Browse All : Atlantic States--Description and travel.
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Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Justel, Henri, 1620-1693.]
[Voyages and travels., Africa--Discovery and exploration., Africa--Description and travel., West Indies--Description and travel., Atlantic States--Description and travel., Great Britain--Colonies--Description and travel.--America, Imprint 1684.]
Author (contributor)
[Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864, Hayes, Edward, active 1602., Harriot, Thomas, 1560-1621., Laudonnière, René Goulaine de., Soto, Hernando de, approximately 1500-1542., Hakluyt, Richard, 1552?-1616., Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1552?-1618.]
[Gosnold, Bartholomew,---1607., Gilbert, Bartholomew., New England--Description and travel., Florida--Description and travel., Virginia--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., America--Discovery and exploration--British., Northwest Passage., Atlantic States--Description and travel., Imprint 1602.]
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Renaudiere, Antoine Salemon., Anquetil-Duperron, M. 1731-1805. (Abraham-Hyacinthe),, Justel, Henri, 1620-1693.]
[Voyages and travels., Africa--Discovery and exploration., Africa--Description and travel., West Indies--Description and travel., Atlantic States--Description and travel., Great Britain--Colonies--Description and travel.--America, Imprint 1674.]
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