Detail View: JCB Books Internet Archive: Neundter Theil Orientalischer Indien, darinnen begrieffen Ein kurtze Beschreibung einer Reyse, so von den Holländern vn[d] Seeländern, in die Orientalischen Indien, mit neun grossen vnd vier kleinen Schiffen, vnter der Admiralschafft Peter Wilhelm Verhuffen, in Jahren 1607. 1608. vnd 1609. verricht worden, neben Vermeldung, was ihnen fürnemlich auff solcher Reyse begegnet vnnd zu Handen gangen. /

Verken, Johann, active 1607-1613.
Author (contributor): 
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Author (contributor): 
Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623.
Author (contributor): 
Bry, Johann Israel de, -1611.
Author (contributor): 
Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598.
Author (contributor): 
Arthus, Gotthard, 1568-
Neundter Theil Orientalischer Indien, darinnen begrieffen Ein kurtze Beschreibung einer Reyse, so von den Holländern vn[d] Seeländern, in die Orientalischen Indien, mit neun grossen vnd vier kleinen Schiffen, vnter der Admiralschafft Peter Wilhelm Verhuffen, in Jahren 1607. 1608. vnd 1609. verricht worden, neben Vermeldung, was ihnen fürnemlich auff solcher Reyse begegnet vnnd zu Handen gangen. /
Durch Matth Beckern in Verlegung Iohannis Theodori de Bry
Begin Publication Date: 
MMS Id (Alma identifier): 
Permanent Call Number: 
J De Bry SV pt. 9 1612 1 Ger
Statistics Note 1 (Accession Number): 
Uniform Resource Identifier:
Verhoeff, Pieter Willemszoon,--approximately 1573-1609.
Indonesian language--Texts.
Malagasy language--Texts.
East Indies--Description and travel.
Indonesia--Description and travel.
Madagascar--Description and travel.
Maluku (Indonesia)--Description and travel.
Imprint 1612.
Imprint 1613.
General Note: 
Virgules replaced by commas in title page transcription.; Constitutes the ninth part of Theodor de Bry's Small voyages, printed in 13 parts and an Appendix in Frankfurt am Main and Oppenheim from 1597 to 1633.; This work has been identified as the first issue of the sole German edition of part nine of the Small voyages by Church.; This part contains the relation of a voyage to the Moluccas, or Spice Islands, made by Admiral Pieter Willemsz. Verhoeff in 1607, for the purpose of wresting them from the Portuguese. It was written by Johann Vercken, one of the officers of the fleet, who went out with the expedition but did not return to Holland until 1612. The Supplementum contains a description of the country seen by Vercken during his stay in the East, particularly of the islands of Celebes, Java, Sumatra, Mauritius, and Madagascar. Cf. Church.; The title page of this part is found printed within four varieties of borders, as follows: (1) The border reproduced with this number [with the word "Architectvra" printed at head of engraved title page]. (2) The same border, but without the word "Architectvra" in the cartouche at the top. (3) The same border as that used in no. 211 [the border used in the sole Latin edition of part 4, see Church for reproduction]. (4) An architectural border described in the Huth catalogue, as follows: "On each side is a female figure; beneath that on the right, but in a separate compartment, is inscribed, Praemivm vir tvtis honos; beneath that on left, Fama virtvtis stimvlvs". Cf. Church.; There are two issues of the sole German edition of part 9. The first issue has plates III, IV, VI, VII, X, and XII, bound following p. [2-5], 3rd count, and plates I-V, bound following p. [2-3] 5th count, engraved in their original state as described by Church. The second issue has III, IV, VI, VII, X, and XII, bound following p. [2-5], 3rd count, and plates I-V, bound following p. [2-3], 5th count, re-engraved in a reversed state, as described by Church. The engraved illustration of St. Helena and the map of Mozambique are mentioned in the "to the reader" on p. [4], 3rd count, but are not present and not mentioned in the Church description of this issue of this work.; "Folgen hernacher eltich eygentliche Fürbildungen aller gedenckwürdigen Sachen, deren in vorgesetzter Schiffart gedacht wird, vnd die sich zwichen den Holländern vnd Frembden, als Portugesen vnd Indianern oder Mohren begeben vnd zugetragen haben. Alles sein zierlich in künstlichen Kupfferstücken fürgebildet, mit Figuren erkläret, vnd jetzo von newem an Tag geben", p. [2-3], 3rd count, has separate title page with imprint: Durch Johann Theodor de Bry.; "Continvatio oder Ergäntzung dess neundten Theils der orientalischen Indien, das ist, kurtze Continuirung, Verfolg vnd Ergäntzung der vorigen Reyse, so von den Holl- und Seeländen mit neun grossen vnd vier kleinen Schiffen vnter der Admiralschafft Peter Wilhelm Verheiffen, in die Orientalische Indien von 1607. biss in das 1612. Jahr verrichtet worden. Darinn kürtzlich vermeldet wirdt, was inen ferrner zu Lande vnd zu Wasser widerfahren vnd zu Handen gangen. Auss kurtzer Verzeichnuss Johann Verkens in Hochteutscher Sprach beschrieben durch M. Gothardt Arthussen von Dantzig. Mit schönen Kupfferstücken gezieret durch Johann-Theodor de Bry", p. [1-2], 4th count, has separate title page with imprint: Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn, durch Matthias Beckers seligen Wittib, in Verlegung Johann-Theodor de Bry. M. DC. XIII. [1613]; "Folgen etliche schöne Figuren vnd Kupfferstücke, deren die fürnembste Historien vnd Geschichte, so sich ferrner zwischen den Holländern vnd den Innwohnern der Bandischen Inseln zugetragen, davon in dieser Continuation Meldung geschehen. Alles sein zierlich in Kupffer gestochen vnd mäniglich für Augen gestellet, durch Johann-Theodor de Bry ", p. [2-3], 5th count, has separate title page with imprint: Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Mayn, durch Matthias Becke
Local Note: 
John Carter Brown Library copy has title page with the word "Architectvra" in the cartouche followed by another copy of the title page with the word "Architectvra" absent from the cartouche, not counted in collation.; John Carter Brown Library copy represents the first issue with plates I-XII, following p. [2-5], 3rd count, in the original states of the plates III, IV, VI, VII, X, and XII as described by Church, and plates I-V, following p. [2-3], 5th count, in the original states and the text of plate IV printed on plate V and visa versa, as described by Church. This copy also has copies of plate IV and plate V with the correct texts.
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