Browse All : Almanacs--Pennsylvania--1800.

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The Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia almanac, for the year of our Lord, 1800; : being one of the centurial years, not bissextile. And the 25th year of American independence, after the 4th of July. Containing , (Besides the astronomical calculations, by Tom Tattle,) judgment of the weather, length of days, festivals and other remarkable days, tables of interest at fix and seven per cent. Table of the weight and value of coins, tables of dollars and crowns, Quakers yearly meetings, times of holding federal courts for Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Vorginia, large list of roads, &c. Time of high water at Philadelphia, for every day of the year; and a general tide-table for the United States. Also, a variety of instructing and entertaining matter, in prose and verse. Calculated for the meridian of Philadelphia, but may, without sensible variation, serve for any of the middle states.
The Pennsylvania, New-J...
Printed and sold by Pet...
Author (contributor)
Sharp, Joshua.
[Almanacs, American--Pennsylvania., Almanacs, America,--Middle Atlantic States., Almanacs--Pennsylvania--1800., Imprint 1799.]
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