Accession number:
Record number:
JCB call number:
Ge776 C697 /6
Image title:
Vuë de la Nouvelle Yorck. Neu Yorck. Eine Stadt in Nord-America auf einer Insul Manahattan ...
Creator 1:
Balthazar Frederic Leizelt
Creator 1 role:
gravé par
Place image published:
Augsbourg [Augsburg]
Image publisher:
au Negoce com[m]un de l'Academie Imperiale d'Empire des Arts libereaux
Image date:
Image function:
engraving, hand coloring
Image dimension height:
25.1 cm.
Image dimension width:
39.6 cm.
Page dimension height:
32.6 cm.
Page dimension width:
44 cm.
Materials medium:
ink, colors
Materials support:
French, German
View of New York showing a harbor with ships with British flags and boats. Built environment includes shipyard and dwellings. Also includes horses pulling a cart.
Image title in French is printed in reverse above image. Title in German at bottom of image. This perspective view, or "vue d'optique," was a special type of popular print published in Europe during the 18th century. These prints were viewed through a device called an "optical machine" or an "optique." This view is not of New York, but is one half of William Woollett's engraving of the Royal Dock Yard at Deptford, England. The other half of that engraving was transformed by Leizelt into a view of Philadelphia.
Time Period:
Cresswell, D. H. American Revolution in Drawings and Prints, item 553
References exhibitions:
Danforth, S. Encountering the New World, Fig. 67; Danforth, S. View of America, item 4
Acquired in 1983.
Owner and copyright:
©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912
geographic area:
North America
Subject Area:
Artifacts, industry, and human activities
Subject Area:
Geography, maps, city views and plans
Subject headings:
New York (N.Y.)--Description and travel