Browse All : Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750.

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A brief and true narration of the late vvars risen in New-England: : occasioned by the quarrelsom disposition, and perfidious carriage of the barbarous, savage and heathenish natives there..
A brief and true narrat...
Printed for JS
Author (contributor)
British Museum. Department of Printed Books
[King Philip's War, 1675-1676., Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1675.]
A brief history of the vvarr with the Indians in New-England, : (from June 24, 1675. when the first English-man was murdered by the Indians, to August 12. 1676. when Philip, aliàs Metacomet, the principal author and beginner of the warr, was slain.) Wherein the grounds, beginning, and progress of the warr, is summarily expressed. Together with a serious exhortation to the inhabitants of that land, /
A brief history of the ...
Mather, Increase, 1639-...
Printed and sold by Joh...
Author (contributor)
[Brown, Anne S. Kinsolving., Brown, John Nicholas, 1900-1979, Stoughton, William, 1632-1701., Danforth, Thomas, 1622-1699., Richards, James, 1658-1711., Winthrop, John, 1606-1676., Hinckley, Thomas, approximately 1618-1706., Winslow, Josiah, 1629?-1680., Philip, Sachem of the Wampanoags, -1676.]
[King Philip's War, 1675-1676., Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750., Sermons--Massachusets--Boston., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1676.]
News from New-England, : being a true and last account of the present bloody wars carried on betwixt the infidels, natives, and the English Christians, and converted Indians of New-England, declaring the many dreadful battles fought betwixt them: as also the many towns and villages burnt by the merciless heathens. And also the true number of all the Christians slain since the beginning of that war, as it was sent over by a factor of New-England to a merchant in London..
News from New-England, ...
Printed for J Coniers a...
Author (contributor)
L'Estrange, Roger, Sir, 1616-1704.
[King Philip's War, 1675-1676., Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1676.]
A true relation of the late battell fought in New England, between the English, and the salvages. : VVith the present state of things there..
A true relation of the ...
Vincent, Philip, 1600-
Printed by Marmaduke Pa...
Author (contributor)
British Museum. Department of Printed Books
[Pequot War, 1636-1638., Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1637.]
A relation of the troubles which have hapned [sic] in New-England, by reason of the Indians there. From the year 1614. to the year 1675. Wherein the frequent conspiracyes of the Indians to cutt off the English. and the wonderfull providence of God, in disappointing their devices, is declared. Together with An historical discourse concerning the prevalency of prayer: shewing that New Englands late deliverance from the rage of the heathen is an eminent answer of prayer. /
A relation of the troub...
Mather, Increase, 1639-...
Printed and sold by Joh...
Author (contributor)
[Brinley, George, 1817-1875, Mason, John, 1600-1672., Allyn, John, -1696.]
[Pequot War, 1636-1638., Indians of North America--New England., Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1677.]
A relation of the troubles which have hapned [sic] in New-England, by reason of the Indians there. From the year 1614. to the year 1675. Wherein the frequent conspiracyes of the Indians to cutt off the English. and the wonderfull providence of God, in disappointing their devices, is declared. Together with An historical discourse concerning the prevalency of prayer: shewing that New Englands late deliverance from the rage of the heathen is an eminent answer of prayer. /
A relation of the troub...
Mather, Increase, 1639-...
Printed and sold by Joh...
Author (contributor)
[Brinley, George, 1817-1875, Mason, John, 1600-1672., Allyn, John, -1696.]
[Pequot War, 1636-1638., Indians of North America--New England., Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1677.]
A true account of the most considerable occurrences that have hapned [sic] in the warre between the English and the Indians in New-England, : from the fifth of May, 1676, to the fourth of August last; as also of the successes it hath pleased God to give the English against them: as it hath been communicated by letters to a friend in London. The most exact account yet printed.
A true account of the m...
Printed for Benjamin Bi...
Author (contributor)
L'Estrange, Roger, Sir, 1616-1704.
[King Philip's War, 1675-1676., Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750., Indians of North America--New England--Missions., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Massachusetts--History--New Plymouth, 1620-1691., Imprint 1676.]
A true relation of the late battell fought in New-England, between the English and the Pequet salvages : in which were slaine and taken prisoners about 700 of the salvages, and those which escaped, had their heads cut off by the Mohocks: with the present state of things there..
A true relation of the ...
Vincent, Philip, 1600-
Printed by Thomas Harpe...
[Pequot War, 1636-1638., Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1638.]
The present state of New-England. Being a narrative of the troubles with the Indians in New-England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607, to this present year 1677: but cheifly of the late troubles in the two last years 1675, and 1676. To which is added a discourse about the war with the Pequods in the year 1637. /
The present state of Ne...
Hubbard, William, 1621 ...
Printed for Tho Parkhur...
Author (contributor)
Wenn, Thomas.
[Pequot War, 1636-1638., Indians of North America--New England., Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1677.]
The present state of New-England. Being a narrative of the troubles with the Indians in New-England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607, to this present year 1677: but cheifly of the late troubles in the two last years 1675, and 1676. To which is added a discourse about the war with the Pequods in the year 1637. /
The present state of Ne...
Hubbard, William, 1621 ...
Printed for Tho Parkhur...
Author (contributor)
Wenn, Thomas.
[Pequot War, 1636-1638., Indians of North America--New England., Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1677.]
Newes from America; or, A new and experimentall discoverie of New England; : containing, a true relation of their war-like proceedings these two yeares last past, with a figure of the Indian fort, or palizado. Also a discovery of these places, that as yet have very few or no inhabitants which would yeeld speciall accommodation to such as will plant there, viz. Queenapoik. Agu-wom. Hudsons River. Long Island. Nahanticut. Martins Vinyard. Pequet. Naransett Bay. Elizabeth Islands. Puscat away. Casko with about a hundred islands neere to Casko. /
Newes from America; or,...
Underhill, John, 1597-1...
Printed by J Dawson for...
Author (contributor)
[Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864, R. H., active 1638.]
[Pequot War, 1636-1638., Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1638.]
A continuation of the state of New-England; : being a farther account of the Indian warr, and of the engagement betwixt the joynt forces of the united English colonies and the Indians, on the 19th. of December 1675. With the true number of the slain and wounded, and the transactions of the English army since the said fight. With all other passages that have there hapned from the 10th. of November, 1675. to the 8th. of February, 1675/6. Together with an account of the intended rebellion of the negroes in the Barbadoes ...
A continuation of the s...
Printed by TM for Dorma...
Author (contributor)
[Massachusetts. Council., Rawson, Edward, 1615-1693., Oldenburg, Henry, approximately 1615-1677., Saltonstall, Nathaniel, 1639-1707.]
[King Philip's War, 1675-1676., Slave insurrections--Barbados., Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Barbados--History., Imprint 1676.]
Early history of New England; : being a relation of hostile passages between the Indians and European voyagers and first settlers: and a full narrative of hostilities, to the close of the war with the Pequots, in the year 1637; also a detailed account of the origin of the war with King Philip. /
Early history of New En...
Mather, Increase, 1639-...
Also by J Munsell Alban...
Author (contributor)
[Mason, John, 1600-1672., Allyn, John, -1696., Drake, Samuel G., 1798-1875.]
[Pequot War, 1636-1638., King Philip's War, 1675-1676., Indians of North America--New England., Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1864.]
A new and further narrative of the state of New-England, being a continued account of the bloudy Indian-war, from March till August, 1676. : Giving a perfect relation of the several devastations, engagements, and transactions there; as also the great successes lately obtained against the barbarous Indians, the reducing of King Philip, and the killing of one of the queens, &c. Together with a catalogue of the losses in the whole, sustained on either side, since the said war began, as near as can be collected..
A new and further narra...
Printed by Joseph Benne...
Author (contributor)
[Massachusetts. Council., Rawson, Edward, 1615-1693., Saltonstall, Nathaniel, 1639-1707., L'Estrange, Roger, Sir, 1616-1704.]
[King Philip's War, 1675-1676., Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1676.]
Histoire d'Angleterre depuis le Traité d'Aix-la-Chapelle en 1748, jusqu'au Traité de Paris en 1763. : pour servir de continuation aux histoires de MM. Smollett et Hume. /
Histoire d'Angleterre d...
Targe, M. 1714-1788. (J...
Chez Desaint rue de Foi...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750., Indians of North America--Wars--1750-1815., Anglo-French War, 1755-1763., Seven Years' War, 1756-1763., Great Britain--Foreign relations--France., Great Britain--History--George II, 1727-1760., United States--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1768.]
Histoire d'Angleterre depuis le Traité d'Aix-la-Chapelle en 1748, jusqu'au Traité de Paris en 1763. : pour servir de continuation aux histoires de MM. Smollett et Hume. /
Histoire d'Angleterre d...
Targe, M. 1714-1788. (J...
Chez Desaint rue de Foi...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750., Indians of North America--Wars--1750-1815., Anglo-French War, 1755-1763., Seven Years' War, 1756-1763., Great Britain--Foreign relations--France., Great Britain--History--George II, 1727-1760., United States--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1768.]
Histoire d'Angleterre depuis le Traité d'Aix-la-Chapelle en 1748, jusqu'au Traité de Paris en 1763. : pour servir de continuation aux histoires de MM. Smollett et Hume. /
Histoire d'Angleterre d...
Targe, M. 1714-1788. (J...
Chez Desaint rue de Foi...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750., Indians of North America--Wars--1750-1815., Anglo-French War, 1755-1763., Seven Years' War, 1756-1763., Great Britain--Foreign relations--France., Great Britain--History--George II, 1727-1760., United States--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1768.]
Histoire d'Angleterre depuis le Traité d'Aix-la-Chapelle en 1748, jusqu'au Traité de Paris en 1763. : pour servir de continuation aux histoires de MM. Smollett et Hume. /
Histoire d'Angleterre d...
Targe, M. 1714-1788. (J...
Chez Desaint rue de Foi...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750., Indians of North America--Wars--1750-1815., Anglo-French War, 1755-1763., Seven Years' War, 1756-1763., Great Britain--Foreign relations--France., Great Britain--History--George II, 1727-1760., United States--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1768.]
Histoire d'Angleterre depuis le Traité d'Aix-la-Chapelle en 1748, jusqu'au Traité de Paris en 1763. : pour servir de continuation aux histoires de MM. Smollett et Hume. /
Histoire d'Angleterre d...
Targe, M. 1714-1788. (J...
Chez Desaint rue de Foi...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750., Indians of North America--Wars--1750-1815., Anglo-French War, 1755-1763., Seven Years' War, 1756-1763., Great Britain--Foreign relations--France., Great Britain--History--George II, 1727-1760., United States--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1768.]
A true relation of the late battell fought in New England, between the English, and the Pequet salvages: : in which was slaine and taken prisoners about 700 of the salvages, and those which escaped, had their heads cut off by the Mohocks: vvith the present state of things there..
A true relation of the ...
Vincent, Philip, 1600-
Printed by Marmaduke Pa...
[Pequot War, 1636-1638., Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1638.]
The warr in New-England visibly ended. : King Philip that barbarous Indian now beheaded, and most of his bloudy adherents submitted to mercy, the rest fled far up into the countrey, which hath given the inhabitants encouragement to prepare for their settlement. /
The warr in New-England...
Hutchinson, Richard, ac...
Printed by Joseph Benne...
Author (contributor)
[L'Estrange, Roger, Sir, 1616-1704., More, Caleb, (master of a vessel newly arrived from Rhode-Island) CREATE]
[Philip,--Sachem of the Wampanoags,---1676., King Philip's War, 1675-1676., Indians of North America--Wars--1600-1750., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1677.]
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