Browse All : Images from [1744]

1-9 of 9
The Inhabitants of California in their respective Dresses.
North America
The Inhabitants of Cali...
Harris, John, 1667?-171...
Image title
The Inhabitants of California in their respective Dresses.
Source place of publication
Source date
M.DCC.XLIV. [1744]
The City of St. Salvador and its harbour
The City of St. Salvado...
Harris, John, 1667?-171...
Image title
The City of St. Salvador and its harbour
Source place of publication
Source date
M.DCC.XLIV. [1744]
The Whale Fishery and Killing the Bears
The Whale Fishery and K...
Harris, John, 1667?-171...
Image title
The Whale Fishery and Killing the Bears
Source place of publication
Source date
M.DCC.XLIV. [1744]
Habitations d'un Quartier situé au bord de la mer.
Caribbean Islands
Habitations d'un Quarti...
Image title
Habitations d'un Quartier situé au bord de la mer.
Source place of publication
A Trevoux
Source date
M. DCC. XLIV [1744]
Pirogue Espagnole
Caribbean Islands
Pirogue Espagnole
Image title
Pirogue Espagnole
Source place of publication
A Trevoux
Source date
M. DCC. XLIV [1744]
Manière de pêcher la Tortüe; le Lamantin
Caribbean Islands
Manière de pêcher la To...
Image title
Manière de pêcher la Tortüe; le Lamantin
Source place of publication
A Trevoux
Source date
M. DCC. XLIV [1744]
[Title page]
Caribbean Islands
[Title page]
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
A Trevoux
Source date
M. DCC. XLIV [1744]
[Pirate smoking a pipe]
Caribbean Islands
[Pirate smoking a pipe]
Image title
[Pirate smoking a pipe]
Source place of publication
A Trevoux
Source date
M. DCC. XLIV [1744]
Rto. do B. Beneditto de S. Philadelfio leigo Reformado da Prov[inci]a. de Sicilia ...
Rto. do B. Beneditto de...
Apollinario da Conceiça...
Image title
Rto. do B. Beneditto de S. Philadelfio leigo Reformado da Prov[inci]a. de Sicilia ...
Source place of publication
Lisboa [Lisbon]
Source date
1-9 of 9