Browse All : Guararapes, Battle of, Brazil, 1648.

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Castrioto Lusitano : parte I. Entrepresa, e restauraçaõ de Pernambuco; & das capitanías confinantes. Varios, e bellicos sucçessos entre portuguezes, e belgas. Acontecidos pello discurso de vinte e quatro annos, e tirados de noticias, relaçoẽs, & memorias certas. /
Castrioto Lusitano : pa...
Rafael de Jesus, Frei, ...
Na Impressaõ de Antoni...
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[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Vieira, João Fernandes, 1613-1681.]
[Guararapes, Battle of, Brazil, 1648., Guararapes, Battle of, Brazil, 1649., Monte das Tabocas, Battle of, Brazil, 1645., Brazil--History--Dutch Conquest, 1624-1654., Pernambuco (Brazil)--History., CPJCB., Imprint 1679.]
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