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Ein Baum von welchen der Saft gessapstet wird
North America
Ein Baum von welchen de...
Vallemont, abbé de (Pie...
Image title
Ein Baum von welchen der Saft gessapstet wird
Source place of publication
Budissin [i.e. Bautzen, Germany]
Source date
Virginia Marylandia et Carolina in America septentrionali Britannorum industria excultae
Virginia Marylandia et ...
North America
Map title
Virginia Marylandia et Carolina in America septentrionali Britannorum industria excultae
Johann Baptiste Homann
A New and Correct Map of the World Projected upon the Plane of the Horizon laid down from the Newest Discoveries and most Exact Observations
A New and Correct Map o...
Map title
A New and Correct Map of the World Projected upon the Plane of the Horizon laid down from the Newest Discoveries and most Exact Observations
[H. Terasson, Charles Price]
A new map of the island of Barbadoes wherein every parish, plantation, watermill, windmill & cattlemill, is described with the name of the present possesor, and all things els remarkable according to a late exact survey thereof
A new map of the island...
Map title
A new map of the island of Barbadoes wherein every parish, plantation, watermill, windmill & cattlemill, is described with the name of the present possesor, and all things els remarkable according to a late exact survey thereof
Forde, Richard, fl. 1674-1687
Plan de la Ville de Lima capitale du Perou
Plan de la Ville de Lim...
South America
Feuillée, Louis, 1660-1...
Map title
Plan de la Ville de Lima capitale du Perou
P. Giffart
Plan de la riviere de la plate
Plan de la riviere de l...
Feuillée, Louis, 1660-1...
Map title
Plan de la riviere de la plate
P. Giffart
Mappe-Monde pour connoitre les progrés & les conquestes les plus Remarquables des Provinces-Unies, Ainsy que celles des Compagnies d"Orient et d'Occident, Et les Païs quelles possédemt damn l'un et dan lautre Hemisphere.
Mappe-Monde pour connoi...
Map title
Mappe-Monde pour connoitre les progrés & les conquestes les plus Remarquables des Provinces-Unies, Ainsy que celles des Compagnies d"Orient et d'Occident, Et les Païs quelles possédemt damn l'un et dan lautre Hemisphere.
Chatelain, Henri Abraham, 1684-1743
A Plan projected for Codrington Colledge in Barbados; Most humbly Presented to the Illustrious Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. By their Obedient Servant C. Lilly.
A Plan projected for Co...
Stanhope, George, 1660-...
Image title
A Plan projected for Codrington Colledge in Barbados; Most humbly Presented to the Illustrious Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. By their Obedient Servant C. Lilly.
Source place of publication
Source date
The Orthography of Codrington Colledge in Barbados, humbly Dedicated to The IIlustrious Society for the Propagation of The Gospel in Foreign Parts, By their Devoted Servant C. Lilly.
The Orthography of Codr...
Stanhope, George, 1660-...
Image title
The Orthography of Codrington Colledge in Barbados, humbly Dedicated to The IIlustrious Society for the Propagation of The Gospel in Foreign Parts, By their Devoted Servant C. Lilly.
Source place of publication
Source date
[top] Gezicht van de Stadt St. Salvador, aan de kant van de Baai. [bottom] Plan van de Stadt St. Salvador ...
[top] Gezicht van de St...
Frézier, Amédée Françoi...
Image title
[top] Gezicht van de Stadt St. Salvador, aan de kant van de Baai. [bottom] Plan van de Stadt St. Salvador ...
Source place of publication
Te Amsterdam
Source date
Plan van de Haven, Stadts Citadel, en Sterktens van Angra ...
Plan van de Haven, Stad...
Frézier, Amédée Françoi...
Image title
Plan van de Haven, Stadts Citadel, en Sterktens van Angra ...
Source place of publication
Te Amsterdam
Source date
[top] Profil, langs de lyn A. B. [middle] Profil, langs de lyn C. D. van de landzyde te zien. [bottom] Gizicht van de Stadt Angra aan de kant van de haven
[top] Profil, langs de ...
Frézier, Amédée Françoi...
Image title
[top] Profil, langs de lyn A. B. [middle] Profil, langs de lyn C. D. van de landzyde te zien. [bottom] Gizicht van de Stadt Angra aan de kant van de haven
Source place of publication
Te Amsterdam
Source date
Chronica de la Provincia del Santissimo No[m]bre de Jesus de Guatemala, de el Orden de N. Seraphico Padre San Francisco en el Reyno de la Nueva España. : Dividida en dos tomos /
Chronica de la Provinci...
Vázquez, Francisco, 164...
En la Ymprenta de S Fra...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Convento de San Francisco (Santiago, Chile)., Montt, Luis, 1848-1909]
[Franciscans--Guatemala--Biography., Franciscans--Guatemala--History., Franciscans--Central America--Biography., Franciscans--Central America--History., CSAIP., Imprint 1714.]
Petri Albini Niuemontii Commentatio de linguis peregrinis atque insulis ignotis ex scripto manu ipsius exarato /
Petri Albini Niuemontii...
Albinus, Petrus, 1543-1...
Apud Io Ludouicum Meise...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Grotius, Hugo, 1583-1645., Cnauth, Samuel.]
[Columbus, Christopher., Vespucci, Amerigo,--1451-1512., Language and languages--Study and teaching., America--Discovery and exploration--British., America--Discovery and exploration--Spanish., Imprint 1714.]
Imagem da virtude em o noviciado da Companhia de Jesus do Real Collegio do Espirito Santo de Evora do reyno de Portugal. : Na qual se contèm a fundaçam desta santa casa, vida de seu fundador, & mais servos de Deos, que nella, ou foraõ mestres, ou discipulos. ... /
Imagem da virtude em o ...
Franco, Antonio, 1662-1...
na Officina real deslan...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Jesuits--Portugal., Jesuits--Missions., Imprint 1714.]
The history of Carolina; : containing the exact description and natural history of that country: together with the present state thereof. And a journal of a thousand miles, travel'd thro' several nations of Indians. Giving a particular account of their customs, manners, &c. /
The history of Carolina...
Lawson, John, 1674-1711...
printed for W Taylor at...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Brown University. Library, England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II)., Collinson, Charles Streynsham., Collinson, Peter, 1694-1768]
[Natural history--North Carolina., Indian linguistics--Woccon language., Catalogs, Booksellers'--Great Britain--1714., Imprint 1714., Natural history--South Carolina., Indians of North America--North Carolina., Indians of North America--South Carolina., Tuscarora language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., Woccon language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., North Carolina--Description and travel., South Carolina--Description and travel., Indian linguistics--Tuscarora language.]
Arte de la lengua tarasca, /
Arte de la lengua taras...
Basalenque, Diego, 1577...
por Francisco de Rivera...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Quixas, Nicolas de.]
[Catholic Church--Missions--Mexico., Purépecha language--Grammar., Purépecha language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., Indians of Mexico--Tarascan language., CSAIP., Indian linguistics--Tarascan language., Imprint 1714.]
Imagen politica del govierno del Excmo. senor D. Diego Ladron de Guevara, : del consejo de S.M. obispo de Quito, virrey, governador, y capitan general de los Reynos del Perũ, Tierra-firme, y Chile &c. Desde que entro su Exc. à governar hasta el presente. /
Imagen politica del gov...
Peralta Barnuevo, Pedro...
Por Geronimo de Contrer...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864]
[Ladrón de Guevara, Diego,--1641-1718., Viceroys--Peru., Peru (Viceroyalty)--History--18th century., CSAIP., Imprint 1714.]
Duodecennium luctuosum. : The history of a long war with Indian salvages, and their directors and abettors; from the year, 1702. To the year, 1714. Comprised in a short essay, to declare the voice of the glorious God, in the various occurrences of that war, which have been thought matters of more special observation. A recapitulation made in the audience, of his excellency the governour, and the General Assembly of the Massachusett province; at Boston, 30. D. VII. M. 1714..
Duodecennium luctuosum....
Mather, Cotton, 1663-17...
Printed by B Green for ...
Author (contributor)
[Massachusetts. General Court., Massachusetts. Governor (1702-1715 : Dudley), Dudley, Joseph, 1647-1720.]
[Indian captivities., Sermons--Massachusetts--Boston., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., United States--History--Queen Anne's War, 1702-1713--Sermons., Imprint 1714.]
Voyage de Mr. Wafer, où l'on trouve la description de l'Isthme de l'Amerique.
Voyage de Mr. Wafer, ou...
Wafer, Lionel, 1660?-17...
Chez la veuve de Paul M...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)]
[Natural history--Central America., Cuna Indians--Social life and customs., Indians of South America--Panama., Cuna language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., Panama--Description and travel., Indian linguistics--Cuna language., Imprint 1714.]
The travels of several learned missioners of the Society of Jesus, into divers parts of the archipelago, India, China, and America.  : Containing a general description of the most remarkable towns; with a particular account of the customs, manners and religion of those several nations, the whole interspers'd with philosophical observations and other curious remarks. /
The travels of several ...
Printed for R Gosling a...
Author (contributor)
Orellana, Antonio de, 1653-1712.
[Jesuits--Missions., America--Description and travel., Asia--Description and travel., Booksellers' catalogs--Great Britain--1714., Imprint 1714.]
Dom Joam por graça de Deos Rey de Portugal, ... Faço saber a vòs [ ] que eu passei ora huma ley por mim assinada, & passada por minha chancellaria, da qual o treslado he o seguinte. : Eu el rey faço saber aos que este alvarà de ley virem, que o provedor, & deputados da Meza dos Homens de Negocio, que conferem o bem commum do commercio em esta cidade ..
Dom Joam por graça de ...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1706-1750 : John V)]
[Bills of exchange--Portugal., CPJCB., Imprint 1714.]
Officium S[ancti] Joseph sponsi b[eatae] M[ariae] V[irgini] confessoris duplex secundae classis. : A sacra rituum congregatione recognitum, & approbatum; de mandato sanctissimi D. N. Clementis divina dispositione Papa XI. in Breviario Romano apponendum, & ab omnibus vtriusque sexus Christi fidelibus, qui ad horas canonicas tenentur, recitandum die xix. martij.
Officium S[ancti] Josep...
Catholic Church.
Author (contributor)
[Almaguez, Juan., Bustamante, Angulo.]
[Joseph,--Saint--Prayers and devotions., Catholic Church--Liturgy., Catholic Church--Prayers and devotions., Imprint 1714.]
Rectore magnificentissimo serenissimo principe ac domino Carolo Borussiae principe marchione Brandenburgico reliqua praeside Friderico Hoffmanno collegi Med. H. T. decano De usu interno camphorae securissimo et praestantissimo, : pro doctoris gradu /
Rectore magnificentissi...
Hoffmann, Friedrich, 16...
Litteris Christoph Andr...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Universität Halle., Keil, Christoph Heinrich.]
[Camphor., Camphor--Physiological effect., Cinchona bark., Quinine., Bezoars., Guaiac., Medicine., Imprint 1714.]
Politische Fata der Insul Sicilien oder Historische Nachricht von den verschiedenen Regiments-Veränderungen dieser Insul, und wie der Hertzog von Savoyen sich jüngsthin zum Könige von solcher krönen lassen.
Politische Fata der Ins...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Victor Amadeus--I,--King of Sardinia,--1666-1732., Sicily (Italy)--History--Savoyard and Austrian rule, 1700-1735., Sicily (Italy)--Politics and government--1282-1870., Imprint 1714.]
De vero novi orbis inventore. : Dissertatio historico-critica /
De vero novi orbis inve...
Stüven, Johann Friedric...
Apud Dominicum à Sande
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Behaim, Martin,--1459-1507., America--Discovery and exploration--German., Imprint 1714.]
Hn. Wilhelm Dampier Reise nach den Sudländern Neu-Holland, u. a. : Welcher beygefüget 1. Des Capitain Wood Reise durch die Magellanische Meer-Enge &c. 2. Tage-Register der Reise des Capitain Scharp. 3. Des Capitain Cowley Reise um die Welt. 4. Hn. Roberts Reise nach den Morgen-Ländern. Mit unterschiedlichen Land-Karten und Figuren. Vierdter Theil. Aus dem Engellischen ins Frantzösische, und aus diesem ins Teutsche übersetzt.
Hn. Wilhelm Dampier Rei...
Dampier, William, 1651-...
Bey Michael Rohrlachs s...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Robert, A., 17th cent., Cowley, William Ambrosia., Sharpe, Bartholomew, active 1679-1682., Wood, John, Captain., Dampier, William, 1651-1715., Nack, Johannes Bernhard., Hacke, William.]
[Buccaneers., Voyages and travels., Natural history--Indonesia., Indonesia--Description and travel., Papua New Guinea--Description and travel., Pacific Ocean--Discovery and exploration., Magellan, Strait of (Chile and Argentina)--Description and travel., Middle East--Description and travel., Imprint 1714.]
Colloquio yn quenin oquimaxili yn tlaçomahuiz quauhnepanolli Sancta Cruz intlacemicnopilhuiani S[anta]. Elena. /
Colloquio yn quenin oqu...
Santos y Salazar, Manue...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), León, Nicolás, 1859-1929]
[Helena,--Saint,--approximately 255-approximately 330--Drama., Manuscripts--Indian languages., Imprint 1714., Constantine--I,--Emperor of Rome,---337--Drama., Manuscripts, Mexican., Manuscripts, Nahuatl., Holy Cross--Drama., Religious drama, Nahuatl., Nahuatl language--Texts., Christian pilgrims and pilgrimages--Palestine--Drama., Indian linguistics--Nahuatl language.]
La Partenope fiesta, : que se hizo en el Real Palacio de Mexico el dia de San Phelipe, por los años del Rey nuestro señor don Phelipe V. (que Dios guarde)
La Partenope fiesta, : ...
Stampiglia, Silvio, 166...
Por los Herederos de la...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Alarca Vidal y Valda, Joseph Ignacio, 1859-1929., León, Nicolás, 1859-1929]
[CSAIP., Imprint 17--]
Korte wederleggingh van de rescriptie, aan haar hoogh Mog. overgegeven op den naam van Jan de Mey, Johan van Seghvelt, Pieter de Mey, Jacobus Fenix, Hendrick vander Staal, Claas Bichon, Johan vander Hoeven Jz, Nicolaas Mol en Phlip de Custor, sich qualificerende bewinthebberen en mede hooftparticipanten in de geoctroyeerde West-Indische Compagnie ter Kamer op de Maze in het quohier tot Rotterdam.
Korte wederleggingh van...
West-Indische Compagnie...
[West-Indische Compagnie (Netherlands), West-Indische Compagnie (Netherlands).--Kamer Rotterdam, Trading companies--Netherlands., Imprint 1714.]
Don Diego Ladron de Guevara : obispo de la Santa Iglesia de Quito, del consejo de su Magestad, virrey governador, y capitan general de estos reynos, y provincias del Perù Tierra-firme, y Chile, &c. Por quanto el señor D. Gonzalo Remirez de Vaquedano del Orden de Santiago, oydor de esta Real Audiencia, y juez superintendente de la Real Casa de Moneda de esta ciudad .
Don Diego Ladron de Gue...
Peru (Viceroyalty)
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Peru (Viceroyalty). Viceroy (1710-1716 : Ladrón de Guevara)]
[Gold smuggling--Peru--History--Sources., Silver mines and mining--Peru--History--Sources., Smuggling--Peru--History--Sources., CSAIP., Imprint 1714.]
Eclipses Politico-Morales. : Sicht- und unsichtbare sittliche Staats-Einsternussen, denen Kindern des Liechts zur Warnung, denen Kindern dieser Welt (die sich Klüger düncken als jene) zur heil samen Verschämung treulich vorgestellet, am beliebigen Horizont entdeckt, und ans Tags-Liecht gebracht. Ad annum climactericum magnum praedominante saturno, die critico deprehensae, tubo scenico perlustrata.
Eclipses Politico-Moral...
Callenbach, Franz, 1663...
[Satire, German., German wit and humor., German drama--18th century., Imprint 1714.]
Wurmland, nach Lands-Art, Regiment, Religion, Sitten und Lebens-Wandel. Gleichsam auff einer Schaubühn vorgestellet. : Nach Beschaffenheit deren, entweder angebohrnen, oder angewehnten, oder ererbten Wurm-Köpff, Stand-Mässig geehrten Lands-Kindern, Regiments-Gliedern, Beambten, ober- und Unter-Officiern, Burgern, Soldaten, Künstlern und Handwercks-Leuthen, Bauren, Landstreichern, Bettlern zur heilsamen Nachricht heraussgeben. Und Zu finden bey der Wurmschneiders Zunfft, /
Wurmland, nach Lands-Ar...
Callenbach, Franz, 1663...
Johann Georg Lochner
[Satire, German., German wit and humor., German drama--18th century., Imprint 1714.]
Des Herrn Abts von Vallemont Merckwürdigkeiten der Natur und Kunst, in Zeugung, Fortpflantzung und Vermehrung der Gewächse; oder der Ackerbau und die Gärtnerey in ihrer Vollkommenheit. : Welchen beygefüget eine kurtze Unterweisung die Obst-Bäumerecht zu beschneiden. /
Des Herrn Abts von Vall...
Vallemont, abbé de 1649...
Bey Johann George Hüne...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Bressler und Aschenburg, Ferdinand Ludwig von, 1681-1722.]
[Botany., Botany--Guadeloupe., Natural history., Sugar--West Indies., Maple syrup industry--Canada., Imprint 1714.]
Copie missive. Ed: erentfeste groot agthare heeren. : Wy ondergeschreven Pieter van Berkel, Adriaan Roosmale, Jacob Ysbrans, Adriaan Boon, Samuel vander Lanen, Isaac Velthuysen en Pieter van Muyden. gequalificeerde hooft-participanten in de geoctroyeerde West-Indiche Compagnie ter Kamere op de Maze, in 't quohier van Rotterdam, gekomen zynde op het West-Indische Huis, .
Copie missive. Ed: eren...
West-Indische Compagnie...
[West-Indische Compagnie (Netherlands), West-Indische Compagnie (Netherlands).--Kamer Rotterdam, Trading companies--Netherlands., Imprint 1714.]
Histoire de la conqueste du Mexique, ou de la Nouvelle Espagne, par Fernand Cortez, /
Histoire de la conquest...
Solís, Antonio de, 1610...
La Compagnie des Librai...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Hoverland, Adriaan. former owner., Broë, S. de, seigneur de Citry et de La Guette, active 17th century.]
[Cortés, Hernán,--1485-1547., Mexico--History--Conquest, 1519-1540., Catalogs, Booksellers'--France--1714., Imprint 1714.]
Histoire de la conqueste du Mexique, ou de la Nouvelle Espagne, par Fernand Cortez, /
Histoire de la conquest...
Solís, Antonio de, 1610...
La Compagnie des Librai...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Hoverland, Adriaan. former owner., Broë, S. de, seigneur de Citry et de La Guette, active 17th century.]
[Cortés, Hernán,--1485-1547., Mexico--History--Conquest, 1519-1540., Catalogs, Booksellers'--France--1714., Imprint 1714.]
Histoire des plantes medecinales qui sont le plus en usage aux royaumes de l'Amerique meridionale, du Perou & du Chily, : composée sur les lieux par ordre du Roy, dans les années 1709. 1710. & 1711.
Histoire des plantes me...
Feuillée, Louis, 1660-1...
rue S Jacques chez Pier...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Botany--Peru., Botany--Chile., Botany, Medical.]
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