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Nova totius terrarum orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabula
Nova totius terrarum or...
Map title
Nova totius terrarum orbis geographica ac hydrographica tabula
[Josua vanden Ende, Willem Janszoon Blaeu]
Nova Belgica et Anglia Nova
Nova Belgica et Anglia ...
North America
Blaeu, Willem Janszoon,...
Map title
Nova Belgica et Anglia Nova
Nova Terrae-Mariae tabula
Nova Terrae-Mariae tabu...
North America
Map title
Nova Terrae-Mariae tabula
T. Cecill
[North polar projection]
[North polar projection...
Fox, Luke, 1586-1635
Map title
[North polar projection]
New England The most remarqueable parts thus named ...
New England The most re...
North America
Mercator, Gerhard, 1512...
Map title
New England The most remarqueable parts thus named ...
Simon van de Passe
America Meridionalis
[Brazil, Guianas, Spani...
America Meridionalis
Mercator, Gerhard, 1512...
Image title
America Meridionalis
Source place of publication
Source date
[Title page]
[Title page]
Mercator, Gerhard, 1512...
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
Source date
Haec ornamenta mea non parufringque sequela maledicte fili maledicte pater
North America
Haec ornamenta mea non ...
Stengel, Georg, 1584-16...
Image title
Haec ornamenta mea non parufringque sequela maledicte fili maledicte pater
Source place of publication
Monachii [Munich]
Source date
XXXV. [1635]
Ova paschalia sacro emblemate /
Ova paschalia sacro emb...
Stengel, Georg, 1584-16...
Apud Nicolam Henricum e...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Storcker, Kaspar, former owner., Baldauf, knight, former owner.]
[Emblems., Eggs--America., Indians of North America--Social life and customs., Imprint 1635.]
Iac. Cornuti doctoris medici Parisiensis Canadensium plantarum, aliarúmque nondum editarum historia. : Cui adiectum est ad calcem enchiridion botanicum Parisiense, continens indicem plantarum, quæ in pagis, siluis, pratis, & montosis iuxta Parisios locis nascuntur.
Iac. Cornuti doctoris m...
Cornut, Jacques Philipp...
venundantur apud Simone...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Botany--Pre-Linnean works., Botany--Canada., Botany--France--Paris., Imprint 1635.]
Varieties: or, A surveigh of rare and excellent matters, : necessary and delectable for all sorts of persons. Wherein the principall heads of diverse sciences are illustrated, rare secrets of naturall things unfoulded, &c. Digested into five books, whose severall chapters with their contents are to be seene in the table after the epistle dedicatory. /
Varieties: or, A survei...
Person, David.
Printed by Richard Badg...
[Science., Philosophy., Combat., Imprint 1635.]
Tratado breve de la antiguedad del linaie de Vera, : y memoria de personas señaladas del, que se hallan en historias, y papeles autenticos. /
Tratado breve de la ant...
Puente, Francisco de la...
Por Geronymo de Contrer...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Vera y Zúñiga, Fernando de, 1582-1639., Vera y Figueroa, Fernando Carlos Antonio de, vizconde de Sierrabrava.]
[Vera family., Spain--Genealogy., Spain--Colonies--America--Genealogy., CSAIP., Imprint 1635.]
Regla, y ordenaciones de las religiosas de la limpia, e immaculada Concepcion de la Virgen Santissima n[uest]ra Señora. : Que se an de obseruar en los conuentos de la dicha orden de la ciudad de Mexico: la Concepcion, Regina Coeli, Iesus Maria, N[uest]ra Señora de Balbanera, la Encarnacion, Santa Maria de Gracia, y Santa Ines, ya fundados, con los demas que se fundaren subordinados à la obediencia del illustrissimo señor D. Francisco Manso, y Zuñiga, arçobispo de la dicha ciudad, del consejo de su Magestad, y del Real de las Indias, y à la de los illustrissimos sus successores. Reducidas por su Señoria illustrissima con facultad appostolica à estilo suaue, corriente, y ordinario. Y suplidas en los defectos passados, de su obseruancia, para que en lo por venir mejor se puedan entender, y guardar.
Regla, y ordenaciones d...
Por Iuan Ruyz
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Mathes, W. Michael., Manso y Zúñiga, Francisco, 1587-1655 or 1656., Gavito, Florencio, 1882-1960, Conway, G. R. G. 1873-1951 (George Robert Graham),]
[Conceptionists--Rules., Monasticism and religious orders for women--Mexico--Mexico City--Rules., Imprint 1635.]
Nevv Englands prospect. : A true, lively, and experimentall description of that part of America, commonly called Nevv England: discovering the state of that countrie, both as it stands to our new-come English planters; and to the old native inhabitants. Laying downe that which may both enrich the knowledge of the mind-travelling reader, or benefit the future voyager. /
Nevv Englands prospect....
Wood, William, active 1...
by Tho Cotes for Iohn B...
Author (contributor)
Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Indians of North America--Massachusetts., Massachuset Indians., Massachuset language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., Massachusetts--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., New England--Description and travel., Indian linguistics--Massachuset language.]
North-vvest fox, or, Fox from the North-west passage. : Beginning with King Arthur, Malga, Octhur, the two Zenis of Iseland, Estotiland, and Dorgia; following with briefe abstracts of the voyages of Cabot, Frobisher, Davis, Waymouth, Knight, Hudson, Button, Gibbons, Bylot, Baffin, Hawkridge: together with the courses, distance, latitudes, longitudes, variations, depths of seas, sets of tydes, currents, races, and over-falls; with other observations, accidents and remarkable things, as our miseries and sufferings. Mr. Iames Hall's three voyages to Groynland, with a topographical description of the countries, the salvages [sic] lives and treacheries, how our men have beene slayne by them there, with the commodities of all those parts; whereby the marchant may have trade, and the mariner imployment. Demonstrated in a polar card, wherein are all the maines, seas, and ilands, herein mentioned. With the author his owne voyage, being the XVIth. With the opinions and collections of the most famous mathematicians, and cosmographers; with a probabilitie to prove the same by marine remonstrations, compared by the ebbing and flowing of the sea, experimented with places of our owne coast. /
North-vvest fox, or, Fo...
Foxe, Luke, 1586-1635.
M Sparke; Printed by B ...
Author (contributor)
[Abbott, Gordon., Garry, Nicholas T. 1830 or 1831- (Nicholas Thomas),, Hall, James, -1612.]
[Northwest Passage., Arctic regions--Discovery and exploration x British., Greenland--Description and travel., Imprint 1635.]
North-vvest fox, or, Fox from the North-west passage. : Beginning with King Arthur, Malga, Octhur, the two Zenis of Iseland, Estotiland, and Dorgia; following with briefe abstracts of the voyages of Cabot, Frobisher, Davis, Waymouth, Knight, Hudson, Button, Gibbons, Bylot, Baffin, Hawkridge: together with the courses, distance, latitudes, longitudes, variations, depths of seas, sets of tydes, currents, races, and over-falls; with other observations, accidents and remarkable things, as our miseries and sufferings. Mr. Iames Hall's three voyages to Groynland, with a topographical description of the countries, the salvages [sic] lives and treacheries, how our men have beene slayne by them there, with the commodities of all those parts; whereby the marchant may have trade, and the mariner imployment. Demonstrated in a polar card, wherein are all the maines, seas, and ilands, herein mentioned. With the author his owne voyage, being the XVIth. With the opinions and collections of the most famous mathematicians, and cosmographers; with a probabilitie to prove the same by marine remonstrations, compared by the ebbing and flowing of the sea, experimented with places of our owne coast. /
North-vvest fox, or, Fo...
Foxe, Luke, 1586-1635.
M Sparke; Printed by B ...
Author (contributor)
[Abbott, Gordon., Garry, Nicholas T. 1830 or 1831- (Nicholas Thomas),, Hall, James, -1612.]
[Northwest Passage., Arctic regions--Discovery and exploration x British., Greenland--Description and travel., Imprint 1635.]
A relation of the successefull beginnings of the Lord Baltemore's plantation in Mary-land. : Being an extract of certaine letters written from thence, by some of the aduenturers, to their friends in England. To which is added, the conditions of plantation propounded by his Lordship for the second voyage intended this present yeere, 1634.
A relation of the succe...
White, Andrew, 1579-165...
[Maryland--Description and travel., Maryland--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1634.]
Ioannis Eusebii Nierembergii Madritensis ex Societate Iesu ... historia naturae, maxime  peregrinæ, libris XVI. distincta. In quibus rarissima naturae arcana, etiam astronomica, & ignota Indiarum animalia ... plantae, metalla, lapides ... fluuioruḿque & elementorum conditiones, etiam cum proprietatibus medicinalibus, describuntur ... : Accedunt de miris & miraculosis naturis in Europâ libri duo: item de iisdem in terrâ Hebraeis promissâ liber vnus.
Ioannis Eusebii Nieremb...
Nieremberg, Juan Eusebi...
ex officina Plantiniana...
Author (contributor)
[German Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Gralath, Daniel., Heinemann, F. I. L., Leske, Nathanael Gottfried, 1751-1786]
[Natural history--Pre-Linnean works., Natural history--Mexico., Imprint 1635.]
A relation of Maryland; : together, vvith a map of the countrey, the conditions of plantation, His Majesties charter to the Lord Baltemore, /
A relation of Maryland;...
These books are to bee ...
Author (contributor)
[Maryland., Streeter, Thomas W. 1883-1965 (Thomas Winthrop),, Church, Elihu Dwight, 1835-1908, Cecil, Thomas, active 1630., White, Andrew, 1579-1656.]
[Indians of North America--Maryland., Maryland--Description and travel., Maryland--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1635.]
A relation of Maryland; : together, vvith a map of the countrey, the conditions of plantation, His Majesties charter to the Lord Baltemore, /
A relation of Maryland;...
These books are to bee ...
Author (contributor)
[Maryland., Streeter, Thomas W. 1883-1965 (Thomas Winthrop),, Church, Elihu Dwight, 1835-1908, Cecil, Thomas, active 1630., White, Andrew, 1579-1656.]
[Indians of North America--Maryland., Maryland--Description and travel., Maryland--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1635.]
Su Magestad, por una cedula de 28. de iunio deste año, me embia à mandar haga embargar todos y qualesquier bienes, assi muebles, como rayzes, que se hallaren de [franceses] en estos reynos:
Su Magestad, por una ce...
Peru (Viceroyalty). Vic...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Chinchón, Luis Gerónimo Fernández de Cabrera y Bobadilla, conde de, 1589-1647.]
[Confiscations--Peru., Embargo., Peru--History--To 1820--Sources., CSAIP., Imprint 1635.]
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