Detail View: JCB Books Internet Archive: The seaman's daily assistant, : being a short, easy, and plain method of keeping a journal at sea; in which are contained, rules, shewing how the allowances for lee-way, variation, heave of the sea, set of currents, &c. are to be made, and to correct the dead-reckoning by an observation, in all cases: : and also all the tables that are any ways necessary for the seaman's use in keeping a journal. / By Thomas Haselden, late teacher of the mathematics in the Royal Navy.

Haselden, Thomas, -1740.
Author (contributor): 
Chaffee, F, fmo
The seaman's daily assistant, : being a short, easy, and plain method of keeping a journal at sea; in which are contained, rules, shewing how the allowances for lee-way, variation, heave of the sea, set of currents, &c. are to be made, and to correct the dead-reckoning by an observation, in all cases: : and also all the tables that are any ways necessary for the seaman's use in keeping a journal. / By Thomas Haselden, late teacher of the mathematics in the Royal Navy.
London, printed: Philadelphia, re-printed and sold by J. Crukshank, in Market-street
Begin Publication Date: 
M,DCC,LXXVII. [1777]
MMS Id (Alma identifier): 
Permanent Call Number: 
D777 .H347s
Statistics Note 1 (Accession Number): 
Accession number: 78-342
Uniform Resource Identifier:
Navigation.;Imprint 1777
General Note: 
Signatures: [A]² B² C-2B¹ 2C-2E² 2F-2P¹ 2Q-2Y² *² 2*-3*¹ 2Z-3K² 3L² (-3L2) (gathering 2Z missigned 2X);Probably first published: London, 1757.;"A journal of a voyage from England towards Madeira" : p. [133]-160; sample log book dated 1775.
Local Note: 
John Carter Brown Library copy bound in contemporary calf with simple tooling along the edges.;John Carter Brown Library copy acquired as gift of Dr. F. Chaffee.
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