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Copia de hu[m]a carta, em que se da breue noticia do succecido desde o dia da felice acclamaçaõ del Rey nosso senhor atè or prezente.
Copia de hu[m]a carta, ...
Por Paulo Craesbeeck an...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Bahia (Brazil : State)--History., Brazil--History--1549-1762., Brazil--History--Dutch Conquest, 1624-1654., Imprint 1642.]
The churches resurrection, or The opening of the fift and sixt verses of the 20th. chap. of the Revelation. /
The churches resurrecti...
Cotton, John, 1584-1652...
Printed by printed by R...
[Bible. Revelation Commentaries., Resurrection--Sermons., Congregational churches--Sermons., Congregational churches--Government., Sermons--Massachusetts--Boston., Imprint 1642.]
The churches resurrection, or The opening of the fift and sixt verses of the 20th. chap. of the Revelation. /
The churches resurrecti...
Cotton, John, 1584-1652...
Printed by printed by R...
[Bible. Revelation Commentaries., Resurrection--Sermons., Congregational churches--Sermons., Congregational churches--Government., Sermons--Massachusetts--Boston., Imprint 1642.]
Auto das cortes que se celebrarão nesta cidade de Lisboa dezanoue de setembro de seiscentos & quarenta & dous pelo estado dos pouos.
Auto das cortes que se ...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Taxation--Portugal., Taxation--Law and legislation--Portugal., Portugal--Commerce--Brazil., Brazil--Commerce--Portugal., Imprint 1642.]
Al exelentissimo señor d[on] Pedro de Toledo y Leyva, marques de Mancera, señor de las cinco villas, comendador de Esparragal del Orden de Alcantara, gentilhombre de la camara de Su Magestad, virrey, gouernador, presidente, y capitan general destos reynos del Perù, Chile, y Tierra firme. : Dedicà esta oracion euangelica del gran pontifice, y martir San Marcelo, patron desta ciudad de Lima /
Al exelentissimo señor...
Vilches, Gaspar de, act...
Por Iorge Lopez de Herr...
[Marcellus--I,--Pope,---309--Sermons., Toledo y Leyva, Pedro de., Sermons, Spanish--Peru., Sermons--Peru--Cuzco., Imprint 1642.]
Tregoas entre o prudentissimo rey dom Ioam o IV. de Portugal, & os poderosos estados das Prouincias Vnidas.
Tregoas entre o prudent...
Por mandado de Sua Mage...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), United Provinces of the Netherlands. 1641 June 12.]
[Portugal--Foreign relations--Netherlands., Netherlands--Foreign relations--Portugal., Portugal--Foreign relations--17th century., Netherlands--Foreign relations--17th century., Imprint 1642.]
Arte mexicano. /
Arte mexicano. /
Galdo Guzmán, Diego de,...
por la Viuda de Bernard...
Author (contributor)
Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Nahuatl language--Grammar., Nahuatl language--Glossaries, vocabulary, etc., Indians of Mexico--Languages--Texts., Indian linguistics--Nahuatl language., CSAIP., Imprint 1642.]
Sermão que pregou o R.P. Antonio Vieira da Companhia de Iesus na Capella Real o primeiro dia de janeiro do anno de 1642.
Sermão que pregou o R....
Vieira, António, 1608-1...
Na officina de Lourenç...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Jesus Christ.
Sermam /
Sermam /
Vieira, António, 1608-1...
na Officina de Domingos...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Rochus,--Saint,--approximately 1350-approximately 1380., Silva, Antonio Telles da., CPJCB., Sermons--Portugal--Lisbon., Imprint 1642.]
Sermam que pregou o P. Antonio Vieira da Companhia de Iesus, na casa professa da mesma companhia na festa que fez a S. Roque Antonio Telles da Silva, &c.
Sermam que pregou o P. ...
Vieira, António, 1608-1...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Rochus,--Saint,--approximately 1295-1327.
Sermam. que pregou o P. Antonio Vieira da Companhia de Iesus na caza professa da mesma companhia em 16 de Agosto de 1642. Na festa que fez a S. Roque Antonio Tellez da Silua ... capitam geral do estado de Brasil & c.
Sermam. que pregou o P....
Vieira, António, 1608-1...
na officina de Domingos...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Rochus,--Saint,--approximately 1295-1327., Imprint 1642.]
Relação verdadeira dos successos do conde de Castel Melhor, preso na cidade de Cartagena de Indias, & hoje liure, por particular merce do ceo, & fauor del rey dom Ioão IV. nosso senhor, na cidade de Lisboa.
Relação verdadeira do...
Carvalho, Jorge de, app...
Na officina de Domingos...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Brazil--History--Dutch Conquest, 1624-1654., Cartagena (Colombia)--History.]
Relation de ce qui s'est passé en la Nouuelle France, es années 1640. et 1641. Enuoyée au r. pere prouincial de la Compagnie de Iesus, de la prouince de France. /
Relation de ce qui s'es...
Le Jeune, Paul, 1592-16...
chés Sebastien Cramois...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Jesuits., Vimont, Barthélemy, 1594-1667.]
[Jesuits--Missions., Indians of North America--Missions., Wyandot Indians--Missions., New France--Discovery and exploration., Indian linguistics--Huron language.]
Relacion venida de Madrid de las cosas sucedidas, despues de los auisos, hastra postrero de iunio del año de 1642.
Relacion venida de Madr...
Por Joseph de Contreras
Author (contributor)
Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library
[Spain--History--Philip IV, 1621-1665--Sources., CSAIP., Imprint 1642.]
The profession of the faith of that reverend and worthy divine Mr. J.D. sometimes preacher of Stevens Coleman-street. London. : Made publiquely before the congregation at his admission into one of the churches of God in New-England. Containing twenty severall heads as it was drawn from his own copy. viz. 1. Concerning the scriptures. 2. Concerning the Godhead in the unity of essence, and trinity of persons. 3. Concerning the decrees of God. 4. Concerning creation, and providence. 5. Concerning the fall of man and originall sin. 6. Concerning mans restitution. 7. Concerning the person and natures in Christ. 8. Concerning the offices of Christ. 9. Concerning Christs propheticall office. 10. Concerning the priesthood of Christ. 11. Concerning Christs kingly office. 1. in generall. 12. Concerning his kingdom. 2. in speciall. 13. Concerning the application of redemption. 14. Concerning a particular instituted church, and the priviledges therof. 15. Concerning the manner of gathering a church. 16. Concerning the sacarements. 17. Concerning the power of every church. 18. Concerning the communion of churches. 19. Concerning church officers. 20. Concerning giving every man his due..
The profession of the f...
Davenport, John, 1597-1...
printed for John Handco...
[Congregationalism., Congregational churches., Imprint 1642.]
Sacrarum profanarumque phrasium poeticarum thesaurus, recens perpolitus et numerosior factus. /
Sacrarum profanarumque ...
Buchler, Johann, 1570-1...
sumptibus Joannis Rothw...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Pontanus, Jacob, 1542-1626., Buchanan, George, 1506-1582., Bax, Nicaise, -1642.]
[Virgil--Dictionaries., Latin language--Synonyms and antonyms., Latin language--Terms and phrases., Poetry--Indexes.]
Cartas que escreueo o Marquez de Montaluam sendo Visorey do Estado do Brasil, : ao Conde de Nassau, que gouernaua as armas em Pernambuco dandolhe auiso da felice acclamącão de sua Magestade o senhor Rey Do[n] Ioão o IV. nestes seus reynos de Portugal, è reposta do Conde de Nassau. Com outra carta que o marichal seu filho trouxe para se apresentar co[n] ella a sua Magestade.
Cartas que escreueo o M...
Montalvão, Jorge Mascar...
Na Officina de Domingos...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Johan Maurits,--Prince of Nassau-Siegen,--1604-1679., Brazil--History--Dutch Conquest, 1624-1654., Imprint 1642.]
Discurso politico sobre o se auer de largar a coroa de Portugal, Angola, S. Thome, & Maranhaõ, : exclamado aos altos, & poderosos estados de Olanda. /
Discurso politico sobre...
Leitão, Francisco de An...
Por Antonio Aluarex
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Brazil--History--Dutch Conquest,1624-1654., Portugal--Foreign relations--Netherlands., Netherlands--Foreign relations--Portugal.]
Memorial, o Discurso informativo iuridico, historico, politico. : De los derechos, honores, preeminencias, i otras cosas, que se deven dar, i guardar a los consejeros honorarios, i iubilados. I en particular si se les deve la pitança que llaman de la Candelaria. /
Memorial, o Discurso in...
Solórzano Pereira, Juan...
Año 1642 En Madrid Por...
[Spain--Officials and employees., Imprint 1642.]
A modest and cleare answer to Mr. Balls discourse of set formes of prayer. : Set forth in a most seasonable time, when this kingdome is now in consultation about matters of that nature, and so many godly long after the resolution in that point. /
A modest and cleare ans...
Cotton, John, 1584-1652...
printed by Richard Oult...
[Ball, John,--1585-1640.--Friendly triall of the grounds tending to separation., Church of England--Liturgy., Prayer., Congregationalism., Imprint 1642.]
A modest and cleare answer to Mr. Balls discourse of set formes of prayer. : Set forth in a most seasonable time, when this kingdome is now in consultation about matters of that nature, and so many godly long after the resolution in that point. /
A modest and cleare ans...
Cotton, John, 1584-1652...
printed by Richard Oult...
[Ball, John,--1585-1640.--Friendly triall of the grounds tending to separation., Church of England--Liturgy., Prayer., Congregationalism., Imprint 1642.]
Hugonis Grotii De origine gentium Americanarum dissertatio.
Hugonis Grotii De origi...
Grotius, Hugo, 1583-164...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Histoire des Indes Occidentales. : Ou l'on reconnoit la bonté de ces païs, & de leurs peuples; & les cruautez tyranniques des Espagnols. /
Histoire des Indes Occi...
Casas, Bartolomé de las...
chez Iean Caffin & F Pl...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Indians, Treatment of., Spain--Colonies--America., Imprint 1642.]
Litterae annuae Provinciae Paraquariae Societatis Iesu ad admodùm R.P. Mutium Vitellescum ejusdem societatis Praepositum Generalem : missae à R.P. Jacobo de Beroa Paraquariae praeposito provinciali, ex Hispanico autographo Latinè redditae à P. Francisco de Hamal Belgâ societatis ejusdem.
Litterae annuae Provinc...
Jesuits. Provincia del ...
Typis Tossani Le Clercq
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864, former owner., Vitelleschi, Muzio, 1563-1645., Hamal, François, 1610-1655., Beroa, Diego de, 1585-1658.]
[Jesuits--Paraguay--Correspondence., Jesuits--Missions--Paraguay., Jesuits--Brazil--Correspondence., Jesuits--Missions--Brazil., Jesuits--South America--Correspondence., Jesuits--Missions--South America., Imprint 1642.]
[Indian deed of Warwick, Rhode Island]
[Indian deed of Warwick...
Miantonomo, Sachem of t...
Author (contributor)
[JCB Redwood Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Waterman, Richard, approximately 1590-1673., Gorton, Samuel, 1592 or 1593-1677., Greene, John, 1606-approximately 1695., Holden, Randall, 1612-1692.]
[Narragansett Indians., Deeds--Rhode Island--Warwick., Land titles--Rhode Island--Warwick., Warwick (R.I.)--History., Manuscripts--English., Imprint 1642.]
Plain dealing: or, Newes from New-England. : A short view of New-Englands present government, both ecclesiasticall and civil, compared with the anciently-received and established government of England, in some materiall points; fit for the gravest consideration in these times. /
Plain dealing: or, Newe...
Lechford, Thomas, appro...
Printed by William Elli...
[Massachusetts--Church history., New England--Church history., Massachusetts--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., New England--Politics and government--To 1775., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1642.]
Por don Ioseph de Villanueua, cauallero del Orden de Alcantara, del consejo de su Magestad, y su secretario en el Supremo de Aragon, consejero, y contador mayor del Consejo de la Santa Cruzada, : por el tiempo de la menor edad de don Geronimo Luis Valle de la Cerda y Villanueua. Con el señor Francisco Diaz Mendez Brito, que sirue el cargo de gran chanciller, y consejero del mismo consejo.
Por don Ioseph de Villa...
Villanueva, Joseph de, ...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Tello de Soto, Gaspar.]
[Valle de la Cerda y Villanueva, Gerónimo Luis., Díaz Mendez Brito, Francisco.]
A modest and cleer answer to Mr. Ball's discourse of set formes of prayer. /
A modest and cleer answ...
Cotton, John, 1584-1652...
printed for H Overton i...
[Ball, John,--1585-1640.--Friendly triall of the grounds tending to separation, Church of England--Liturgy., Prayer., Congregationalism., Imprint 1642.]
Ein hundert Episteln, oder Sendschreiben, von vnterschiedlichen, politischen, historischen, vnd andern Materien, vnd Sachen, /
Ein hundert Episteln, o...
Zeiller, Martin, 1589-1...
in Verlegung Johann Gö...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
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