Browse All : Imprint 1740.

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Manifesto, ou combinaçam do procedimento de Sua Magestade Catholica com a delrey da Gram Bretanha, assim no que sucedeu antes da Convençam de 14. de janeiro do anno de 1739. : Como no que se tem obrado depois até a publicaçam das represalias, e Declaraçam de Guerra, segundo o exemplar impresso em Madrid na Officina de Antonio Marin. Traduzido na lingua vulgar.
Manifesto, ou combinaç...
Na Officina de Antonio ...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Great Britain. Sovereign (1727-1760 : George II), Spain. Sovereign (1700-1746 : Philip V), Palmella, duque de, 1781-1850, Philip V, King of Spain, 1683-1746., George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760.]
[Great Britain--Foreign relations--Spain., Spain--Foreign relations--Great Britain., CPJCB., Imprint 1740.]
Arte de la lengua zapoteca.
Arte de la lengua zapot...
Levanto, Leonardo.
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), León, Nicolás, 1859-1929]
[Manuscripts, Zapotec., Manuscripts, Mexican., Zapotec language--Grammar., Zapotec language--Texts., Indian linguistics--Zapotec language., Manuscripts--Indian languages., Imprint 1730., Imprint 1740.]
Relaçaõ dos estragos, : que desde o dia 3. de dezembro athe 6 do mesmo mez do prezente anno de 1739. infelizmente cauzou nesta cidade de Coimbra huma sempre memoranda tempestade. /
Relaçaõ dos estragos,...
Alvarenga, Manuel José...
No Real Collegio das Ar...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Storms--Portugal--Coimbra--Poetry., Weather--Portugal--Coimbra--Poetry., Imprint 1740.]
Novena, en veneracion de los dolores de Maria Ssa. Nra. Sra. /
Novena, en veneracion d...
Romero, Juan Manuel, pa...
Impressa en Cadiz año ...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Bromsen, Maury A.]
[Mary,--Blessed Virgin, Saint--Prayers and devotions--Spanish., Jesuits--Colombia--Bogotá--History--Sources., Novenas., CSAIP., Imprint 1740., Colombia--dBogotá--1740.]
Vierte Continuation der Ausführlichen Nachricht von den saltzburgischen Emigranten, die sich in America niedergelassen haben. : Worin enthalten sind: I. Das Tage-Register der beyden Prediger zu EbenEzer in Georgien vom. I. Iul. 1737. bis auf den 31. Mart. 1739.  II. Gedachter Prediger, wie auch einiger Saltzburger und andere Briefe, vom Jahr 1739.  III. Ein Extract aus Georg Sanftlebens kleinem Reise-Diario, als derselbe zu Ende des Ianuarii 1739. mit etlichen Colonisten wieder nach Georgien gegangen.  IV. Ein Verzeichniss aller Personen, die theils den 19. May 1739. in EbenEzer gelebet, theils von Anno 1734. bis dahin gestorben. /
Vierte Continuation der...
Urlsperger, Samuel, 168...
In Verlegung der Wäyse...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Salzburgers--Georgia., Lutherans--Georgia., German Americans--Georgia., Salzburgers--Emigration, 1731-1735., Protestants--Georgia., Religious refugees--Georgia., Ebenezer (Effingham County, Ga.)--History., Georgia--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1740.]
Memoirs of the Duke de Ripperda, : first embassador from the States-General to his most Catholick Majesty, then duke and grandee of Spain; afterwards bashaw and prime minister to Muly Abdalla, emperor of Fez and Morocco, &c. Containing a succinct account of the most remarkable events which happen'd between 1715 and 1736. Interspers'd throughout with several curious particulars relating to the cardinals del Giudice, and Alberoni, the princess of Ursins, prince Cellamere, the marquis Beretti Landi, M. de Santa Cruz, and other persons of distinction in the Sanish court. As also a distinct and impartial detail of the differences between the courts of London and Madrid; with many authentick memorials, and other valuable papers. And an alphabetcal [sic] index. To which is annexed, an Appendix, containing some papers on the balance of Europe, the present state of Spain, and the consequences of a war in the West-Indies.
Memoirs of the Duke de ...
Massuet, Pierre, 1698-1...
Printed for John Stagg ...
Author (contributor)
[Broadley, Alexander Meyrick, 1847-1916, former owner., Campbell, John, 1708-1775.]
[Riperdá, Juan Guillermo,--Duke of,--1680-1737., Spain--Foreign relations., Spain--History--Philip V, 1700-1746., Spain--Commerce--Great Britain., Great Britain--Commerce--Spain., Morocco--History., Catalogs, Booksellers'--Great Britain--1740., Imprint 1740.]
In Dei nomine amen. : Haec est tabula capituli intermedij huius almae provinciae SS. nominis Jesu de Guathemala Fratrum Minorum Regularis observantiae S.P.N.D. Francisci, habiti, & celebrati in hon n[uest]rô conventu S.P.N.D. Francisci de Tecpanguathemala, die prima mensis octobris, dominici labentis anni millessimi septingentessimi quadragessimi sub tutissimo praesidio, amabili que directione R.A.P.N. Fr. Mathiae de Sotomayor lectoris jubilati, S[an]tae Inquisitionis qualificatoris, notarij apostolici huius dioecesis examinatoris synodalis, almae istius SS. nominis Jesu Goacthemalenis provinciae ministri provincialis,
In Dei nomine amen. : H...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Sotomayor, Mathias de.]
[Franciscans--Guatemala., Tecpán Guatemala (Guatemala)--History--Religious aspects., Imprint 1740.]
Fünfte Continuation der Ausführlichen Nachricht von den saltzburgischen Emigranten, die sich in America niedergelassen haben. : Worin enthalten sind: I. Das Tage-Register der beyden Prediger zu Eben-Ezer in Georgien vom I. Apr. 1738. bis zu Ende selbigen Jahres. II. Gedachter Prediger, wie auch einiger Saltzburger, und besonders der Eben-Ezerischen Waysenkinder, sodenn anderer Briefe, vom Ende des Jahrs 1739. und vom Anfang des Jahrs 1740. III. Ein Dancksagungs-Schreiben der saltzburgischen Colonisten in Eben-Ezer an alle ihre bisherige Wohlthäter in und ausser Teutschland; Eben derselben Ermahnungs-Schreiben an ihre, sonderlich mit ihnen bekannte und verwandte Landsleute in und ausser dem Reich. /
Fünfte Continuation de...
Urlsperger, Samuel, 168...
In Verlegung der Wäyse...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Salzburgers--Georgia., Lutherans--Georgia., German Americans--Georgia., Salzburgers--Emigration, 1731-1735., Protestants--Georgia., Religious refugees--Georgia., Ebenezer (Effingham County, Ga.)--History., Georgia--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1740.]
Dritte Continuation der Ausführlichen Nachricht von den saltzburgischen Emigranten, die sich in America niedergelassen haben. : Worin enthalten sind I. Das Tage-Register der beyden Prediger zu EbenEzer in Georgien vom I. Ian. 1737. bis auf den 30. Iun. 1737.  II. Der Prediger in EbenEzer, wie auch einiger Saltzburger Briefe, vom Jahr 1737. 1738. und 1739.  III. Eine kurtze Aufmunterung zu einer Christlichen und freywilligen Liebes-Steuer von EbenEzer, &c. /
Dritte Continuation der...
Urlsperger, Samuel, 168...
In Verlegung der Wäyse...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Salzburgers--Georgia., Lutherans--Georgia., German Americans--Georgia., Salzburgers--Emigration, 1731-1735., Protestants--Georgia., Religious refugees--Georgia., Ebenezer (Effingham County, Ga.)--History., Georgia--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1740.]
Memoirs of the Duke de Ripperda : first embassador from the States-General to his most Catholick Majesty, then duke and grandee of Spain; afterwards bashaw and prime minister to Muly Abdalla, emperor of Fez and Morocco, &c. Containing a succinct account of the most remarkable events which happen'd between 1715 and 1736. Interspers'd throughout with several curious particulars relating to the cardinals del Giudice, and Alberoni, the priness of Ursins, prince Cellamere, the marquis Beretti Landi, M. de Santa Cruz, and other persons of distinction in the Sanish court. As also, a distinct and impartial detail of the differences between the courts of London and Madrid; with many authentick memorials, and other valuable papers. And an alphabetical index.
Memoirs of the Duke de ...
Massuet, Pierre, 1698-1...
Printed for John Stagg ...
Author (contributor)
Campbell, John, 1708-1775.
[Riperdá, Juan Guillermo,--Duke of,--1680-1737., Spain--Foreign relations., Spain--History--Philip V, 1700-1746., Spain--Commerce--Great Britain., Great Britain--Commerce--Spain., Morocco--History., Catalogs, Booksellers'--Great Britain--1740., Imprint 1740.]
Septenario à N. Sra. de las Angustias, que se venera en el pueblo pe [sic] Labateca de la jurisdiccion de la ciudad de Pamplona. /
Septenario à N. Sra. d...
León, Antonio Xavier de...
En la Imprenta de la Co...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Bromsen, Maury A.]
[Mary,--Blessed Virgin, Saint--Prayers and devotions--Spanish., CSAIP., Imprint 1740., Colombia--Colombia--Bogotá--1740.]
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