. [Two lines from Horace]
A candid disquisition o...
Calcott, Wellins.
London printed reprinte...
Imprint 1772.
Benevolence, and gratitude: a poem. By George Cockings.
Benevolence, and gratit...
Cockings, George, -1802...
printed for and sold by...
King George's right to the crown of Great-Britain, displayed: being a collection from history, from the first known times to the present year, 1769. Extracted for the benefit of those in the province of Massachusetts-Bay, who have not leisure to study history. Shewing it to be the duty of all officers and others, to defend the heirs of Sophia, being Protestants, upon the British throne, and the undoubted right that King George the Third hath to the crown of Great-Britain. Extracted by Hezekiah Gates of Lancaster, in New England.
King George's right to ...
Gates, Hezekiah, 1700-1...
Printed and sold by W M...
Imprint 1772.
Asuntos varios sobre ciencias, y artes. : Obra periódica ... /
Asuntos varios sobre ci...
En la Imprenta de la Bi...
Author (contributor)
[León, Nicolás, 1859-1929, Alzate y Ramírez, José Antonio de, 1737-1799.]
[CSAIP., Agriculture--Periodicals., Science--Periodicals., Mexican periodicals--Mexico--Mexico City., Imprint 1772., Imprint 1773.]
Nachricht von den neuesten Entdeckungen der Engländer in der Süd-See: oder Auszug aus dem Tagebuch des Königl. Schiffs The Endeavour, welches in den Jahren 1768-1771. eine Reise um die Welt gethan, und auf derselben verschiedene bisher unbekannte Länder in der südlichen Hemisphäre entdeckt hat, : nebst einer kurzen Beschreibung dieser Länder, deren vorzüglichen Seltenheiten, Beschaffenheit der Einwohner, und einer kleinen Probe von der Sprache die in jenem Theil der Welt üblich ist.
Nachricht von den neues...
bey Haude und Spener
Author (contributor)
[Forster, Georg, 1754-1794., Parkinson, Sydney, 1745?-1771., Perry, William, active 1768-1771., Magra, James Maria.]
[Cook, James,--1728-1779., Voyages around the world., Tahitian language., Pacific Ocean--Discovery and exploration.]
The American village, a poem. To which are added, several other original pieces in verse. By Philip Freneau, A.B. [Two lines in Latin from Horace]
The American village, a...
Freneau, Philip Morin, ...
Printed by S Inslee and...
Imprint 1772.
Voyage autour du monde, par la frégate du roi La Boudeuse et la flute l'Étoile, : en 1766, 1767, 1768, & 1769.
Voyage autour du monde,...
Bougainville, Louis-Ant...
de l'Imprimerie de la S...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Bourdeuse (Frigate), Etoile (Ship), Voyages around the world., Tahitian language--Vocabulary., Oceania--Description and travel., Imprint 1773.]
L'an deux mille quatre cent quarante. : Rêve s'il en fût jamais.
L'an deux mille quatre ...
Mercier, Louis-Sébastie...
E van Harrevelt
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
A treatise concerning religious affections. In three parts. Part I. Concerning the nature of the affections, and their importance in religion. ... Part III. Shewing what are distinguishing signs of truly gracious and holy affections. By Jonathan Edwards, .
A treatise concerning r...
Edwards, Jonathan, 1703...
printed by John Gray fo...
Some account of the proceedings at the college of the Right Hon. the Countess of Huntingdon, in Wales. Relative to those students called to go to her ladyship's college in Georgia. ... In three letters. By one who was present.
Some account of the pro...
One who was present. at...
Imprint 1772.
Soon after the last European peace many of the King's subjects in the provinces of Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania apprehended, that as the French were removed from the lands in the neighborhood of the Ohio, and the Indians were then in a Pacific disposition, they might with propriety make settlements on the fertile country over the Allegany mountains; .
Soon after the last Eur...
Grand Ohio Company.
Relacion del exemplar castigo que acaba de executarse en esta Ciudad de los Reyes : en una quadrilla de ladrones el dia 13. de agosto de este año de 1772. de órden del Exmo. señor virey D. Manuel de Amat y Junient; cuyas circunstancias se participan en carta escrita á un correspondiente /
Relacion del exemplar c...
Valero, Juan Bernardo.
Imprenta de la Calle de...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Montt, Luis, 1848-1909]
[Thieves--Peru--Lima--History--Sources., CSAIP., Imprint 1772.]
An argument in the case of James Sommersett a negro, lately determined by the Court of King's Bench: wherein it is attempted to demonstrate the present unlawfulness of domestic slavery in England. To which is prefixed a state of the case. By Mr. Hargrave, one of the counsel for the negro.
An argument in the case...
Sommersett, James.
printed for the author ...
Author (contributor)
[Great Britain. Court of King's Bench, Hargrave, Francis, 1741?-1821]
Reglamento general, y metodico de los dias, y horas fixas, que se establecen, en que los conductores de à caballo, destinados à servir el correo ordinario de las tres veredas, : ó rutas principales de la ciudad del Cuzco, Piura, y Arequipa deberàn salir de quince en quince dias, y hacer dos viages redondos todos los meses, con las correspondencias, y encomiendas del real servicio, y del público, de esta capital de Lima, para dicha ciudad del Cuzco .
Reglamento general, y m...
Peru (Viceroyalty)
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Pando, Joseph Antonio de.]
[Postal service--Peru., Imprint 1772.]
Eu Elrey. Fąco saber aos que este alvará de declarącão virem: que tendo informącão, de que do Meu alvará de dez de setembro de mil setecentos sessenta e sinco, : que, abollindo as frótas, permittio aos Meus vassallos a liberdade de navegarem para os portos não vedados dos Meus dominios ultramarinos; e de transportarem delles, e para elles quaesque mercadorias permittidas; do outro alvará de dous de junho de mil setecentos sessenta e seis, que derrogando a lei dezeseis de fevereiro de mil setecentos e quarenta, com os decretos, que prohibiram, que os navios, que fahissem destinados a quaesquer portos do Brazil, não pudessem variar as suas escalas para passarem a outros .
Eu Elrey. Fąco saber a...
Na Regia Officina Typog...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Trade regulations--Portugal--Colonies., Portugal--Commerce--Brazil., Portugal--Commerce--Africa., CPJCB., Imprint 1772.]
Procès-verbal de l'analyse des eaux minérales du Port-à-Piment, /
Procès-verbal de l'ana...
chez Guillot imprimeur ...
Author (contributor)
[Haiti Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Chatard (Apothecary)]
[Mineral waters--Haiti., Port-à-Piment (Sud, Haiti), Imprint 1772.]
Projet d'armement, et acte de société y [sic] annexé
Projet d'armement, et a...
de l'Imprimerie de la v...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Haiti Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)]
[Slave trade--West Indies, French., France--Commerce--Haiti., Imprint 1772.]
The entertaining history of King Philip's war, which began in the month of June, 1675. : As also of expeditions more lately made against the common enemy, and Indian rebels, in the eastern parts of New-England: With some account of the divine providence towards Col. Benjamin Church: /
The entertaining histor...
Church, Benjamin, 1639-...
Boston printed 1716 New...
Author (contributor)
[JCB Redwood Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Newport Mechanics and Apprentices Library., Brown University. Library, Stevens, Philip., Stevens, John., Burgess, Ebenezer., Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795., Church, Thomas, 1674-1746.]
[King Philip's War, 1675-1676., United States--History--King William's War, 1689-1697., United States--History--Queen Anne's War, 1702-1713., Imprint 1772.]
Parecer, que en la congregacion del martes 18 de febrero de 1772 /
Parecer, que en la cong...
Durán, José Miguel.
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Marimón, Juan de.]
[Theology--Study and teaching--Peru., Imprint 1772.]
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