Detail View: JCB Books Internet Archive: II. Pars Indiae Orientalis, in qva Iohan. Hvgonis Lintscotani nauigatio in Orientem, item regna, littora, portus, flumina, apparentiae, habitus moresque Indorum & Lusitanorum pariter in Oriente degentium: praeterea merces, monetae, mensurae, & pondera, quae quibus in locis, quóve compendio prostent, accurate proponuntur. /

Linschoten, Jan Huygen van, 1563-1611.
Author (contributor): 
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Author (contributor): 
Rhode Island Historical Society. Library. former owner.
Author (contributor): 
Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623.
Author (contributor): 
Bry, Johann Israel de, -1611.
Author (contributor): 
Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598.
Author (contributor): 
Lonicerus, Johann Adam, 1557-approximately 1610.
II. Pars Indiae Orientalis, in qva Iohan. Hvgonis Lintscotani nauigatio in Orientem, item regna, littora, portus, flumina, apparentiae, habitus moresque Indorum & Lusitanorum pariter in Oriente degentium: praeterea merces, monetae, mensurae, & pondera, quae quibus in locis, quóve compendio prostent, accurate proponuntur. /
Ex officina Wolfgangi Richteri
Begin Publication Date: 
MMS Id (Alma identifier): 
Permanent Call Number: 
J De Bry SV pt. 2 1599 Lat
Statistics Note 1 (Accession Number): 
Uniform Resource Identifier:,,
Linschoten, Jan Huygen van,--1563-1611.
East Indies--Description and travel.
India--Description and travel.
China--Description and travel.
Africa, East--Description and travel.
Imprint 1599.
General Note: 
Constitutes the second part of Theodor de Bry's Small voyages, printed in 13 parts and an Appendix in Frankfurt am Main and Oppenheim from 1597 to 1633.; This work has been identified as the first Latin edition of part two of the Small voyages by Church.; Translation of selections of: Itinerario, voyage ofte schipvaert, van Ian Huygen van Linschoten naer Oost ofte Portugaels Indien / by Jan Huygen van Linschoten, first printed Amsterdam, 1596.; This part contains the relation of the voyages of Jan Huygen van Linschoten to Africa and the East Indies from 1583-1592. The work was first printed in Holland in 1596, and was first translated into German by the de Brys in 1598 and afterwards by them into Latin. This part, translated by Anneaus Lonicerus, contains the first forty-four chapters. Cf. Church.; "Icones vivae, verae et genvinae nationvm, gentivmqve onnivm, qvotqvot accolvnt ad oram maritimam, qvae a gadibus vsque in Indiam Orientalem, & inde ad Chinarum vsque regnum continuato ductu pretingit, additis eorundem ceremoniis moribusq[ue] ita expressis, vt coram spectari credas. Expressi sunt & habitus moresq[ue] quibus tum ipsi Lusitani, tum vxores & mancipia eorum hodie in India vtuntur. Omnia elaboratissime scitissimeque in aere repraesentata, opera, studio sumtuque Io. Theodori, & Io. Israelis de Bry fratrum", p. [7], 3rd count, has separate title page with imprint: Francofurti: Excudebat Wolffgangus Richter, impensis Ioannis Theodori & Ioannis Israelis de Bry, fratrum, M D. XCIX. [1599]; Signatures: (:)⁶ ((:)1, (:)5 versos blank) A-O⁴ P² (-P2) a⁴ (-a1) (a4 blank) chi1 (chi1 verso blank); Includes index.; Fully engraved and illustrated title page; engraved head and tail pieces; initials.; Contains 1 double plates, 2 double folded maps, and 1 plate of coins in the 2nd count; 38 numbered leaves of plates (of which no. 37 is a double plate), are printed on recto only (except for double plate no. 37 which is printed on verso and recto) and are signed ²A2-²K4 following separate dated title page, p. [7-8], 3rd count.
Local Note: 
John Carter Brown Library copy 1 (J De Bry SV pt. 2 1599 Lat) imperfect: wanting 1 double plate, 2 double folded maps, and 1 plate of coins in the 2nd count.; John Carter Brown Library copy 1 has all edges untrimmed and measures 34 cm. in height.; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 (J De Bry SV pt. 2 1599 Lat) has an additional double map of Mozambique bound between p. 18 and 19, 2nd count, in a different state.; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 imperfect: plate of coins, cited by Church as bound to face p. 96 is misbound facing p. 76 in the JCB copy.; John Carter Brown Library copy 3 (J De Bry SV pt. 1 1598 Lat cop. 2) bound as 2nd item of 2 with: Regnvm Congo hoc est Vera descriptio regni Africani, qvod tam ab incolis qvam Lvsitanis Congus appellatur / by Filippo Pigafetta, Frankfurt am Main, 1598, which is the first Latin edition of part 1 of De Bry's Small voyages.; John Carter Brown Library copy 3 imperfect: prefatory material, p. [1-12] misbound in this order: title page leaf, p. [7-10], p. [3-6], and p. [11-12]; wanting p. [5-6], 3rd count, blank leaf; has a blank leaf with annotations about plate placement on recto bound between p. 48 and 49, 2nd count; wanting the folded (or double) map of Java, Sumatra and Borneo bound to face p. 48, and the double map of Mozambique misbound between p. 104 and 105; plate numbered 37, bound following p. [7-8], 3rd count, is a folded plate rather than a double plate.; Provenance of the John Carter Brown Library copy 3: Rhode Island Historical Society: book stamp on recto of second front flyleaf and pink book stamp on title page.
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