Browse All : Imprint 1743.

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Der in der Buchdruckerei wohl unterrichtete Lehr-Junge, oder: Bey der löblichen Buchdruckerkunst nöthige und nüzliche Anfangsgründe, : darinnen alles, was bey selbiger in Acht zu nehmen und zu lernen vorfällt, von einem Kunstverwandten mitgetheilet wird.
Der in der Buchdruckere...
Gessner, Christian Frie...
CF Gessner
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Biblioteca Posoniensis. former owner.]
[Printing., Type and type-founding., Pokonchi language--Grammar., Pokonchi language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., Indian linguistics--Pokonchi language., Imprint 1743.]
Reformed Church in the ...
Isaiah Warner und Corne...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Lischy, Jacob,--1719-1781., Church polity., Germans--Pennsylvania., Imprint 1743.]
Lista dos lugares de letras, que baixaram providos por Sua Magestade en 26 novembro de 1743.
Lista dos lugares de le...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Courts--Officials and employees., Portugal--Colonies--Officials and employees., Broadsides, etc.--Portugal--Lisbon., Imprint 1743.]
Abermahlige treue Warnung und Vermahnung an meine sehr werthe und theuer geschätzte reformirte Glaubens-Verwandte, wie auch alle andere die den Herrn Jesum lieb haben, sein Heil. Evangelium und seine Heil. Sacramenten in höchstem Werth halten. : Denen sambt und sonders wünsche ich, dass sie, durch die Gnade Jesu Christi, die Liebe seines Himmlischen Vatters, und den kräfftig-würckenden Beystandt Gottes des Heil. Geistes mogen bewahrt werden vor allem Irrthum und Schaden ihrer unsterblichen Seelen. Amen.
Abermahlige treue Warnu...
Boehm, John Philip, 168...
gedruckt bey Isaiah War...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Congregation of God in the Spirit., Church polity., Germans--Pennsylvania., Imprint 1743.]
Arte de la lengua tepeguana, con vocabulario, confessionario, y catechismo, : en que se explican los mysterios de nuestra santa fè catholica, mandamientos de la ley de Dios, y de nuestra santa madre Iglesia. /
Arte de la lengua tepeg...
Rinaldini, Benito, 1695...
por la Viuda de D Josep...
Author (contributor)
Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Catholic Church--Missions--Mexico., Catholic Church--Doctrines., Tepehuan language--Grammar., Tepehuan language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., Indians of Mexico--Languages., Indian linguistics--Tepehuan language., CSAIP., Imprint 1743.]
Informe en derecho en defensa de la justicia sobre la declaratoria de la vacante de vn curato en el obispado de Panamà. /
Informe en derecho en d...
Rodríguez Delgado, Die...
En la Calle de San Ilde...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Carrión y Morcillo, Juan., Arvisa y Ugarte, Bernardo de, -1756.]
[Catholic Church--Clergy--Appointment, call, and election., Benefices, Ecclesiastical--Panama., Panama--Church history--Sources., Los Santos (Panama)--History--Sources., CSAIP., Imprint 1743.]
Por parte de don Lorenzo Joseph de Aparicio, dueño de la hazienda de Chancaillo, : se ponen en co[n]sideracion de VS. los fundamentos de derecho, que le asisten en la causa del despojo de aguas que sigue con don Jacinto de Rojas, dueño de la hazienda de Jequan, para que se sirba de confirmar el auto probeido por el Corregidor de la Villa de Chancai, y la diligencia hecha en su virtud, declarando no haverse cometido despojo, y á mayor abundamento que las aguas pertenecen à la hazienda de Chancaillo, determinando su propriedad en el estado que oy tienen los autos.
Por parte de don Lorenz...
Valdivieso Torrejón, Mi...
Author (contributor)
Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library
[Aparicio, Lorenzo José de., Rojas, Jacinto de., Water rights--Peru., CSAIP., Imprint 1743.]
Señor. Don Francisco Sagardia y Palencia, oìdòr mas antiguo de la Audiencia de la Plata, jurisdiccion del Perù, parece ante V. Mag. y dice: : que hallandose en la ciudad de los reyes, de orden del virrey de aquellos reynos se le hizo saber un despacho, en el que precediendo informes del presidente de dicha Audiencia sobre el incurso en cierto incesto, con las demàs circunstancias, que hacian escandaloso este excesso;
Señor. Don Francisco S...
Sagardia y Palencia, Fr...
Author (contributor)
Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Incest--Peru., Consanguinity--Peru., Imprint 1743., Imprint 1745.]
Sermon de la adoracion de los reyes, que, en esta Santa Metropolitana de Mexico, /
Sermon de la adoracion ...
Carranza, Francisco Jav...
en la Imprenta Real del...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Rojo del Río y Vieira, Manuel Antonio, 1708-1764.]
[Magi--Sermons--18th century., Epiphany season--Sermons--18th century., Sermons--Mexico--Mexico City., Imprint 1743.]
Narcissus ad fontem; : videlicet homo sub illius specie adumbratus, in insitae miseriae speculo ad unguem sese explorans. Opus per singulos personarum status digestum; moralium documentorum sublimitate, conceptuum praedicabilium delectu, eruditionum ubertate quàm inclytissimum; in duas partes divisum, /
Narcissus ad fontem; : ...
Falcone, Ippolito, 1623...
Sumptibus fratrum de To...
Author (contributor)
[Xavier Union., Catholic Club of New York., Dealy, P. F., Voltolini, Lodovico.]
[Columbus, Christopher., Antarctica--Discovery and exploration., Mexico--Description and travel., Imprint 1743., Vespucci, Amerigo,--1451-1512., Magalhães, Fernão de,--1480-1521., Conduct of life., Moral education., Botany--Mexico., Botany, Medical., America--Discovery and exploration--Italian., Arctic regions--Discovery and exploration.]
Neunte Continuation der Ausführlichen Nachrichten von den saltzburgischen Emigranten, die sich in America niedergelassen haben. : Worinn enthalten sind I. Das Tage-Register der beyden Herren Prediger zu Eben-Ezer, vom Isten. Iul. bis 12ten Nov. des 1741sten Jahres. II. Ein Tage-Register des Herrn Commissarii Joh. Gottfried von Müllern. III. Dergleichen von Herrn Vigera, deren ersterer den 4ten Transport von Augspurg nach London, der andere aber von dort aus nach EbenEzer unter Gottes Geleite geführet hat. IV. Einige von dorther geschriebene Briefe vom Jahr 1742. V. Eine zuverlässige Nachricht von dem im Iul. 1742. in die Provintz Georgien geschehenen Einfall der Spanier, und von Gottes wunderbarer Vorsorge, so dabey gewaltet. /
Neunte Continuation der...
Urlsperger, Samuel, 168...
In Verlegung der Wäyse...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Müller, Johann Gottfried.]
[Salzburgers--Georgia., Lutherans--Georgia., German Americans--Georgia., Salzburgers--Emigration, 1731-1735., Protestants--Georgia., Religious refugees--Georgia., Ebenezer (Effingham County, Ga.)--History., Georgia--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1743.]
The natural history of North-Carolina. : With an account of the trade, manners, and customs, of the Christian and Indian inhabitants. Strange beasts, birds, fishes, snakes, insects, trees, and plants, &c. Illustrated with copper-plates. /
The natural history of ...
Brickell, John, 1710?-1...
Printed for the author ...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Lawson, John, 1674-1711.]
[Natural history--North Carolina., Indian linguistics--Woccon language., Imprint 1743., Natural history--South Carolina., Indians of North America--North Carolina., Indians of North America--South Carolina., Tuscarora language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., Woccon language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., North Carolina--Description and travel., South Carolina--Description and travel., Indian linguistics--Tuscarora language.]
Essay sur la marine et sur le commerce.
Essay sur la marine et ...
Deslandes, M. 1690-1757...
Author (contributor)
French Amercana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[France.--Marine, Sea-power--History., Commerce--History., Imprint 1743.]
Code noir, ou Recueil d'edits, declarations et arrets concernant les esclaves négres de l'Amérique, : avec un recueil de réglemens, concernant la police des isles françoises de l'Amérique & les engagés.
Code noir, ou Recueil d...
Chez les libraires asso...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), France. Sovereign (1715-1774 : Louis XV), Maurepas, Jean-Frédéric Phélypeaux, comte de, 1701-1781., Louis XV, King of France, 1710-1774.]
[Black people--Legal status, laws, etc.--Colonies.--France, Slavery--Law and legislation--Colonies--France--17th century., France--Colonies--Administration--17th century., Imprint 1743.]
Travels of the Jesuits, into various parts of the world: compiled from their letters. : Now first attempted in English. Intermix'd with an account of the manners, government, religion, &c. of the several nations visited by those fathers: with extracts from other travellers, and miscellaneous notes. /
Travels of the Jesuits,...
Printed for John Noon a...
Author (contributor)
[Le Gobien, Charles, 1653-1708., Lockman, John, 1698-1771.]
[Jesuits--Missions., Jesuits--Missions--China., Jesuits--Missions--India., Jesuits--Missions--Asia., Jesuits--Missions--America., Catalogs, Booksellers'--Great Britain--1743., Imprint 1743.]
Travels of the Jesuits, into various parts of the world: compiled from their letters. : Now first attempted in English. Intermix'd with an account of the manners, government, religion, &c. of the several nations visited by those fathers: with extracts from other travellers, and miscellaneous notes. /
Travels of the Jesuits,...
Printed for John Noon a...
Author (contributor)
[Le Gobien, Charles, 1653-1708., Lockman, John, 1698-1771.]
[Jesuits--Missions., Jesuits--Missions--China., Jesuits--Missions--India., Jesuits--Missions--Asia., Jesuits--Missions--America., Catalogs, Booksellers'--Great Britain--1743., Imprint 1743.]
Regulae seu constitutiones Communes Congregationis Missionis.
Regulae seu constitutio...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Debrie, Gabriel François Louis, active 1733-1754]
[Vincentians--Rules., Missions., Imprint 1743.]
Seasonable thoughts on the state of religion in New-England, : a treatise in five parts. I. Faithfully pointing out the things of a bad and dangerous tendency, in the late, and present, religious appearance, in the land. II. Representing the obligations which lie upon the pastors of these churches in particular, and upon all in general, to use their endeavours to suppress prevailing disorders; with the great danger of a neglect in so important a matter. III. Opening, in many instances, wherein the discouragers of irregularities have been injuriously treated. IV. Shewing what ought to be corrected, or avoided, in testifying against the evil things of the present day. V. Directing our thot's [sic] more positively, to what may be judged the best expedients, to promote pure and undefiled religion in these times. : With a preface giving an account of the Antinomians, Familists and Libertines, who infected these churches, above an hundred years ago: very needful for these days; the like spirit, and errors, prevailing now as did then. The whole being intended, and calculated, to serve the interest of Christ's kingdom. /
Seasonable thoughts on ...
Chauncy, Charles, 1705-...
Printed by Rogers and F...
[Great Awakening., New England--Religion., Luce grant., Imprint 1743.]
Compendiosa demostracion de los crecidos adelantamientos, que pudiera lograr la Real Hacienda de Su Magestad mediante la rebaja en el precio del azogue, : que se consume para el laborio de las minas de este reyno, ó del aumento tan considerable, que se avia de experimentar en el producto annual de sus reales rentas, en beneficio no menos grande, que universal de esta mineria, de ambos comercios, y por consiguiente de todo el comun de la republica. Con una previa impugnacion a las Reflexiones del contador D. Joseph de Villa-Señor y Sanchez, sobre el mismo assumpto. . . . /
Compendiosa demostracio...
Fabry, José Antonio.
Por la Viuda de D Josep...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Mines and mineral resources--Mexico., Assaying., Finance, Public--Mexico--History--18th century--Sources., CSAIP., Imprint 1743.]
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