Browse All : Imprint 1770.

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A nosseigneurs de Parlement en la grand'chambre. /
A nosseigneurs de Parle...
Lancize, comte de
chez PG Simon imprimeur...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), France. Parlement (1946- )]
[Lancize,--comtesse de, Lupé,--marquise de, La Tour du Roch, Hubert Boucher,--comte de, Marriage settlements--France., Trials (Libel)--France., Guardian and ward--France., Imprint 1770.]
Metodo, y reglas, que el Tribunal Mayor, y Audiencia Real de Cuentas ofrece a los oficiales reales del Perú para las deducciones de los derechos, que pertenecen à Su Magestad en la plata en pasta, que se lleva á fundir, marcar y sellar en las caxas reales: : y en que juntamente se prescribe el òrden y colocacion, con que deberàn sentarse las repectivas [sic] partidas en los libros reales.
Metodo, y reglas, que e...
Peru (Viceroyalty). Tri...
En la Oficina de la cal...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Feijoo de Sosa, Miguel, 1718-1791?]
[Silver., Taxation--Peru., Peru--History--Economic aspects.--1548-1820, Imprint 1770.]
Connecticut. Appellants. Old John Uncas and the greater part of the tribe of Moheagan Indians, by Samuel Mason their guardian, appellants. The governor and company of His Majesty's English colony of Connecticut in New England in America, and George Richards, Esq; and several other persons, intruders on the lands in question, respondents.
Connecticut. Appellants...
Mohegan Indian Tribe of...
publisher not identifie...
Author (contributor)
[Great Britain. Privy Council., Connecticut. Governor., Connecticut., Uncas, John, Young, Uncas, John, Old]
[Mohegan Indians--Land tenure., Indian land transfers--Connecticut., Connecticut--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1770.]
Considerations on the expediency of admitting representatives from the American colonies into the British House of Commons.
Considerations on the e...
Maseres, Francis, 1731-...
printed for B White
Imprint 1770.
The constitution defended, and pensioner exposed; in remarks on The false alarm.
The constitution defend...
Scott, John, 1731-1783.
printed for E and C Dil...
Imprint 1770.
A short narrative of the horrid massacre in Boston, : perpetrated in the evening of the fifth day of March 1770. By soldiers of the XXIXth Regiment which with the XIVth Regiment, were then quartered there: with some observations on the state of things prior to that catastrophe. ; To which is added, an appendix, containing the several depositions referred to in this preceding narrative; and also other depositions relative to the subject of it.
A short narrative of th...
Boston printed by order...
Author (contributor)
[Revere, Paul, 1735-1818., Pemberton, Samuel, 1723-1799., Warren, Joseph, 1741-1775., Bowdoin, James, 1726-1790.]
[Boston Massacre, 1770., Massacres--Massachusetts., Boston (Mass.)--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Massachusetts--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., United States--History--Causes.--Revolution, 1775-1783, Imprint 1770.]
A concise, historical view of the difficulties, hardships, and perils which attended the planting and progressive improvements of New-England. ... By Amos Adams, A.M. .
A concise, historical v...
Adams, Amos, 1728-1775.
Boston printed London r...
Imprint 1770.
Catalogus controversiarum, et resolutionum, insupèrque : decretum pro observantia.
Catalogus controversiar...
Fabian y Fuero, Francis...
Typis & ad usum Seminar...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Sigüenza (Spain). Seminario., Catholic Church. Diocese of Tlaxcala (Mexico : 1525-1903). Bishop (1765-1773 : Fabián y Fuero)]
[Catholic Church--Catechisms., Catholic Church--Doctrines., Imprint 1770.]
Carta de edificacion de la exemplar vida y santa muerte del M.R.P. doctor Martin de Andres Perez, de nuestra sagrada religion de Clèrigos Reglares Ministros de los Enfermos, lector jubilado y rector de nuestro Colegio de San Carlos de la Universidad de Alcalà, prefecto de nuestras casas del Noviciado y Profesa de Madrid, veinticinco años vice provincial en este Reyno del Perù, catedràtico de prima de sagrada teologìa en la Universidad de Lima, consultor, calificador y juez comisario de este Santo Oficio de la Inquisicion, confesor del ilustrìsimo señor arzobispo Doct. D. Diego del Corro, consultor teòlogo de su dignidad arzobispal, &c. /
Carta de edificacion de...
González Laguna, Franci...
Impresa en la calle de ...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Montt, Luis, 1848-1909]
[Andrés Perez, Martín de,--1698-1770., Camillians--Peru--Biography., CSAIP., Imprint 1770.]
A candid enquiry into the present ruined state of the French monarchy. With remarks on the late despotick reduction of the interest of the national debt of France.
A candid enquiry into t...
printed for J Almon
Imprint 1770.
Pintura de la Inglaterra: : estado actual de su comercio, y hacienda: : infeliz situacion, decadencia y proxima ruina de uno, y otro ramo; y bancarrota á que se halla inevitablemente expuesta à causa de su espantosa deuda nacional. Manifiesto presentado al Rey, y à las dos cámaras del Parlamento /
Pintura de la Inglaterr...
Knox, William, 1732-181...
En la oficino de Blas R...
Author (contributor)
[Marcoleta, Domingo de, active 18th century., Whately, Thomas, -1772., Grenville, George, 1712-1770.]
[Finance--Great Britain., Great Britain--Politics and government--Sources.--1760-1789, Great Britain--Economic conditions--18th century., Great Britain--Commerce., Imprint 1770.]
The political detection : or, the treachery and tyranny of administration, both at home and abroad; displayed in a series of letters, signed Junius Americanus.
The political detection...
Lee, Arthur, 1740-1792.
printed and sold by J a...
Imprint 1770.
A la señora [...] En todos los paises del mundo culto es el empleo de los nobles la veneracion al bello sexô
A la señora [...] En t...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Querejazu y Mollinedo, Antonio Hermenegildo de.]
[Waterworks--Peru--Lima., CSAIP., Paseo de Aguas (Lima, Peru), Broadsides, etc.--Peru--Lima., Imprint 1770.]
Pastoral del Illmo. S.r obispo de Cuba, : para todo el venerable clero secular de su diocesis.
Pastoral del Illmo. S.r...
Echavarría Yelguezua, S...
En la Imprênta del Com...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Catholic Church--Cuba--Pastoral letters and charges., Catholic Church--Clergy--Training of--Cuba., CSAIP., Imprint 1770.]
An authentic copy of Lord Ch--m's speech, in the Ho-se of L-ds in Eng-nd, in the d--e on the present state of the nation. November 22, 1770.
An authentic copy of Lo...
Pitt, William, Earl of ...
Imprint 1770.
Astronomical observations, made by order of the Royal Society, at Prince of Wales's Fort, on the north-west coast of Hudson's Bay. /
Astronomical observatio...
Wales, William, 1734?-1...
Printed by W Bowyer and...
Author (contributor)
[Royal Society (Great Britain), Dymond, Joseph.]
[Astronomy--Canada., Astronomy--Observations., Imprint 1770.]
An appeal to the public on behalf of Samuel Vaughan, Esq; in a full and impartial narrative of his negotiation with the Duke of Grafton. ... And an appendix relating to the public offices in the island of Jamaica.
An appeal to the public...
Vaughan, Samuel, Esq.
printed for E and C Dil...
Imprint 1770.
An appeal to the public on behalf of Samuel Vaughan, Esq; in a full and impartial narrative of his negotiation with the Duke of Grafton. ... And an appendix relating to the public offices in the island of Jamaica.
An appeal to the public...
Vaughan, Samuel, Esq.
printed for E and C Dil...
Imprint 1770.
An appeal to the world; or a vindication of the town of Boston, from many false and malicious aspersions contained in certain letters and memorials, written by Governor Bernard, General Gage, Commodore Hood, the Commissioners of the American Board of Customs, and others, .
An appeal to the world;...
Adams, Samuel, 1722-180...
Boston printed by Edes ...
Imprint 1770.
The American traveller: containing observations on the present state, culture and commerce of the British colonies in America, and the further improvements of which they are capable; with an account of the exports, imports and returns of each colony respectively,--and of the numbers of British ships and seamen, merchants, traders and manufacturers employed by all collectively: together with the amount of the revenue arising to Great-Britain therefrom. In a series of letters, written originally to the Right Honourable the Earl of ******** By an old and experienced trader.
The American traveller:...
Clúny, Alexander.
Printed for Robert Bell...
Imprint 1770.
Eu el Rey. Faço saber aos que este alvará virem, que sendo-me presente por parte dos directores do commercio da herva ursela os continuos contrabandos, que da mesma herva se fazem
Eu el Rey. Faço saber ...
Na Regia Officina Typog...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Bromsen, Maury A.]
[Herb industry--Law and legisltion--Portugal., Smuggling--Portugal., Imprint 1770.]
Arrêt /
Arrêt /
Cap-Français (Haiti). C...
chez Guillot imprimeur ...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Haiti Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)]
[Lawyers--Haiti--Wages., Vacations., Imprint 1770.]
Eu el Rey. Faço saber aos que este alvará de ampliação virem: : que havendo concedido por meu real decreto de quatorze de julho de mil setecentos sincoenta e hum, ampliado pelo outro de treze de janeiro de mil setecentos sincoenta e sinco, liberdade a Christiano Henriques Smith para estabelecer nesta corte huma fabrica de refinar açucar de quatro differentes qualidades, vendendo-o pelos quatro respectivos preços de cem reis, cento e vinte, cento e quarenta, e cento e sessenta reis, sem mais alteração alguma .
Eu el Rey. Faço saber ...
Na Regia Officina Typog...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Sugar--Manufacture and refining--Portugal., CPJCB., Imprint 1770.]
Reflections moral and political on Great Britain and her colonies.
Reflections moral and p...
Wheelock, Matthew.
printed for T Becket an...
Imprint 1770.
Reglas directivas que confiere N.M.R.P. Pres. fray Juan de Alvarado, vicario provincial in capite deesta Provincia de la Natividad, para el régimen de la Tercera Orden de Nuestra Madre y Señora de la Merced, : conformes à los privilegios concedidos por N.M.S.P. Benedicto Dècimotercio de feliz memoria, por su breve: Exponinobus: expedido en Roma el dia 26. de febrero del año pasado de 1728.
Reglas directivas que c...
Alvarado, Juan de, vica...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Díaz Cueva, Miguel.]
[Mercedarians.--Third Order--Peru--Lima., CSAIP., Imprint 1770.]
Eu Elrey. Fąco saber aos que este alvará virem, que por me haver sido presente a indispensavel necessidade de dar prompta providencia para evitar as justas escusas, a que recorriam na Capitanía de Bahia os homens abonados, : e de casa establecida, para servirem de thesoureiros, e recebedores da minha Real Fazenda, pelo incommodo de virem dar contas a este reino, e nelle experimentarem as dilącòes, que lhes faziam os officiaes, que lhas tomavam: fui servido ordenar em carta minha de sinco de setembro de mil e setecentos e sessenta ao Marquez do Lavradio, Vice-Rei, e Capitào General do estado do Brazil, que dalli em diante fossem nomeados os ditos thesoureiros, e recebedores, para servirem na Capitanía da Bahia por tempo de tres annos .
Eu Elrey. Fąco saber a...
Na Regia Officina Typog...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Bahia (Brazil : State)--Politics and government., Portugal--Colonies--America., CPJCB., Imprint 1770.]
Eu Elrey. Fąco saber aos que este alvará virem, que por me haver sido presente a indispensavel necessidade de dar prompta providencia para evitar as justas escusas, a que recorriam na Capitanía da Bahia os homens abonados, : e de casa estabelecida, para servirem de thesoureiros, e recebedores da minha Real Fazenda, pelo incommodo de virem dar contas a este reino, e nelle experimentarem as dilącões, que lhes faziam os officiaes, que lhas tomavam: fui servido ordenar em carta minha de sinco de setembro de mil e setecentos e sessenta ao Marquez do Lavradio, Vice-Rei, e Capitão General do estado do Brazil, que dalli em diante fossem nomeados os ditos thesoureiros, e recebedores, para servirem na Capitanía da Bahia por tempo de tres annos .
Eu Elrey. Fąco saber a...
Na Regia Officina Typog...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Bahia (Brazil : State)--Politics and government., Portugal--Colonies--America., CPJCB., Imprint 1770.]
Eu Elrey. Fąco saber aos que este alvará virem: que sendo-me presente em consulta da Junta do Commercio destes reinos, e seus dominios, : que havendo Eu sido servido pelo meu real decreto de vinte e oito de junho de mil setecentos cincoenta e nove extinguir a fórma até áquelle tempo praticada na arrecadącão, e passagem dos manifesto de ouro, que vem do Brazil .
Eu Elrey. Fąco saber a...
Na Regia Officina Typog...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Gold--Law and legislation--Portugal., Gold--Brazil., CPJCB., Imprint 1770.]
Eu Elrey. Fąco saber aos que este alvará virem: que tendo-se descuberto nos dominios da America Portugueza por diligencia dos directores da Real Fabrica das sedas a resina chamada jutaycica. : ou seja goma copal, produzida nos troncos das arvores daquelle continente; com cuja descuberta deram principio a hum ramo de commercio, que poderá vir a ser de consideraveis resultas em beneficio dos indios, e moradores daquellas capitanias .
Eu Elrey. Fąco saber a...
Na Regia Officina Typog...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Copal--Brazil., Copal--Law and Legislation--Portugal., CPJCB., Imprint 1770.]
Procés-Verbal [sic] de l'Assemblée des deux Conseils supérieurs de la colonie, des officiers militaires & d'administration y ayant séance, & des commandans des milices des différens quartiers, tenue au Port-au-Prince les 20 & 31 octobre 1770.
Procés-Verbal [sic] de...
Saint-Domingue. Assembl...
chez Guillot imprimeur ...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Haiti Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Saint-Domingue. Assemblée générale., Cap-Français (Haiti). Conseil supérieur., France. Sovereign (1715-1774 : Louis XV), Port-au-Prince (Haiti). Conseil supérieur.]
[Haiti--Politics and government--To 1791., Haiti--Commerce--France., Imprint 1770.]
En la Ciudad de los Reyes del Peru, en treinta de julio de mil setecientos setenta y siete años. : Estando en acuerdo Real de Justicia, .
En la Ciudad de los Rey...
Peru (Viceroyalty). Rea...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Peru (Viceroyalty). Viceroy (1776-1780 : Guirior)]
[Justices of the peace--Peru., Rural crimes--Peru., CSAIP., Imprint 1770.]
Estracto de noticias del puerto de Monterrey, : de la mission, y presidio que se han establecido en èl con la denominacion de San Carlos, y del sucesso de las dos expediciones de mar, y tierra que à este fin se despacheron en el año proximo anterior de 1769.
Estracto de noticias de...
En la Imprenta del Supe...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Portolá's Expedition, Calif., 1769-1770., California--History--To 1846--Sources., Monterey (Calif.)--History--Sources., CSAIP., Imprint 1770.]
Piety promoted: = ou La pieté promuë, ou avancée: : contenant un recueil des derniéres heures de plusieurs de ceux qu'on apelle les Quakers, qui veut dire les trembleurs. : Avec une exhortation préfixe, tirée des ecrits de Guillaume Penn. Et un extrait sommaire de la preface inferée au premier livre. /
Piety promoted: = ou La...
Se vend chez la veuve H...
Author (contributor)
[Barnard, Robert., Gay, Claude, 1707?-1786., Bell, John, 1681-1761., Field, John, 1652-1723., Tomkins, John, approximately 1663-1706.]
[Society of Friends--Doctrines., Quakers--Biography., Piety--Quotations, maxims, etc., Imprint 1770.]
Al señor [blank space] Entre los varios objetos, que comprehende la policìa de las ciudades, no es el menos importante el de los paseos pùblicos.
Al señor [blank space]...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Querejazu y Mollinedo, Antonio Hermenegildo.]
[Waterworks--Peru--Lima., CSAIP., Paseo de Aguas (Lima, Peru), Imprint 1770.]
Observations of the merchants at Boston in New-England, upon several acts of Parliament, made in the fourth, sixth, and seventh years of His Majesty's reign, respecting American commerce and revenue, and their military and civil execution.
Observations of the mer...
printed for J Almon
Imprint 1770.
The whole proceedings in the cause on the action brought by the Rt. Hon. Geo. Onslow, Esq. against the Rev. Mr. Horne, on Friday, April 6, at Kingston, for a defamatory libel, before ... Sir William Blackstone, ... Taken in short-hand ... by Joseph Gurney.
The whole proceedings i...
Tooke, John Horne, 1736...
printed for T Davies an...
Author (contributor)
Onslow, George Onslow, Earl of, 1731-1814.
Imprint 1770.
Thoughts on the cause of the present discontents.
Thoughts on the cause o...
Burke, Edmund, 1729-179...
printed for J Dodsley
Imprint 1770.
Sermon de las exequias. Del siervo de Dios, el M.R.P.M. Fr. Gregorio de Mendoza. : Religioso del Orden de Predicadores, que dispuso la comunidad del Convento de Ntra. Patrona Santa Rosa de esta ciudad de Lima, en este Convento grande del Santissimo Rosario, provincia de San Juan Bautista. /
Sermon de las exequias....
Freyre y Lazo, Joseph.
En la Imprenta de la Ca...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Bromsen, Maury A.]
[Sermons--Peru--Lima., Imprint 1770.]
El conocimiento de los tiempos, ephemeride del año de 1771, tercero despues del bisiesto ... : Va al fin la descripcion del Obispado de Santa Cruz. /
El conocimiento de los ...
En la Imprenta Real Cal...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Montt, Luis, 1848-1909, Bueno, Cosme, 1711-1798.]
[Santa Cruz (Bolivia : Department)--Description and travel., Apolo (Bolivia)--Description and travel., CSAIP., Bolivia--Description and travel--18th century., Imprint 1770.]
An elegiac poem, : on the death of that celebrated divine, and eminent servant of Jesus Christ, the Reverend and learned George Whitefield, chaplin to the Right Honourable the Countess of Huntingdon &c. &c. Who made his exit from this transitory state, to dwell in the celestial realms of bliss, on Lord's-day, 30th of September, 1770, when he was seiz'd with a fit of the asthma, at Newbury-port, near Boston, New-England. In which is a condolatory address to his truly noble benefactress the worthy and pious Lady Huntingdon; --- and the orphan-children in Georgia, who, with many thousands are left, by the death of this great man, to lament the loss  of a father, friend, and benefactor. /
An elegiac poem, : on t...
Wheatley, Phillis, 1753...
Printed and sold by Eze...
[Whitefield, George,--1714-1770., African American authors., Imprint 1770.]
De scorbuto dissertatio medica, /
De scorbuto dissertatio...
Le Meilleur, Jacques.
Apud Joannem Martel nat...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Scurvy., Imprint 1770.]
Naufrage et avantures de M. Pierre Viaud, natif de Bordeaux, capitaine de navire.
Naufrage et avantures d...
Viaud, Pierre.
Aux dépends de la Soci...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Swettenham, George., Dubois-Fontanelle, Jean Gaspard, 1727-1812.]
[Viaud, Pierre., Shipwrecks--Florida., Voyages and travels., Imprint 1770.]
Northern antiquities: or, a description of the manners, customs, religion and laws of the ancient Danes, and other northern nations; including those of our own Saxon ancestors. ... In two volumes. Translated from Mons. Mallet's .
Northern antiquities: o...
Mallet, Paul Henri, 173...
printed for T Carnan an...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Imprint 1770.
Northern antiquities: or, a description of the manners, customs, religion and laws of the ancient Danes, and other northern nations; including those of our own Saxon ancestors. ... In two volumes. Translated from Mons. Mallet's .
Northern antiquities: o...
Mallet, Paul Henri, 173...
printed for T Carnan an...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Imprint 1770.
Observations upon the report made by the Board of Trade against the Grenada laws.
Observations upon the r...
printed for W Flexney
Imprint 1770.
Descripcion del barreno ingles, instrumento muy util, y necessario para los mineros, y labradores. /
Descripcion del barreno...
Alzate y Ramírez, José ...
En la Imprenta del Lic ...
Author (contributor)
León, Nicolás, 1859-1929
[Drilling and boring machinery., CSAIP., Imprint 1770.]
A letter to Samuel Johnson, L.L.D.
A letter to Samuel John...
Wilkes, John, 1725-1797...
Printed for J Almon
Imprint 1770.
A letter from the town of Boston, to C. Lucas, Esq; : one of the representatives of the city of Dublin in Parliament: inclosing a short narrative of the massacre perpetrated there, in the evening of the fifth day of March, 1770, by soldiers of the XXIXth Regiment, quartered in the town: with some observations on the state of things prior to that catastrophe.
A letter from the town ...
Printed by order of the...
Author (contributor)
[Lucas, Charles, 1713-1771., Pemberton, Samuel, 1723-1799., Warren, Joseph, 1741-1775., Bowdoin, James, 1726-1790.]
[Boston Massacre, 1770., Massacres--Massachusetts., Boston (Mass.)--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Massachusetts--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., United States--History--Causes.--Revolution, 1775-1783, Imprint 1770.]
L'art de l'indigotier.
L'art de l'indigotier.
Beauvais-Raseau, de.
De l'Imprimerie de LF D...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Haiti Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)]
[Textile industry--France., Indigo industry--Haiti., Dyes and dyeing--Textile fibers., Slavery--West Indies, French., Imprint 1770.]
The constitutional and additional rules of the South-Carolina Society, established at Charlestown in the said province, Sept. 1, 1737. Incorporated by an act of the General Assembly of the said province, passed the 17th day of May, 1752; which was finally ratified and confirmed by our most gracious sovereign, in council, on the 20th day of December, 1752.
The constitutional and ...
South-Carolina Society.
Printed for the society...
Imprint 1770.
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