Detail View: JCB Books Internet Archive: An historical account of the expedition against the Ohio Indians, in the year 1764. : Under the command of Henry Bouquet, Esq; colonel of foot, and now brigadier general in America. Including his transactions with the Indians, relative to the delivery of their prisoners, and the preliminaries of peace. With an introductory account of the preceeding campaign, and battle at Bushy-Run. To which are annexed military papers, containing reflections on the war with the savages; a method of forming frontier settlements; some account of the Indian country, with a list of nations, fighting men, towns, distances and different routs. The whole illustrated with a map and copper-plates. /

Smith, William, 1727-1803.
Author (contributor): 
Marshall, James.
Author (contributor): 
Hutchins, Thomas, 1730-1789.
An historical account of the expedition against the Ohio Indians, in the year 1764. : Under the command of Henry Bouquet, Esq; colonel of foot, and now brigadier general in America. Including his transactions with the Indians, relative to the delivery of their prisoners, and the preliminaries of peace. With an introductory account of the preceeding campaign, and battle at Bushy-Run. To which are annexed military papers, containing reflections on the war with the savages; a method of forming frontier settlements; some account of the Indian country, with a list of nations, fighting men, towns, distances and different routs. The whole illustrated with a map and copper-plates. /
Printed and sold by William Bradford at the London Coffee-House the corner of Market and Front-streets
Begin Publication Date: 
MMS Id (Alma identifier): 
Permanent Call Number: 
[R] D765 .S664h
Uniform Resource Identifier:
Bouquet, Henry,--1719-1765.
Indians of North America--Ohio.
Imprint 1765.
General Note: 
Signatures: A⁴ b⁴ B-K⁴; Attributed to William Smith; sometimes also attributed to Thomas Hutchins. With Latin mottoes on tp. verso and errata on p. 71.; Frontispiece (plate I) has title: A topographical plan of that part of the Indian country through which the army under the command of Colonel Bouquet marched in the year 1764, by Thos. Hutchins, asst. engineer. Inset: "A general map of the country on the Ohio and Muskingham shewing the situation of the Indian-towns with respect to the army under the command of Colonel Bousquet, by Thos. Hutchins asst. engineer."; Pl. II, facing p. 7: [Order of march and encampment] including figures I-IV.; Pl. III, facing p. xii. Plan of the battle, near Bushy-Run gained by His Majesty's troops ... From an actual survey by Thos. Hutchins, assistant engineer.; The above are the original plates; later editions and reprints have reproduced those of the English edition of Thomas Jeffries, 1766.
Local Note: 
Frontispiece and plates of the John Carter Brown Library copy removed and catalogued separately (Cabinet Cj765 1-3); The John Carter Brown Library copy originally lacked Plates II and III. Subsequently, Lathrop C. Harper supplied the missing plates.; John Carter Brown Library copy half-bound in calf over marbled boards.; Provenance of the John Carter Brown Library copy: James Marshall: autograph.
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