Detail View: JCB Books Internet Archive: Admiranda narratio fida tamen, de commodis et incolarum ritibus Virginiae, nuper admodum ab Anglis, qui à Dn. Richardo Greinvile equestris ordinis viro eò in coloniam anno M.D.LXXXV. : Deducti sunt inuentae, sumtus faciente Dn. VValtero Raleigh equestris ordinis viro fodinaru[m] stanni praefecto ex auctoritate serenissimae Reginae Angliae. /

Harriot, Thomas, 1560-1621.
Author (contributor): 
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Author (contributor): 
Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598.
Author (contributor): 
White, John, active 1585-1593.
Author (contributor): 
Clusius, Carolus, 1526-1609.
Admiranda narratio fida tamen, de commodis et incolarum ritibus Virginiae, nuper admodum ab Anglis, qui à Dn. Richardo Greinvile equestris ordinis viro eò in coloniam anno M.D.LXXXV. : Deducti sunt inuentae, sumtus faciente Dn. VValtero Raleigh equestris ordinis viro fodinaru[m] stanni praefecto ex auctoritate serenissimae Reginae Angliae. /
Typis Ioannis Wecheli sumptibus vero Theodori de Bry anno M D XC Venales reperiuntur in officina Sigismundi Feirabendii
Begin Publication Date: 
MMS Id (Alma identifier): 
Permanent Call Number: 
J De Bry GV pt. 1 1590 Lat 1
Statistics Note 1 (Accession Number): 
Uniform Resource Identifier:,
Raleigh, Walter,--Sir,--1552?-1618.
Roanoke Island (N.C.)
Imprint 1590.
Indians of North America--Virginia.
Indians of North America--Virginia--Pictorial works.
Indians of North America--North Carolina.
Indians of North America--North Carolina--Pictorial works.
Picts--Pictorial works.
Virginia--Description and travel.
Virginia--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775.
Roanoke Colony.
General Note: 
Roman numeral date on title page made with backwards C's.; Constitutes the first part, first issue of the first Latin edition of Theodor de Bry's Great voyages, printed in fourteen parts, in Latin, German, French, and English, in Frankfurt am Main, Oppenheim, and Hanau from 1590-1644, and the Elenchus, an outline of the thirteen Latin parts, published by Matthias Merian in Frankfurt am Main in 1634.; This work had been identified as the first part, first issue of the first Latin edition of the Great voyages by Church.; The first issue of the first part of the first editon can be distinguished by the head piece and numbering on p. 7. In the first issue the number on p. 7 is placed in the upper outer corner and the head piece has a winged figure with wreaths.; This issue has the privilege "Cvm gratia et privilegio Caes. Matis. Specli. ad qvadriennivm" engraved on the copper plate. This privilege is sometimes printed on a separate slip, which is pasted on the blank space below the initials "C.C.A." Cf. Church.; The C.C.A., on the title-page, are the initials of Carolus Clusius Artebatensis, i.e. Charles de L'Écluse, the celebrated botanist. Cf. Church.; Latin translation, by Charles de l'Écluse, of: A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia / by Thomas Harriot, first printed London, 1588.; Colophon reads: Impressvm Francofvrti ad Moenum apud Ioannem Wechelum, impensis Theodori de Bry. Anno M D XC.; "Vivae imagines et ritvs incolarvm eivs provinciae in America, qvae Virginia appellata est ab Anglis, ivssv magnifici viri D. Waltheri Raleig, equitis & praefecti fodinarum stanni in Cornuwallia & Exonia, profectis anno M D XXCV. ad obseruandas nouas prouincias, permissu & auctoritate serenissimae Reginae Angliae Elizabethae. Omnia diligenter observata, et ad viuum expressa à Joanne With, eius rei gratia in illam prouinciam annis 1585 & 1588. misso: deinde in aes incisa, & primùm in lusem euulgata a Theodoro de Bry", p. [1-4], 2nd count, has divisional title page.; "Pictorvm, Britanniae partem olim incolentivm aliqvot icones", p. [19], 2nd count, has divisional title page.; Signatures: a⁴ (a1 verso blank) b⁶ c⁴ d⁸ (d4 verso, d6 recto, d7 verso blank) A⁶ B-C⁸ D⁶ (D6 blank) (D5 missigned D4) E⁸ F⁶ (F6 blank); Errata: p. [34], 2nd count.; Includes index on p. [31-33], 2nd count.; Fully engraved and illustrated title page; engraved head and tail pieces; initials.; Contains 31 leaves of plates which are numbered I-XXIII following p. [1-4], 2nd count, one of which is a double map of Virginia with the names of the native tribes and their locations, and one double folded plate of Indians at a festival (XVIII), the rest of which are printed on recto only with descriptive letterpress text, and which are signed [64-d8] and A⁶ B-C⁸ D⁶ E⁸ F⁶; plates numbered I-V follow p. [19-20], 2nd count, and contain illustrations of the mysterious people known as the Picts, which are printed on recto only, and are signed E⁸ and F1-2.; The plate of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, engraved by Theodor de Bry, is considered by Church to be not only leaf d6 but also plate [I] following "Vivae imagines et ritvs incolarvm eivs provinciae in America", p. [1-4], 2nd count; here it is not counted as a plate. The double map of Virginia, listed as plate I "Tabula generalis totius regionis situm ob oculos ponens", bound between leaves d7 and d8 should be listed as plate [I] in Church.
Local Note: 
John Carter Brown Library copy 1 has plates both in the first and second states of the plates as recorded by Church.; John Carter Brown Library copy 1 lacks the privilege "Cvm gratia et privilegio Caes. Matis. Specli. ad qvadriennivm", either engraved onto the copperplate or found as a slip which is sometimes found pasted on the blank space below "C.C.A." on title page.; John Carter Brown Library copy 1 has engraved plate of Adam of Eve improperly bound in with a blank verso following p. [1-4], 2nd count.; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 has plates both in the first and second states of the plates as recorded by Church.; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 imperfect: wanting p. [17-18], 2nd count, a blank leaf, signed D6, as recorded by Church.; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 has engraved plate of Adam and Eve properly bound in with a blank recto following p. [1-4], 2nd count.
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