Accession number:
Record number:
JCB call number:
E752 L442h
Image title:
[Hunting beaver]
Place image published:
[Frankfurt & Leipzig]
Image publisher:
[Gebrüden van Dûren]
Image date:
Image function:
plate; vol. 1, following p. 354
Image dimension height:
13.1 cm.
Image dimension width:
16.6 cm. (both pages)
Page dimension height:
16.1 cm.
Page dimension width:
17.1 cm. (both pages)
Materials medium:
Materials support:
Beaver hunt in New France. Includes a European and two native Americans shooting beavers, beaver dam, beavers swimming and gnawing at a tree, and guns or muskets.
Source creator:
Le Beau, Claude
Source Title:
[Avantures du Sr. C. Le Beau. German] Des Hrn. Claudii Le Beau Parlements-Advocaten zu Paris Neue Reise unter die Wilden in Nord-America; ... erster theil.
Source place of publication:
Frankfurt und Leipzig
Source publisher:
bey den Gebrüden van Dûren
Source date:
Claude Le Beau was the son of a good family who was transported as a prisoner, probably for the crime of libertinism, to Canada. The ship on which he sailed, the Eléphant, was wrecked on September 1, 1729, at Cape Brûle, about 30 miles from Quebec. The crew and passengers were saved. In 1731 he was condemned to death for running away and was hanged and garroted in effigy. Nevertheless, he reached Boston and sailed from there to Holland where his adventures were first published in 1738. Le Beau claimed to have worked in the Beaver Office.Translation, by Johann Bernhard Nack, of Avantures du Sr. C. Le Beau, ..., ou, Voyage curieux et nouveau parmis les sauvages de l'Amérique septentrionale, Amsterdam, 1738. For a different translation, by Wilhelm Ernst Burckhard Rosler, see Geschichte des Herrn C. Le Beau., Erfurt, 1752 with a different version of this image at 02597-4.
Time Period:
Owner and copyright:
©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912
geographic area:
North America
Subject Area:
Artifacts, industry, and human activities
Subject Area:
Flora and fauna
Subject Area:
Indigenous peoples
Subject headings:
Indians of North America--Hunting--Canada
Subject headings:
American beaver