Detail View: JCB Books Internet Archive: The wonders of the invisible world: being an account of the tryals of several vvitches, lately excuted [sic] in New-England: and of several remarkable curiosities therein occurring. : Together with I. Observations upon the nature, the number, and the operations of the devils. II. A short narrative of a late outrage committed by a knot of witches in Swede-Land, very much resembling, and so far explaining, that under which New-England has laboured. III. Some councels directing a due improvement of the terrible things lately done by the unusual and amazing range of evil-spirits in New-England. IV. A brief discourse upon those temptations which are the more ordinary devices of Satan. /

Mather, Cotton, 1663-1728.
Author (contributor): 
Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864
Author (contributor): 
Sewall, Samuel, 1652-1730.
Author (contributor): 
Stoughton, William, 1632-1701.
The wonders of the invisible world: being an account of the tryals of several vvitches, lately excuted [sic] in New-England: and of several remarkable curiosities therein occurring. : Together with I. Observations upon the nature, the number, and the operations of the devils. II. A short narrative of a late outrage committed by a knot of witches in Swede-Land, very much resembling, and so far explaining, that under which New-England has laboured. III. Some councels directing a due improvement of the terrible things lately done by the unusual and amazing range of evil-spirits in New-England. IV. A brief discourse upon those temptations which are the more ordinary devices of Satan. /
Printed first at Bostun sic in New-England and reprinted at London for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultry
Begin Publication Date: 
MMS Id (Alma identifier): 
Permanent Call Number: 
D Math C.454B
Statistics Note 1 (Accession Number): 
Accession number: 0551
Uniform Resource Identifier:,,
Witchcraft--New England.
Catalogs, Booksellers'--Great Britain--1693.
Imprint 1693.
Massachusetts--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775.
General Note: 
First printed in Boston, 1693 [that is, 1692]; this is the first London edition.; Signed and dated on page 48, 5th count: Boston Octob. 11. 1692. William Stoughton Samuel Sewell.; A letter to the author, page [7], 1st count, written by William Stoughton, the lieutenant-governor of Massachusetts from 1692-1701.; There are two states of page 51, 5th count: in the first there are four lines of errata; in the second it reads "Matters omitted in the trials", followed by eight lines of text.; "The Devil discovered", pages 51-56 and 89-98, 5th and 6th counts.; Signatures: pi² (pi2 verso blank) A-K⁴ L-R².; Title printed within double rule border.; Bookseller's advertisements: pages [1-2], 7th count.
Local Note: 
John Carter Brown Library copy 1 imperfect: wanting half-title leaf and final advertisement leaf.; John Carter Brown Library copies 1 and 2 have errata on page 51, 5th count.; John Carter Brown Library copies 1 and 2 cound in 19th century full calf; copy 2 has front board fully detached.; Provenace of the John Carter Brown Library copy 1: H.T. [Henri Ternaux-Compans]: book stamp on front and rear boards.; John Carter Brown Library copy 3 has "Matter omitted in the trials" on page 51, 5th count.; John Carter Brown Library copy bound in 19th century blue morocco
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