Browse All : Images from 1712

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[Title page]
[Title page]
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Map title
[Title page]
A map of the world Shewing the Course of Capt. Cook's Voyage Round the same
A map of the world Shew...
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Map title
A map of the world Shewing the Course of Capt. Cook's Voyage Round the same
Senex, John, d. 1740
[Bay of Angra dos Reis, Brazil]
[Bay of Angra dos Reis,...
South America
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Map title
[Bay of Angra dos Reis, Brazil]
[Plan of Santiago, Chile]
[Plan of Santiago, Chil...
South America
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Map title
[Plan of Santiago, Chile]
[top] The Island Juan Fernandes [bottom] A Draught of the Island of Juan Fernandes
[top] The Island Juan F...
South America
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Map title
[top] The Island Juan Fernandes [bottom] A Draught of the Island of Juan Fernandes
[top] The Island Lobos at a small distance SSEt. shews thus [middle] 3 Leagues South from you it Shews thus [bottom] The Islands Paxaros bearing N.E.BNe. dist, 6 Leagues
[top] The Island Lobos ...
South America
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Map title
[top] The Island Lobos at a small distance SSEt. shews thus [middle] 3 Leagues South from you it Shews thus [bottom] The Islands Paxaros bearing N.E.BNe. dist, 6 Leagues
[top] Island Sta. Clara bearing NEbN. 1/4 N. distance 3 Leagues. [top middle] 16 fathoms, point parena going up Guiaquil River [bottom middle] This is ye High Land of Tumbis [bottom] Cape Blanko at 4 Leagues East from you Shows thus
[top] Island Sta. Clara...
South America
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Map title
[top] Island Sta. Clara bearing NEbN. 1/4 N. distance 3 Leagues. [top middle] 16 fathoms, point parena going up Guiaquil River [bottom middle] This is ye High Land of Tumbis [bottom] Cape Blanko at 4 Leagues East from you Shows thus
The Great River Marañon or of ye Amazons With the Mission of the Society of Jesus, Geogrphically describ'd by Samuel Fritz setled Missioner on ye sad
The Great River Marañon...
South America
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Map title
The Great River Marañon or of ye Amazons With the Mission of the Society of Jesus, Geogrphically describ'd by Samuel Fritz setled Missioner on ye sad
Fritz, Samuel, 1654-1730 [?]
[top] N. 1 & 2. Cape Corientes, bearing N.Et distant 10 Leagues from you Shews thus. [middle] [N. 3] The middlemost of ye Maria Islands [bottom] N. 4 The Eastermost Maria Island.
[top] N. 1 & 2. Cape Co...
North America
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Map title
[top] N. 1 & 2. Cape Corientes, bearing N.Et distant 10 Leagues from you Shews thus. [middle] [N. 3] The middlemost of ye Maria Islands [bottom] N. 4 The Eastermost Maria Island.
[top] N. 1. The Island Gorgona bearing ENE dist. 5 Leagues shows thus [middle] Gorgona when you are Near it shews thus. [bottom] N. 2. N. 3. [Whale, fish, and lizard]
[top] N. 1. The Island ...
South America
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Map title
[top] N. 1. The Island Gorgona bearing ENE dist. 5 Leagues shows thus [middle] Gorgona when you are Near it shews thus. [bottom] N. 2. N. 3. [Whale, fish, and lizard]
[Profiles of land, a native American from California and his tools]
[Profiles of land, a na...
North America
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Map title
[Profiles of land, a native American from California and his tools]
The Bay of Panama
The Bay of Panama
North America
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Map title
The Bay of Panama
[Chart of the western coast of South America]
[Chart of the western c...
North America
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Map title
[Chart of the western coast of South America]
The Town and Port of Guayaquil, and Island Puna.
The Town and Port of Gu...
South America
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Map title
The Town and Port of Guayaquil, and Island Puna.
[Lima and Callao, Peru]
[Lima and Callao, Peru]
South America
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Map title
[Lima and Callao, Peru]
[Chart of the western coast of South America]
[Chart of the western c...
North America
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Map title
[Chart of the western coast of South America]
[Lima and Callao, Peru]
[Lima and Callao, Peru]
South America
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Map title
[Lima and Callao, Peru]
The Island of Chiloe & The Bay or Ancon.
The Island of Chiloe & ...
North America
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Map title
The Island of Chiloe & The Bay or Ancon.
[Chart of the western coast of Central America]
[Chart of the western c...
North America
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Map title
[Chart of the western coast of Central America]
The Port of Acapulco
The Port of Acapulco
South America
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Map title
The Port of Acapulco
Planisphere Terrestre ou sont marquees les Longitudes de Divers Lieux de la Terre, trouvees par les Observation ... dressé et presenté a Sa Majesté par Mr. de Cassini le Fils de l'Academie Royale des Sciences
Planisphere Terrestre o...
Map title
Planisphere Terrestre ou sont marquees les Longitudes de Divers Lieux de la Terre, trouvees par les Observation ... dressé et presenté a Sa Majesté par Mr. de Cassini le Fils de l'Academie Royale des Sciences
[Cassini, Jacques, 1677-1756, Nolin, Jean Baptiste]
V. Me. Sor Maria de Jesus de Agreda ...
Spanish America
V. Me. Sor Maria de Jes...
Ximenez Samaniego, Jose...
Image title
V. Me. Sor Maria de Jesus de Agreda ...
Source place of publication
En Madrid
Source date
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Image title
Source place of publication
Source date
[Fish, birds, and seals]
[Fish, birds, and seals...
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Image title
[Fish, birds, and seals]
Source place of publication
Source date
[Fish and birds]
[Fish and birds]
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Image title
[Fish and birds]
Source place of publication
Source date
N. 1 Dukes Island Dutchess Island. N. 2 [Iguana]
N. 1 Dukes Island Dutch...
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Image title
N. 1 Dukes Island Dutchess Island. N. 2 [Iguana]
Source place of publication
Source date
N. 1 [Palm tree]. N. 2 [Fish]. N. 3. [Fish] N. 4 Bat.
N. 1 [Palm tree]. N. 2 ...
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Image title
N. 1 [Palm tree]. N. 2 [Fish]. N. 3. [Fish] N. 4 Bat.
Source place of publication
Source date
[Fish and profiles of "The Bay of Tacames" and "One of ye Gallapogos Islands"]
[Fish and profiles of "...
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Image title
[Fish and profiles of "The Bay of Tacames" and "One of ye Gallapogos Islands"]
Source place of publication
Source date
[Fish, turtles or tortoises, yucca, scorpion, tree, and raccoon ]
[Fish, turtles or torto...
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Image title
[Fish, turtles or tortoises, yucca, scorpion, tree, and raccoon ]
Source place of publication
Source date
[Native American man and woman, birds, and fish]
[Native American man an...
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Image title
[Native American man and woman, birds, and fish]
Source place of publication
Source date
[Fish and a cactus]
[Fish and a cactus]
Cooke, Edward, Captain
Image title
[Fish and a cactus]
Source place of publication
Source date
Catalogo de los padres professos de esta provincia del Peru de la Compañia de Jesus, : que pueden ser electos procuradores de ella para Roma en la congregacion plena, que se celebra en este Colegio de San Pablo de Lima à 3. diciembre de 1712. /
Catalogo de los padres ...
Colegio de San Pablo (L...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Mesía, Alonso, 1665-1732.]
[Jesuits.--Provincia del Perú, Jesuits--Education--Peru., Colegio de San Pablo (Lima, Peru), Broadsides, etc.--Peru--Lima., Imprint 1712.]
Curieuse Feuer- und Unglücks-Chronica, : darinnen die Feuers-Brünste der uhralten Kayserl. und des H.R. Reichs freyen Stadt Nordhausen, auch anderer sehr vieler Oerter in und ausser Teutschland, nicht weniger allerhand andre glück- und unglückliche Dinge und Denck-würdigkeiten, ordentlich erzehlet werden, mit einem doppelten Register aufgesetzt, /
Curieuse Feuer- und Ung...
Kindervater, Johann Hei...
In Verlegung Carl Chris...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Fires--Germany--Nordhausen (Thuringia)., Disasters--Germany--Nordhausen (Thuringia)., Smoking--Germany--Nordhausen (Thuringia)., Tobacco--Germany--Law and legislation., Nordhausen (Thuringia, Germany)--History., Imprint 1712.]
Manual de los santos sacramentos conforme al ritual de Paulo V. : Formado por mandado del illustrissimo, y excelentissimo señor, D. Juan de Palafox y Mendoza. Siendo obispo de la Puebla de los Angeles ... y visitador general de este reyno. Impresso con privilegio en Mexico Año de 1642, repetida segunda vez su ediccion el Año de 1671. en Mexico ... y esta tercera, y ultima vez corregido, emmendado, y dado â luz ... con licencia en la Puebla de los Angeles por Diego Fernandez de Leon Año de 1691:
Manual de los santos sa...
Sáenz de la Peña, André...
Y por su original en la...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de, 1600-1659.]
[Catholic Church--Missions--Mexico., Catholic Church--Liturgy--Texts., Catholic Church--Doctrines., Sacraments--Catholic Church., Nahuatl language--Texts., Indians of Mexico--Languages., Indian linguistics--Nahuatl language., CSAIP., Imprint 1712.]
Catholico triumpho, y hacimiento de gracias, que venerando laureles, panegyrisando hazañas, venerando verdades, y admirando valores : consiguieron las reales armas de N. C. Monarcha el señor D. Phelipe V. (que Dios guarde) de las que colligadas con el imperio, solicitaron la ruyna, y dessolacion de nuestra monarchia. Y a los rayos de tantas luces, eclypso sus exple[n]dores, la muerte del Sr. Delphin, padre de N. Amantissimo rey. /
Catholico triumpho, y h...
Velasco y Arellano, Jos...
por los herederos de Ju...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), León, Nicolás, 1859-1929]
[Philip--V,--King of Spain,--1683-1746., Spanish Succession, War of, 1701-1714., Imprint 1712.]
Le jardinier botaniste, : ou La maniere de cultiver toutes sortes de plantes, fleurs, arbres et arbrisseaux, avec leur usage en médecine; ensemble toutes les plantes étrangeres qui peuvent être propres pour l'embellissement des jardins. /
Le jardinier botaniste,...
Besnier, H., active 18t...
Chez Jean Bapt de Leene...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Tahoy, Dorothée.]
[Medicinal plants., Jalap., Imprint 1712., Botany, Medical., Materia medica, Vegetable., Pharmacy., Medicine., Aloe., Guava., Cannabis., Marigolds.]
Tratado de suspensam de armas, : ajustado pelos plenipotenciarios d e suas magestades portugueza, & christianissima, en Vtrecht a 7. de novembro de 1712.
Tratado de suspensam de...
Na Officina de Antonio ...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Spain. 1712 Nov. 7.]
[Spanish Succession, War of, 1701-1714--Sources., Portugal--Foreign relations--Spain., Spain--Foreign relations--Portugal., Imprint 1712.]
Arte de navegar, : emque se ensinam as regras praticas, e o modo de cartear pela carta plana, & reduzida, o modo de graduar a balestilha por via de numeros, & muitos problemas uteir à navegaa̦õ; & roteiro das viagens, e costas maritimas de Guinè, Angola, Brasil, Indias, & Ilhas Occidentaes, & Orientaes, agora novamente emendado, & accrescentadas muitas derrotas novas /
Arte de navegar, : emqu...
Pimentel, Manuel, 1650-...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Navigation., Pilot guides., Imprint 1712.]
Allerneuste Beschreibung der Provintz Carolina in West-Indien. : Samt einem Reise-Journal von mehr als Tausend Meilen unter allerhand indianischen Nationen. Auch einer accuraten Land-Carte und andern Kupfer-Stichen. Aus dem englischen übersetzet durch M. Vischer.
Allerneuste Beschreibun...
Lawson, John, 1674-1711...
Gedruckt und verlegt du...
Author (contributor)
[German Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Vischer, Ludwig Friedrich, 1677-1743.]
[Natural history--North Carolina., Indian linguistics--Woccon language., Imprint 1712., Natural history--South Carolina., Indians of North America--North Carolina., Indians of North America--South Carolina., Tuscarora language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., Woccon language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., North Carolina--Description and travel., South Carolina--Description and travel., Indian linguistics--Tuscarora language.]
Accion de gracias del Convento de N.P.S. Augustin de la ciudad de Nra. Señora de la Concepcion de Zelaya, a Dios Nro. señor sacramentado por la victoria que en Villaviciosa consiguiò nuestro ynclito monarca, y señor D. Philippo V. rey de España, y emperador de la Indias. : A cuya suprema, soberana, augusta, real, y catholica magestad la dedica, y con animo reverente consagra D. Lucas de Aguilar, y Artiaga, regidor, y depositario general del cavildo, y regimiento de la dicha ciudad, à cuyas expensas saliò à luz, y se diô à la estampa. /
Accion de gracias del C...
Izaguirre, Francisco, a...
Por Francisco de Rivera...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Aguilar y Artiaga, Lucas, active 1711.]
[Philip--V,--King of Spain,--1683-1746., Spanish Succession, War of, 1701-1714--Campaigns--Spain., Sermons--Mexico--Celaya., Imprint 1712.]
Frage, ob die Königin von Gross-Britannien mit Recht und ohne ihres Reichs Schaden ohne Wiedererstattung Spaniens und Indiens an das Haus Oesterreich, sich mit Franckreich in Friedens-Tractaten, einlassen könne /
Frage, ob die Königin ...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Anne,--Queen of Great Britain,--1665-1714., Spanish Succession, War of, 1701-1714., Great Britain--Foreign relations--1702-1714.]
Resolucion juridica /
Resolucion juridica /
Ladrón de Guevara, Dieg...
En la Imprenta de Iosep...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Montt, Luis, 1848-1909, Núñez de Sanabria, Miguel, 1645-1729.]
[Romani, Pedro., Tello, José, Catholic Church--Clergy--Appointment, call, and election., Church and state--Peru--History--Sources., Patronage, Ecclesiastical--Peru., Huancavelica (Peru)--History--Sources., Peru--Church history--18th century--Sources., CSAIP., Imprint 1712.]
Prologo, y relacion de la vida de la Venerable Madre Sor Maria de Jesus de Agreda.
Prologo, y relacion de ...
Jiménez Samaniego, José...
Por Blàs de Villa-Nuev...
Author (contributor)
Women of the Page Exhibition (John Carter Brown Library)
[María de Jesús,--de Agreda, sor,--1602-1665.--Mystica ciudad de Dios, milagros de su omnipotencia y abismo de la gracia., Franciscans--Missions--Mexico., Nuns--Spain--Biography., Indians of Mexico--Missions., Indians of North America--Missions--Texas., Jumano Indians., Imprint 1712.]
Sermon de los dolores de Maria Santissima, que en la annual solemne fiesta, que celebra el Br. don Nicolas de Armenta, en el Real, y religioso convento de Santa Clara de Jesus, de la ciudad de Queretaro, professando la madre Ana Maria de los Dolores, á expensas de dicho devoto /
Sermon de los dolores d...
Xaramillo de Vocanegra,...
por los herederos de la...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Ana Maria de los Dolores,--(Capuchin Poor Clares),--active 1712., Installation sermons--Mexico--18th century., Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Devotion to., Sermons--Mexico--Querétaro., Marca de fuego., Imprint 1712.]
Relox mystico sermon panegyrico, que en la annual fiesta, que celebra el convento de religiossas de San Juan de la penitencia, à el glorioso precursor de Christo, /
Relox mystico sermon pa...
Torres, Juan de.
por la viuda de Miguel ...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), León, Nicolás, 1859-1929]
[John,--the Baptist, Saint--Sermons., Sermons--Mexico--Mexico City., Imprint 1712.]
Ilustracion de la destreza indiana. Epistola oficiosa, /
Ilustracion de la destr...
Santos de la Paz, Franc...
Por Geronimo de Contrer...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Odriozola, Manuel de, 1804-1889, Rodríguez de Guzmán, Diego., Bermúdez de la Torre y Solier, Pedro José, 1665-]
[Lorenz de Rada, Francisco,--marqués de las Torres de Rada, d. 1713.--Defensa de la verdadera destreza de las armas., Fencing., Creoles--Peru., CSAIP., Imprint 1712.]
A compleat history of druggs, /
A compleat history of d...
Pomet, Pierre, 1658-169...
Printed for R Bonwicke ...
Author (contributor)
[Worcestershire Natural History Society., Floyd, O. J., Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de, 1656-1708., Lémery, Nicolas, 1645-1715., Browne, Joseph, active 1700-1721.]
[Materia medica, Animal., Bezoars., Ambergris., Whale oil., Catalogs, Booksellers'--Great Britain--1712., Imprint 1712., Materia medica, Vegetable., Botany, Medical., Pharmacology., Cacao., Chocolate., Peppers., Sugar., Tobacco.]
Florilegio medicinal de todas las enfermedades, sacado de varios, y clasicos authores, para bien de los pobres, y de los que tienen falta de medicos, en particular para las provincias remotas, en donde administran los RR. PP. missioneros de la Compañia de Jesus. : Reducido â tres libros: el primero de medicina: el segundo de syruxia, con vn apendix, que pertenece al modo de sangrar, abrir, y curar fuentes, aplicar ventosas, y sanguixuelas. El tercero contiene vn cathalogo de los medicamentos vssuales, que se hazen en la botica, con el modo de componerlos. /
Florilegio medicinal de...
Esteyneffer, Juan de, 1...
Por los herederos de Ju...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Mathes, W. Michael.]
[Medicine--Formulae, receipts, prescriptions., Imprint 1712.]
A state of Mr. Paterson's claim upon the equivalent; : with original papers and observations relating thereto..
A state of Mr. Paterson...
Paterson, William, 1658...
publisher not identifie...
Author (contributor)
Great Britain. Parliament.
[Paterson, William,--1658-1719., Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., New Caledonia (Colony), Panama--History--To 1903., Imprint 1712.]
Elementa Geographiae generalis triplici sectione exposita, : I. Praeliminaris naturam et constitutionem, itemque studii istius fata monstrat. II. Doctrinalis affectiones ejus demonstrat, & III. Artificialis objecti repraesentationem commonstrat. Cum praefatione, figuris aeneis, et indice auctorum rerumque uberrimo, /
Elementa Geographiae ge...
Liebknecht, Johann Geor...
Apud Dominicum a Sande
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Cartography., Physical geography., Surveying--Instruments., Imprint 1712.]
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