Detail View: JCB Books Internet Archive: J. Long's westindischen Dollmetschers und Kaufmanns See- und Land-Reisen, : enthaltend: eine Beschreibung der Sitten und Gewohnheiten der nordamerikanischen Wilden; der englischen Forts oder Schanzen längs dem St. Lorenz-Flusse, dem See Ontario u.s.w.; ferner ein umständliches Wörterbuch der Chippewäischen und anderer nordamerikanischen Sprachen. /

Long, J. Indian trader (John),
Author (contributor): 
Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Author (contributor): 
Zimmermann, Eberhard August Wilhelm von, 1743-1815.
J. Long's westindischen Dollmetschers und Kaufmanns See- und Land-Reisen, : enthaltend: eine Beschreibung der Sitten und Gewohnheiten der nordamerikanischen Wilden; der englischen Forts oder Schanzen längs dem St. Lorenz-Flusse, dem See Ontario u.s.w.; ferner ein umständliches Wörterbuch der Chippewäischen und anderer nordamerikanischen Sprachen. /
Bei Benjamin Gottlob Hoffmann
Begin Publication Date: 
MMS Id (Alma identifier): 
Permanent Call Number: 
D791 .L848w
Statistics Note 1 (Accession Number): 
Uniform Resource Identifier:
Fur trade--Canada.
Shawnee language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.
Great Lakes Region (North America)--Description and travel.
Indian linguistics--Ojibwa language.
Indian linguistics--Eskimo languages.
Indian linguistics--Iroquois language.
Indian linguistics--Algonquin language.
Indian linguistics--Mohegan language.
Indian linguistics--Shawnee language.
Imprint 1791.
Indians of North America--Great Lakes Region (North America)
Ojibwa Indians--Social life and customs.
Ojibwa language--Texts.
Ojibwa language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.
Eskimo languages--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.
Iroquois language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.
Algonquin language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.
Mohegan language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.
General Note: 
Date of publication printed after place of publication on title page.; Translation of: Voyages and travels of an Indian interpreter and traders, first published, London, 1791.; Also issued with added title page: Neuere Geschichte der See- und Land- Reisen, Bd. 5.; Contains numerous names of Indian chiefs, and members of tribes, and numerous examples, peppered throughout the text, of phrases and place names in various Indian languages which the author knew or which the Indian spoke to him. Also contains detailed description of various Indian villages in Upper and Lower Canada, upstate New York, and the Great Lakes regions. Discusses the Five and Six Nations of Indians, descriptions of Indian dances, marriage ceremonies and other social customs.; Includes various speeches by Indian chiefs, betrothal speeches, and war songs in the text in the Ojibwa language.; Vocabularies of Indian languages, p. 271-334, 3rd count, include a list of words in German and an Eskimo language on p. 271; a comparative glossary of numbers 1-100 and every hundred thereafter to 1,000 in German, Iroquois, Algonquin and Ojibwa on p. 272-274; a comparative glossary of verbs and nouns in German, Algonquin and Ojibwa on p. 274-284; a comparative glossary of words in German, Mohegan and Shawnee on p. 284-285; a comparative glossary of words in German, Mohegan, Algonquin and Ojibwa on p. 285-286; a glossary of words in German and Iroquois on p. 286-288; "Deutsche, englische und französische Namen der Felle und Häute" on p. 289-290; "Thiele des menschlichen Körpers" in German and Ojibwa on p. 291-292; "Namen von Thieren u. dgl." in German and Ojibwa on p. 293-295; "Handelsartikel" in German and Ojibwa on p. 295-296; a general table of words in German and Ojibwa on p. 297-310; a general table of words in Ojibwa and German on p. 311-326.; "Redensarten die im gemeinen Leben vorkommen, in deutscher und chippewäischer Sprache", p. 327-334, has separate caption title.; Signatures: *⁸ (-*8) 2*⁶ (-2*6) A-X⁸; Errata: p. [1-2], 3rd count.; "Sketch of the western countries of Canada 1791. Westliches Canada", folded map bound to face p. [2], 3rd count, is a map by the author of the regions of the Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence, and James' Bay with the location of the resident Indian tribes.
Local Note: 
John Carter Brown Library copy half bound in contemporary full calf.
Book files: 
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