Author (contributor):
British Antarctic Expedition (1907-1909)
Author (contributor):
Shenroni, Lauri E. Minchin.
Author (contributor):
Mawson, Douglas, 1882-1958.
Author (contributor):
David, T. W. Edgeworth 1858-1934. (Tannatt William Edgeworth),
Author (contributor):
Marston, George.
Author (contributor):
Shackleton, Ernest Henry, Sir, 1874-1922.
1908-09. Aurora australis. : [Published at the winter quarters of the British Antarctic expedition, 1907, during the winter months of April, May, June, July 1908. Illustrated with lithographs and etchings: /
by Joyce and Wild Latitude 77⁰ 32ʹ South longitude 166⁰ 12ʹ east Antarctica
Begin Publication Date:
MMS Id (Alma identifier):
Permanent Call Number:
1-SIZE D908 .A931a
Statistics Note 1 (Accession Number):
Uniform Resource Identifier:
Antarctica--Discovery and exploration--British.
Imprint 1908.
General Note:
First part of title taken from p. [3], which is the title proper with hand colored illustration; second part of title and statement of responsibility taken from p. [7], which also contains the imprint statement.; Title page proper printed within ornamental border, followed by hand-colored vignette of two explorers on a landscape against a blue background with a white aurora australis.; The first book ever printed in the Polar regions, edited by Ernest Henry Shackleton, who describes the printing press and printing office in the Additional preface on p. [15-16]; Comprised of loose sheets, consisting of narratives, essays, and poetry, laced into wooden covers, which are made of packing-cases which contained the provisions. Only 88 copies of this work are known, 84 of which have been examined by Robert Stephenson, though scholars estimate the total number of copies to be one hundred or less.; Each chapter is preceded by a divisional title page, printed in red, with the rubric of "the penguins" also printed in red; each chapter has its own caption title with an initial for the first letter of the first word of the text.; According to Robert Stephenson in his online reference source for the Aurora Australis (see link to webpage below), there are several variants of various parts of this work. The first variant regards the stencilling of the insides of the boards; some are stencilled and some have no marking whatsoever. The second variant concerns the illustration on the title page; the first state has a dark, mysterious device on the right side of illustration and in the second state, the propeller shaped marking is wanting. The third variant regards whether or not Shackelton or any others on the expedition signed the work. The fourth variant regards a text variant in the chapter entitled "An ancient manuscript"; in the first state the verso of the third leaf has an illustration entitled "Many shekels were needed for the ship to go forth" and the second has only text. The fifth variant regards the placement of the penguin rubric on the divisional title page of "The Messman" chapter; in the first state it is printed at the top of the page and in the second it is printed at the bottom of the page. The sixth element of the work know to be a variant is the presence or lack of a divisional title page "A giant tick was investigating the carcasse" [an illustration is meant to be mounted on the verso of this leaf]. The seventh variant regards the running title on the verso of the second leaf of "A pony watch" chapter; in the first state it reads "Aurora Australis," and in the second it reads "Aurora Australis.". The eighth variant concerns the running title on the 17th page of "The Ascent of Mount Erebus"; in some copies it reads "The ascent of Erebus" and in others it reads "The Ascent of Erebus". The ninth variant concerns the spelling of Sir James Clark Ross on line one of the first page of "The ascent of Mount Erebus" chapter; the first variant has the incorrect spelling of his name as "Sir James Clarke Ross" and in the other the name is spelled correctly as "Sir James Clark Ross". The tenth variant regards the presence of illustrations mounted to paper instead of full printed plates; in some copies there are plates which have been mounted to paper and bound thusly and in the others these mounted illustrations do not exist. The eleventh variant regards the fourth line of text on the 11th page of "The Ascent of Mount Erebus" chapter; in the first state of this page "household goods is misprinted as "household gods" and in the other it is printed correctly. The twelfth variant concerns the second line of text on the 13th page of "The Ascent of Mount Erebus" chapter; the last word of the second line of text is either printed as "knees," or "knees.". The thirteenth variant also concerns the "The Ascent of Mount Erebus" chapter; the second word of the 8th line from top can either appear as "30⁰", "34⁰" or sometimes both.; Signatures: al
Local Note:
John Carter Brown Library copy imperfect: several leaves are fully detached from the lacing.; John Carter Brown Library copy has edition of this work in which there is stencilling on the inside of both boards; the title page illustration lacks the dark, mysterious propeller shaped device in the hand-colored illustration; there are no autographs or presentation inscriptions of either Shackelton or any of the crew; in the chapter entitled "An ancient manuscript", the verso of the third leaf has the illustration entitled "Many shekels were needed for the ship to go forth"; the placement of the penguin rubric on the divisional title page of "The Messman" chapter is located at the bottom of the page; the divisional title page "A giant tick was investigating the carcasse" [an illustration is meant to be mounted on the verso of this leaf] is wanting in this copy; the running title on the verso of the second leaf of "A pony watch" chapter reads "Aurora Australis,"; the running title on the 17th page of "The Ascent of Mount Erebus" reads "The ascent of Erebus"; line one of the first page of "The ascent of Mount Erebus" chapter has the incorrect spelling of "Sir James Clarke Ross"; library copy has mounted illustrations on paper of "In the stables" of "The pony watch chapter" and "Fourtheen good and true" in the "Erebus" chapter; the fourth line of text on the 11th page of "The Ascent of Mount Erebus" chapter is misprinted as "household gods"; the second line of text on the 13th page of "The Ascent of Mount Erebus" chapter is printed as "knees."; finally, the second word of the 8th line from top of "The Ascent of Mount Erebus" chapter appears as "34⁰"; John Carter Brown Library copy is bound in bevelled wooden boards made from the packing-cases of the expedition; on the inside of the front wooden board is stencilled, in capital letters, "[St]ewed Kidneys" and on the inside of the rear wooden board is stamped, in capital letters, "[Anta]rctic 1907"; volume has been rebacked; the book is housed in tan linen-covered boards with calf spine phase box measuring 30 cm. in height.; John Carter Brown Library copy acquired partly with the assistance of the Metcalf Fund and partly through the gift of Bradford F. Swan in memory of Lila L. Swan.; Provenance of the John Carter Brown Library copy: Lauri E Michin Shenroni [?]: ms. autograph at head of caption title of "The ascent of Mount Erebus" chapter.
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