Detail View: JCB Books Internet Archive: Mémoire /

Blanchelande, Philibert François Rouxel de, 1735-1793.
Author (contributor): 
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Author (contributor): 
Haiti Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Author (contributor): 
Peinier, Louis Antoine Thomassin, comte de
Mémoire /
Chez Dufour de Rians imprimeur du Roi et du Conseil supérieur
Begin Publication Date: 
MMS Id (Alma identifier): 
Permanent Call Number: 
1-SIZE E791 .B641m
Statistics Note 1 (Accession Number): 
Uniform Resource Identifier:,
Haiti--History--To 1791.
Haiti--Politics and government--To 1791.
Imprint 1791.
Imprint 1792.
General Note: 
Issued as 5 parts in 1, each with own pagination and register: Mémoire / de M. de Blanchelande, sur son administration à Saint-Domingue, with caption title and without imprint in colophon; Supplément au Mémoire / de M. de Blanchelande, with caption title and without imprint; Pièces a l'appui de mon Mémoire (nos. 1-28), with caption title and imprint from colophon reading: Au Cap-Français, Chez Dufour de Rians, imprimeur du Roi et du Conseil supérieur; Pièces a l'appui de mon Mémoire (nos. 29-54), with caption title and imprint from colophon reading: Au Cap-Français, de l'Imprimerie royale; and Errata du Supplément (actually errata for all 4 previous parts), with caption title and without imprint in colophon.; Last printed dates in parts 1-5 are 1791; 1791 as year of publication suggested by Sabin; Bissainthe suggests 1792 as date of publication.; Pagination: pt. 1: 24; pt. 2: 31, [1]; pt. 3: 71, [1]; pt. 4: 75, [1]; pt. 5: [2] p.; Signatures: pt. 1: A-C⁴; pt. 2: a-d⁴ (d4 verso blank); pt. 3: a-i⁴ (i4 verso blank); pt. 4: a-i⁴ k² (k2 verso blank); pt. 5: chi1.; Errata: pt. 2, p. 31; pt. 5, p. [1-2]; Engraved head pieces; some leaves printed on cadet blue paper.
Local Note: 
John Carter Brown Library copy 1 (E791 B641m 1-SIZE) bound as 1st item of 3 with: Signaux de brume, a l'usage de l'Armée du Roi commandée par M. le cte. d'Orvilliers, Brest, 1779, and Réglement contenant les canons, les armes & les ustensiles & munitions qui en dépendent, pour l'armenent des vaisseaux & autres bâtiments du Roi, [Versailles?, 1765]; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 (EB F8355 1781 1 1-SIZE) bound as 38th item of 38 in vol. 2 of 2 vol. set with copy 2 of: Discours prononcé le 20 juin 1790 / par M. Lacour, président du Comité paroissial de Baynet, Saint-Marc [Haiti, 1790]; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 bound out of sequence in this order: Pièces a l'appui de mon Mémoire (nos. 1-28), with caption title and imprint from colophon reading: Au Cap-Français, Chez Dufour de Rians, imprimeur du Roi et du Conseil supérieur; Pièces a l'appui de mon Mémoire (nos. 29-54), with caption title and imprint from colophon reading: Au Cap-Français, de l'Imprimerie royale; Mémoire / de M. de Blanchelande, sur son administration à Saint-Domingue, with caption title and without imprint in colophon; Supplément au Mémoire / de M. de Blanchelande, with caption title and without imprint; wanting pt. 5, final errata leaf for pts. 1-4.; John Carter Brown Library copy 2 acquired with the assistance of the Sophia Augusta Brown Fund.; Provenance of the John Carter Brown Library copy 2: bound in two volumes of works relating to or printed in Saint-Domingue, formerly owned by Louis Antoine Thomassin, Comte de Peinier, who became squadron chief in 1784 and served as governor general of Saint-Domingue from 1789-1790.
Book files: 
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