Browse All : Imprint 1580.

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De Martini Forbisseri Angli navigatione in regiones occidentis et septentrionis narratio historica, /
De Martini Forbisseri A...
Settle, Dionyse.
Imprimebatur in officin...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Pithou, Nicolas, 1524-1598., Freig, Johannes Thomas, 1543-1583.]
[Frobisher, Martin,--Sir,--approximately 1535-1594., America--Discovery and exploration--British., Arctic regions--Discovery and exploration--British., Northwest Passage., Imprint 1580.]
Beschreibung der Schiffart des Haubtmans Martini Forbissher auss Engelland, in die Lender gegen West vnd Nordtwest, im Jar 1577. : Darinnen diser Lender inwohner sitten vnd weiss zu Leben, sampt jren Trachten vnd Waffen Abcontrefeiung, auch andern zuuor vnbekandten vnd sonderlichen Sachen, angezeigt wirdt. Auss dem frantzösischen auffs trewlichste in das Teutsche gebracht.
Beschreibung der Schiff...
Settle, Dionyse.
Durch Katharinam Gerlac...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Pithou, Nicolas, 1524-1598.]
[Frobisher, Martin,--Sir,--approximately 1535-1594., America--Discovery and exploration--British., Arctic regions--Discovery and exploration--British., Northwest Passage., Imprint 1580.]
Histoire d'un voyage faict en la terre du Bresil, autrement dite Amerique. : Contenant la nauigation, & choses remarquables, veuës sur mer par l'aucteur. Le comportement de Villegagnon en ce pays la. Les moeurs & fac̦ons de viure estranges des sauuages ameriquains: auec vn colloque de leur langage. Ensemble la description de plusieurs animaux, arbres, herbes, & autres choses singulieres, & du tout inco[n]nues pardec̦à: dont on verra les sommaires des chapitres au commencement du liure. /
Histoire d'un voyage fa...
Léry, Jean de, 1534-161...
Pour Antoine Chuppin
Author (contributor)
Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Villegaignon, Nicolas Durand de,--1510-1571?, Brazil--History--French colony, 1555-1567., Imprint 1580., Indians of South America--Brazil., Indians of South America--Brazil--Social life and customs., Tupi Indians., Tupi language--Grammar., Tupi language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., Natural history--Brazil., Indian linguistics--Tupi language., Brazil--Description and travel.]
De Zeevaert, oft, Conste van ter zee te varen, /
De Zeevaert, oft, Const...
Medina, Pedro de, 1493?...
By Hendrick Hendricksen...
Author (contributor)
[Coignet, Michel, 1549-1623., Everaert, Martin, approximately 1540-1601.]
[Navigation., Navigation--Tables., Longitude--Determination., Nautical instruments., Imprint 1580.]
Les diverses leçons /
Les diverses leçons /
Mexía, Pedro, 1496?-15...
chez Claude Micard au c...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Goens, Rijklof Michaël van, 1748-1810, Gruget, Claude.]
[Magalhães, Fernão de,--1480-1521., Imprint 1580.]
Ioyfull newes out of the newfound world, : wherein are declared the rare and singular vertues of diuers and sundrie herbs, trees, oyles, plants, & stones, with their applications, as well to the vse of phisicke, as chirurgery: which being wel applied, bring such present remedy for all diseases, as may seeme altogether incredible: notwithstanding by practize found out, to be true. Also the portrature of the sayde herbes, very aptly described: /
Ioyfull newes out of th...
Monardes, Nicolás, appr...
in Paules Churchyard at...
Author (contributor)
[King, Edward., Monardes, Nicolás, approximately 1512-1588., Frampton, John, active 1577-1596.]
[Materia medica--Latin America., Imprint 1580., Botany, Medical--America., Indians of North America--Tobacco use., Bezoars., Tobacco--Therapeutic use., Cacao--Therapeutic use., Iron--Therapeutic use., Steel--Therapeutic use., Snow--Therapeutic use.]
Histoire generalle des Indes Occidentales et terres neuues, qui iusques à present ont esté descouuertes. /
Histoire generalle des ...
López de Gómara, Franci...
Chez Michel Sonnius rue...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Fumée, Martin, approximately 1540-approximately 1590.]
[Pizarro, Francisco,--approximately 1475-1541., Peru--History--Conquest, 1522-1548., America--Discovery and exploration., Imprint 1580.]
M. Antonii Mureti. I.C. as Ciuis Romani Epistolae.
M. Antonii Mureti. I.C....
Muret, Marc-Antoine, 15...
apud Robertum Coulombel...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Augustus Frederick, Prince, Duke of Sussex, 1773-1843]
Imprint 1580.
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