Browse All : Images from 1651-1700

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[Title page]
[Title page]
Rogerius, Abraham, d. 1...
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
Nürnberg [Nuremberg]
Source date
M.DC.LXIII [1663]
[Native Americans and ceremonial dance]
[Native Americans and c...
Rogerius, Abraham, d. 1...
Image title
[Native Americans and ceremonial dance]
Source place of publication
Nürnberg [Nuremberg]
Source date
M.DC.LXIII [1663]
Rogerius, Abraham, d. 1...
Image title
Source place of publication
Nürnberg [Nuremberg]
Source date
M.DC.LXIII [1663]
[Native Americans worship an idol]
[Native Americans worsh...
Rogerius, Abraham, d. 1...
Image title
[Native Americans worship an idol]
Source place of publication
Nürnberg [Nuremberg]
Source date
M.DC.LXIII [1663]
Papayer franc 187
Caribbean Islands
Papayer franc 187
Du Tertre, Jean Baptist...
Image title
Papayer franc 187
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
M. DC. LXVII. [1667]
Hollow Leav'd Lavender.
North America
Hollow Leav'd Lavender.
Josselyn, John, fl. 163...
Image title
Hollow Leav'd Lavender.
Source place of publication
Source date
The Prickled Peare; The Blossom of the Pomegranate
Caribbean Islands
The Prickled Peare; The...
Ligon, Richard
Image title
The Prickled Peare; The Blossom of the Pomegranate
Source place of publication
Source date
The Yonge Palmeto Royall
Caribbean Islands
The Yonge Palmeto Royal...
Ligon, Richard
Image title
The Yonge Palmeto Royall
Source place of publication
Source date
The Queen's Pine.
Caribbean Islands
The Queen's Pine.
Ligon, Richard
Image title
The Queen's Pine.
Source place of publication
Source date
A Branch of the Humming Bird Tree.
North America
A Branch of the Humming...
Josselyn, John, fl. 163...
Image title
A Branch of the Humming Bird Tree.
Source place of publication
Source date
The small Sun Flower, or Marygold of America.
North America
The small Sun Flower, o...
Josselyn, John, fl. 163...
Image title
The small Sun Flower, or Marygold of America.
Source place of publication
Source date
The Cruelty of Lolonois Lolonois
Caribbean Islands
The Cruelty of Lolonois...
Image title
The Cruelty of Lolonois Lolonois
Source place of publication
Source date
The Towne of Puerto del Principe taken & sackt Part 2: Chap: 5.
Caribbean Islands
The Towne of Puerto del...
Image title
The Towne of Puerto del Principe taken & sackt Part 2: Chap: 5.
Source place of publication
Source date
Bartolomew Portugues. Part. I Ch: 6: pa: 51
Caribbean Islands
Bartolomew Portugues. P...
Image title
Bartolomew Portugues. Part. I Ch: 6: pa: 51
Source place of publication
Source date
[left] Armadilho. [right] Pece Muger, sive piscis [andropomorphus]
[Brazil, Spanish Americ...
[left] Armadilho. [righ...
Redi, Francesco, 1626-1...
Image title
[left] Armadilho. [right] Pece Muger, sive piscis [andropomorphus]
Source place of publication
Amstelodami [Amsterdam]
Source date
M DC LXXV. [1675]
Qua patet orbis. Iohannes Mauritius ...
Qua patet orbis. Iohann...
Baerle, Caspar van, 158...
Image title
Qua patet orbis. Iohannes Mauritius ...
Source place of publication
Source date
A Prospect of Bridge Town [in Barbados. 1695 By Samuel Copen.]
Caribbean Islands
A Prospect of Bridge To...
Image title
A Prospect of Bridge Town [in Barbados. 1695 By Samuel Copen.]
[A Prospect of Bridge Town] in Barbados. 1695 By Samuel Copen.
Caribbean Islands
[A Prospect of Bridge T...
Image title
[A Prospect of Bridge Town] in Barbados. 1695 By Samuel Copen.
Chronica da Provincia do Brasil Pello P. Simam de Vasconcellos
Chronica da Provincia d...
Vasconcellos, Simão de,...
Image title
Chronica da Provincia do Brasil Pello P. Simam de Vasconcellos
Source place of publication
Lisboa [Lisbon]
Source date
M.DC.LXIII. [1663]
[Title page]
[Title page]
Cubero Sebastián, Pedro...
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
En Napoles [Naples]
Source date
Dotor D. Pedro Cubero Sebastian sacerdote Español Aragones missionario apostolico edad de XXXVIII anos
Dotor D. Pedro Cubero S...
Cubero Sebastián, Pedro...
Image title
Dotor D. Pedro Cubero Sebastian sacerdote Español Aragones missionario apostolico edad de XXXVIII anos
Source place of publication
En Napoles [Naples]
Source date
Venerablis P. Ioseph Anchieta è Societate Iesu.
Venerablis P. Ioseph An...
Vasconcellos, Simão de,...
Image title
Venerablis P. Ioseph Anchieta è Societate Iesu.
Source place of publication
Em Lisboa [Lisbon]
Source date
Sponsa Jesu Christi Rosa a Sa. Maria e tertio Ordine S.P. Dominici, strenua S. Catarinae Senensis imitatrix. nata Limae in Regno Peruano, 1586. mense Aprili, denata ibidem 1617. mense Augo.
Spanish America
Sponsa Jesu Christi Ros...
Hansen, Leonhard, 1603-...
Image title
Sponsa Jesu Christi Rosa a Sa. Maria e tertio Ordine S.P. Dominici, strenua S. Catarinae Senensis imitatrix. nata Limae in Regno Peruano, 1586. mense Aprili, denata ibidem 1617. mense Augo.
Source place of publication
Impressa en Valencia
Source date
La idolatria de los Indios de Naçion Aruacos, que habita en las Sierras de S. Martha; destruida, por un Religiosso Del Orden de S. Augustin de la Prouincia de Lima el ano de [16]91 ...
Spanish America
La idolatria de los Ind...
Romero, Francisco, b. 1...
Image title
La idolatria de los Indios de Naçion Aruacos, que habita en las Sierras de S. Martha; destruida, por un Religiosso Del Orden de S. Augustin de la Prouincia de Lima el ano de [16]91 ...
Source place of publication
En Milan
Source date
Preciosa mors quorundam Patrum iet. Iesu in nova Francia Denoiie Campanus, Caritas officia exercens enecatur. 2 Febr. 1646.
North America
Preciosa mors quorundam...
Du Creux. François, 159...
Image title
Preciosa mors quorundam Patrum iet. Iesu in nova Francia Denoiie Campanus, Caritas officia exercens enecatur. 2 Febr. 1646.
Source place of publication
Parisiis [Paris]
Source date
M. DC. LXIV. [1664]
Brasilianische Menschen-fresse; Tracht der Völcke in Chili; ...
[Brazil, Spanish Americ...
Brasilianische Menschen...
Francisci, Erasmus, 162...
Image title
Brasilianische Menschen-fresse; Tracht der Völcke in Chili; ...
Source place of publication
Nürnberg [Nuremberg]
Source date
M. DC. LXX. [1670]
Krancker-Kür in Florida; Persianische Spinne.; Americanische Spinne.; ...
North America
Krancker-Kür in Florida...
Francisci, Erasmus, 162...
Image title
Krancker-Kür in Florida; Persianische Spinne.; Americanische Spinne.; ...
Source place of publication
Nürnberg [Nuremberg]
Source date
M. DC. LXX. [1670]
[Title page]
[Title page]
Meléndez, Juan, fl. 168...
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
En Roma
Source date
M.DC.LXXXI. [1681]
Diseño de la fachada del conuento de nuestra Sa. del Rosario de Predicadores de Lima
Spanish America
Diseño de la fachada de...
Meléndez, Juan, fl. 168...
Image title
Diseño de la fachada del conuento de nuestra Sa. del Rosario de Predicadores de Lima
Source place of publication
En Roma
Source date
M.DC.LXXXI. [1681]
Sigillvm gvb et societ. de Mattachuvsets Bay in Nova Anglia
North America
Sigillvm gvb et societ....
Mather, Increase, 1639-...
Image title
Sigillvm gvb et societ. de Mattachuvsets Bay in Nova Anglia
Source place of publication
Source date
[Title page]
Spanish America
[Title page]
Lopez de Cogolludo, Die...
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
En Madrid
Source date
[Mayan nobility]
Spanish America
[Mayan nobility]
Lopez de Cogolludo, Die...
Image title
[Mayan nobility]
Source place of publication
En Madrid
Source date
[Title page]
North America
[Title page]
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
Cambridge [Mass.]
Source date
[Title page]
[Title page]
Seller, John
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
Source date
[Pirates raid Puerto Principe]
Spanish America
[Pirates raid Puerto Pr...
Exquemelin, A.O. (Alexa...
Image title
[Pirates raid Puerto Principe]
Source place of publication
Source date
[Brief van den Spaenschen Generael Don Alonzo del Campo Spinoce, aen Morgan Admirael van de Rovers.]
Spanish America
[Brief van den Spaensch...
Exquemelin, A.O. (Alexa...
Image title
[Brief van den Spaenschen Generael Don Alonzo del Campo Spinoce, aen Morgan Admirael van de Rovers.]
Source place of publication
Source date
Reskontre van de Spanÿaerden tegens de Roovers voor de stadt Panama, Nevens het Verbranden en Ruÿneren van de selve stadt.
Spanish America
Reskontre van de Spanÿa...
Exquemelin, A.O. (Alexa...
Image title
Reskontre van de Spanÿaerden tegens de Roovers voor de stadt Panama, Nevens het Verbranden en Ruÿneren van de selve stadt.
Source place of publication
Source date
The Spanish Armada destroyed by Captaine Morgan
Spanish America
The Spanish Armada dest...
Exquemelin, A. O. (Alex...
Image title
The Spanish Armada destroyed by Captaine Morgan
Source place of publication
Source date
The Battel Between the Spaniards and the pyrats or Buccaniers before the citty of Panama.
Spanish America
The Battel Between the ...
Exquemelin, A. O. (Alex...
Image title
The Battel Between the Spaniards and the pyrats or Buccaniers before the citty of Panama.
Source place of publication
Source date
St. Sebastien Ville Episcopale du Bresil.
St. Sebastien Ville Epi...
Froger, François, b. 16...
Image title
St. Sebastien Ville Episcopale du Bresil.
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
M.DC.XCVIII. [1698]
St. Salvador Ville Capitale du Bresil.
St. Salvador Ville Capi...
Froger, François, b. 16...
Image title
St. Salvador Ville Capitale du Bresil.
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
M.DC.XCVIII. [1698]
[Title page]
[Title page]
Moreau, Pierre, fl. 165...
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
Source date
Drachten der Inwoonders
North America
Drachten der Inwoonders
Image title
Drachten der Inwoonders
Source place of publication
Source date
de Koning Pouhatan, in Syn hoogste Staet.
North America
de Koning Pouhatan, in ...
Image title
de Koning Pouhatan, in Syn hoogste Staet.
Source place of publication
Source date
Van de Bermudes Eylanden.
Caribbean Islands
Van de Bermudes Eylande...
Image title
Van de Bermudes Eylanden.
Source place of publication
Source date
[Title page]
Spanish America
[Title page]
Valle, Juan de, 1604-16...
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
Source date
Severa in corpus
Spanish America
Severa in corpus
Valle, Juan de, 1604-16...
Image title
Severa in corpus
Source place of publication
Source date
Prospetto della fortezza di Rio Grande
Prospetto della fortezz...
Santa Teresa, João José...
Image title
Prospetto della fortezza di Rio Grande
Source place of publication
In Roma [Rome]
Source date
Citta di S. Luigi, capitale del Maragnone
Citta di S. Luigi, capi...
Santa Teresa, João José...
Image title
Citta di S. Luigi, capitale del Maragnone
Source place of publication
In Roma [Rome]
Source date
Prospetto della cittá di Paraiba
Prospetto della cittá d...
Santa Teresa, João José...
Image title
Prospetto della cittá di Paraiba
Source place of publication
In Roma [Rome]
Source date
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