Detail View: JCB Books Internet Archive: A brief history of the vvar with the Indians in New-England. : From June 24. 1675. (when the first English-man was murdered by the Indians) to August 12. 1676. when Philip, alias Metacomet, the principal author and beginner of the war, was slain. Wherein the grounds, beginning, and progress of the war, is summarily expressed. Together with a serious exhortation to the inhabitants of that land. /

Mather, Increase, 1639-1723.
Author (contributor): 
Stoughton, William, 1632-1701.
Author (contributor): 
Danforth, Thomas, 1622-1699.
Author (contributor): 
Richards, James, 1658-1711.
Author (contributor): 
Winthrop, John, 1606-1676.
Author (contributor): 
Hinckley, Thomas, approximately 1618-1706.
Author (contributor): 
Winslow, Josiah, 1629?-1680.
Author (contributor): 
Philip, Sachem of the Wampanoags, -1676.
A brief history of the vvar with the Indians in New-England. : From June 24. 1675. (when the first English-man was murdered by the Indians) to August 12. 1676. when Philip, alias Metacomet, the principal author and beginner of the war, was slain. Wherein the grounds, beginning, and progress of the war, is summarily expressed. Together with a serious exhortation to the inhabitants of that land. /
printed for Richard Chiswell at the Rose and Crown in St Pauls Church-Yard according to the original copy printed in New-England
Begin Publication Date: 
MMS Id (Alma identifier): 
Permanent Call Number: 
D Math I.16B
Statistics Note 1 (Accession Number): 
Accession number: 01905
Uniform Resource Identifier:,
King Philip's War, 1675-1676.
Indians of North America--Wars.
New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775.
Imprint 1676.
General Note: 
First printed in Boston in the same year with title: A brief history of the warr with the Indians in New-England.; Seal of the Massachusetts Bay Colony appears on page 15.; Two states of pages 1-8, 4th count, are noted: the first in which the "Postscript" begins on leaf G3; the other has the "Postscript" beginning on missigned leaf H.; The "serious exhortation," mentioned on title page and printed in the first Boston, 1676 edition is not found in this edition.; "Postscript", pages [1]-8, 4th count, contains matter by Josiah Winslow, Thomas Hinckley, John Winthrop, James Richards, Thomas Danforth, and William Stoughton. It also includes the trancript of the treaty signed at Taunton on April 10, 1671 to whch Metacomet (Philip) and for other sachems have signed with their symbols.; Signatures: a⁴ (a1 verso blank) A-G⁴ (G2 verso blank) H².; Title within single rule border; head pieces.
Local Note: 
John Carter Brown Library copy 1 has the "Postscript" beginning on leaf G3 recto.; John Carter Brown Library copy 1 half bound in 19th century calf with marbled boards.; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 has the "Postscript" beginning on leaf H; also includes a 19th century frontispiece engraved portrait of the author.; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 half bound in 19th century gold-tooled red morocco.
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