Browse All : Heemskerck, Jacob van,--1567-1607.

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Tre nauigationi fatte dagli Olandesi, e Zelandesi al Settentrione nella Noruegia, Moscouia, e Tartaria verso il Catai, e regno de'Sini, doue scopersero il mare di Veygatz, la Nuoua Zembla, et et vn paese nell' ottantesimo grado creduto la Groenlandia. : Con vna descrittione di tutti gli accidenti occorsi di giorno in giorno à' nauiganti, et in particolare di alcuni combattimenti con orsi marini, e dell' eccesiuo freddo di quei paesi; essendo nell' ultima nauigatione restata la naue nel ghiaccio, onde li marinari passorono infinite difficoltà, per lo spatio di diece mesi, e furono forzati alla fine di passare con li batelli trecento miglia di mare pericolosissimo. /
Tre nauigationi fatte d...
Veer, Gerrit de.
Appresso Gio Battista C...
Author (contributor)
Parisio, Giovan Giunio.
[Barentsz, Willem,--approximately 1550-1597., Heemskerck, Jacob van,--1567-1607., Rijp, Jan Cornelisz.,--approximately 1570-, Plancius, Petrus,--1552-1622., Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie., Arctic regions--Discovery and exploration--Dutch., Northeast Passage., Novai︠a︡ Zemli︠a︡ (Russia)--Description and travel., Imprint 1599.]
Trois nauigations admirables faictes par les Hollandois & Zelandois au Septentrion : lesquelles ont descouuert la mer Vueygats, la Nouuelle Zemble & le païs qui est dessous le huicatãtiesme degré, que l'on estime estre Groenlandie, où iamais personne parauant n'auoit abordé: plusieurs cruels ours & autres monstres marins; auec grands dangers & incroyables difficultez: vtiles & fort necessaires, à tous pilotes, nautõniers & autres gens de marine /
Trois nauigations admir...
Veer, Gerrit de.
Chez Guillaume Chaudier...
[Barentsz, Willem,--approximately 1550-1597., Heemskerck, Jacob van,--1567-1607., Rijp, Jan Cornelisz.,--approximately 1570-, Plancius, Petrus,--1552-1622., Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie., Arctic regions--Discovery and exploration--Dutch., Northeast Passage., Novai︠a︡ Zemli︠a︡ (Russia)--Description and travel., Imprint 1599.]
The true and perfect description of three voyages, so strange and woonderfull, that the like hath neuer been heard of before done and performed three yeares, one after the other by the ships of Holland and Zeland, on the North sides of Norway, Muscouia and Tartaria, towards the kingdomes of Cathaia & China; : shewing the discouerie of the straights of Weigates, Noua Zembla, and the countrie lying vnder 80. degrees; which is thought to be Greenland: whereneuer any man had bin before: with the cruell beares, and other monsters of the sea, and the vnsupportable an extreame cold that is found to be in those places.
The true and perfect de...
Veer, Gerrit de.
By W White For T Pauier
[Barentsz, Willem,--approximately 1550-1597., Heemskerck, Jacob van,--1567-1607., Rijp, Jan Cornelisz.,--approximately 1570-, Plancius, Petrus,--1552-1622., Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie., Arctic regions--Discovery and exploration--Dutch., Northeast Passage., Novai︠a︡ Zemli︠a︡ (Russia)--Description and travel., Imprint 1609.]
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