Browse All : Artifacts, industry, and human activities and Indigenous peoples from 1492-1600

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[Title page]
Spanish America
[Title page]
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
Nürmberg [Nüremberg]
Source date
[Cannibals on a Caribbean island]
Caribbean Islands
[Cannibals on a Caribbe...
Fries, Lorenz, ca. 1490...
Image title
[Cannibals on a Caribbean island]
Source place of publication
Getruckt zü Strassburg [Strasbourg]
Source date
Von Canibalien dem folck von Canaria
Caribbean Islands
Von Canibalien dem folc...
Fries, Lorenz, ca. 1490...
Image title
Von Canibalien dem folck von Canaria
Source place of publication
Getruckt zu Strassburg [Strasbourg]
Source date
[Mexican youth]
Spanish America
[Mexican youth]
Vecellio, Cesare, ca. 1...
Image title
[Mexican youth]
Source place of publication
In Venetia [Venice]
Source date
[Nobleman of Mexico]
Spanish America
[Nobleman of Mexico]
Vecellio, Cesare, ca. 1...
Image title
[Nobleman of Mexico]
Source place of publication
In Venetia [Venice]
Source date
[Syllabary with elements of Nahuatl pictograms combined with European letters]
Spanish America
[Syllabary with element...
Valades, Diego, fl. 158...
Image title
[Syllabary with elements of Nahuatl pictograms combined with European letters]
Source place of publication
Perusiae [Perugia]
Source date
[Cannibals on a Caribbean island]
Caribbean Islands
[Cannibals on a Caribbe...
Fries, Lorenz, ca. 1490...
Image title
[Cannibals on a Caribbean island]
Source place of publication
Getruckt zü Strassburg [Strasbourg]
Source date
[Boban Aztec Calendar Wheel]
[ca. 1530]
Spanish America
[Boban Aztec Calendar W...
Image title
[Boban Aztec Calendar Wheel]
facsimile [Boban Aztec Calendar Wheel]
Spanish America
facsimile [Boban Aztec ...
Doutrelaine, Colonel
Image title
facsimile [Boban Aztec Calendar Wheel]
Source place of publication
Source date
[Les cerimonies, sepulture, et funerailles, qu'ils font à leurs decés.]
[Les cerimonies, sepult...
Thevet, André, 1502-159...
Image title
[Les cerimonies, sepulture, et funerailles, qu'ils font à leurs decés.]
Source place of publication
A Anvers [Antwerp]
Source date
[Mourning ceremony]
[Mourning ceremony]
Thevet, André, 1502-159...
Image title
[Mourning ceremony]
Source place of publication
A Anvers [Antwerp]
Source date
[Description d'vne maladie nommée Pians, à laquelle son subiets ces peuples de l'Amerique, tant es isles que terre ferme.]
[Description d'vne mala...
Thevet, André, 1502-159...
Image title
[Description d'vne maladie nommée Pians, à laquelle son subiets ces peuples de l'Amerique, tant es isles que terre ferme.]
Source place of publication
A Anvers [Antwerp]
Source date
Von ihrer Hirschjacht.
North America
Von ihrer Hirschjacht.
Laudonnière, René Goula...
Image title
Von ihrer Hirschjacht.
Source place of publication
Franckfort am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[Missionary instructs native Americans]
Spanish America
[Missionary instructs n...
Valades, Diego, fl. 158...
Image title
[Missionary instructs native Americans]
Source place of publication
Perusiae [Perugia]
Source date
[Missionary brings Christianity to native Americans]
Spanish America
[Missionary brings Chri...
Valades, Diego, fl. 158...
Image title
[Missionary brings Christianity to native Americans]
Source place of publication
Perusiae [Perugia]
Source date
Tipus sacrificiorum que in maniter indi faciebant in novo indiarum orbe precipue in Mexico
Spanish America
Tipus sacrificiorum que...
Valades, Diego, fl. 158...
Image title
Tipus sacrificiorum que in maniter indi faciebant in novo indiarum orbe precipue in Mexico
Source place of publication
Perusiae [Perugia]
Source date
[Aztec calendar]
Spanish America
[Aztec calendar]
Valades, Diego, fl. 158...
Image title
[Aztec calendar]
Source place of publication
Perusiae [Perugia]
Source date
Ad sensus aptat coelestia dona magister, Aridaq eloquij pectora fonte rigat.
Spanish America
Ad sensus aptat coelest...
Valades, Diego, fl. 158...
Image title
Ad sensus aptat coelestia dona magister, Aridaq eloquij pectora fonte rigat.
Source place of publication
Perusiae [Perugia]
Source date
[Mexicans saved and fallen]
Spanish America
[Mexicans saved and fal...
Valades, Diego, fl. 158...
Image title
[Mexicans saved and fallen]
Source place of publication
Perusiae [Perugia]
Source date
3a. Cerro de Chapultépec.
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
3a. Cerro de Chapultépe...
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
3a. Cerro de Chapultépec.
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
5a. Acamapichtli
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
5a. Acamapichtli
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
5a. Acamapichtli
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
6a. Uitziliuitl 2o Rey
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
6a. Uitziliuitl 2o Rey
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
6a. Uitziliuitl 2o Rey
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
7a. Chimalpopoca 3o Rey.
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
7a. Chimalpopoca 3o Rey...
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
7a. Chimalpopoca 3o Rey.
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
8a. Itzcoatl 4o Rey
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
8a. Itzcoatl 4o Rey
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
8a. Itzcoatl 4o Rey
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
9a. Guerra de Azcaputzalco
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
9a. Guerra de Azcaputza...
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
9a. Guerra de Azcaputzalco
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
11a El q[ue] se arrojo por no yr contra su patria
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
11a El q[ue] se arrojo ...
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
11a El q[ue] se arrojo por no yr contra su patria
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
10a. Auitzotl 5o Rey
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
10a. Auitzotl 5o Rey
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
10a. Auitzotl 5o Rey
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
4a. El Tunal con el Aguila que hallaron en la laguna
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
4a. El Tunal con el Agu...
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
4a. El Tunal con el Aguila que hallaron en la laguna
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
12a. Motecuçuma primero deste nombre. 6o Rey.
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
12a. Motecuçuma primero...
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
12a. Motecuçuma primero deste nombre. 6o Rey.
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
[Title page]
Spanish America
[Title page]
Xerez, Francisco de, b....
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
Seuilla [Seville]
Source date
13. Tiçocic. 7o Rey
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
13. Tiçocic. 7o Rey
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
13. Tiçocic. 7o Rey
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
14. Axayacatzi[n] 8o Rey.
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
14. Axayacatzi[n] 8o Re...
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
14. Axayacatzi[n] 8o Rey.
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
15a. Modo como metieron el agua del manantial.
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
15a. Modo como metieron...
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
15a. Modo como metieron el agua del manantial.
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
16a. Motecuçuma 2o deste nombre. Ultimo Rey de los Mexicanos
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
16a. Motecuçuma 2o dest...
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
16a. Motecuçuma 2o deste nombre. Ultimo Rey de los Mexicanos
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
El modo de baylar de los Mexicanos. 17a y última del primer tratado.
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
El modo de baylar de lo...
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
El modo de baylar de los Mexicanos. 17a y última del primer tratado.
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
1a figura Uitzilopuchtli, idolo principal de los Mexicanos.
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
1a figura Uitzilopuchtl...
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
1a figura Uitzilopuchtli, idolo principal de los Mexicanos.
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
2a Templo del ydolo Uitzilopuchtli
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
2a Templo del ydolo Uit...
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
2a Templo del ydolo Uitzilopuchtli
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
3a Tezxatlipuca ydolo de la penitencia y su templo.
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
3a Tezxatlipuca ydolo d...
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
3a Tezxatlipuca ydolo de la penitencia y su templo.
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
4a. Sacerdotes de los idolos, y como de noche offrescian sacrifficio, quemando encienso y atravesandose las pantorrillas.
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
4a. Sacerdotes de los i...
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
4a. Sacerdotes de los idolos, y como de noche offrescian sacrifficio, quemando encienso y atravesandose las pantorrillas.
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
5a Otro modo de enterrar los muertos, quemandolos y enterrando las senizas.
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
5a Otro modo de enterra...
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
5a Otro modo de enterrar los muertos, quemandolos y enterrando las senizas.
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
5a Un modo de enterrar los muertos con todos sus criados y ajuar.
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
5a Un modo de enterrar ...
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
5a Un modo de enterrar los muertos con todos sus criados y ajuar.
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
6a Quetzalcoatl, Dios particular de los de Chulula.
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
6a Quetzalcoatl, Dios p...
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
6a Quetzalcoatl, Dios particular de los de Chulula.
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
7a Modo de pelear entre el que avia de sacrificar, y ser sacrificado.
[ca. 1585]
Spanish America
7a Modo de pelear entre...
Tovar, Juan de, ca. 154...
Image title
7a Modo de pelear entre el que avia de sacrificar, y ser sacrificado.
Source place of publication
Source date
ca. 1585
[Ten commandments]
Spanish America
[Ten commandments]
Juan de la Cruz, August...
Image title
[Ten commandments]
Source place of publication
Source date
[Native Americans mining]
Spanish America
[Native Americans minin...
Ramusio, Giovanni Batti...
Image title
[Native Americans mining]
Source place of publication
In Venetia [Venice]
Source date
M D LVI [1556]
[How their fortifications were constructed and how they fought against us]
[How their fortificatio...
Image title
[How their fortifications were constructed and how they fought against us]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[How we sailed from Prannenbucke to Buttugaris, came upon a French ship, and fought it.]
[How we sailed from Pra...
Image title
[How we sailed from Prannenbucke to Buttugaris, came upon a French ship, and fought it.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[How we arrived at America, were unable to make out the harbor, and how a great storm came upon us.]
[How we arrived at Amer...
Image title
[How we arrived at America, were unable to make out the harbor, and how a great storm came upon us.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[How some of us sailed to examine the harbor and found a crucifix standing on a rock.]
[How some of us sailed ...
Image title
[How some of us sailed to examine the harbor and found a crucifix standing on a rock.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[How we attempted to sail to Saint Vincent in the possession of the Portuguese, intending to take passage with another ship, but were shipwrecked in a great storm.]
[How we attempted to sa...
Image title
[How we attempted to sail to Saint Vincent in the possession of the Portuguese, intending to take passage with another ship, but were shipwrecked in a great storm.]
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
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