Detail View: JCB Archive of Early American Images: Cortes receives Donna Marina w[i]th. other female Slaves as a present from the Cacique of Tabasco.

Accession number: 
Record number: 
JCB call number: 
D760 W927d
Image title: 
Cortes receives Donna Marina w[i]th. other female Slaves as a present from the Cacique of Tabasco.
Place image published: 
Image publisher: 
[J. Newbery]
Image date: 
Image function: 
plate; vol. 2, following p. 18
Image dimension height: 
9.6 cm.
Image dimension width: 
6 cm.
Page dimension height: 
13.2 cm.
Page dimension width: 
7.5 cm.
Materials medium: 
Materials support: 
A group of native American women followed by native Americans carrying burdens is presented to Hernán Cortés and his men. Includes feathered clothing and headdress, necklaces, earrings, leg ornaments, spears, shields, horses, dead animal and basket of food.
Source Title: 
The world displayed; or, A curious collection of voyages and travels, selected from the writers of all nations. ... vol. II.
Source place of publication: 
Source publisher: 
Printed for J. Newbery, at the Bible and Sun, in St. Paul's Church-Yard
Source date: 
Text explains that in order to make amends for having made war on the Spanish, the cacique or chief of Tabasco presented twenty women skilled in the making of bread from Indian corn and in other kinds of cooking to Cortés. The most beautiful of the women was baptised Marina and became Cortes' mistress.Volume two contains an account of the conquest of Mexico by Hernán Cortés.
Time Period: 
Former collection William Holbech; acquired as a gift from the estate of Frederick Lippitt.
Owner and copyright: 
©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912
geographic area: 
Spanish America
Subject Area: 
Artifacts, industry, and human activities
Subject Area: 
Indigenous peoples
Subject headings: 
Cortés, Hernán, 1485-1547
Subject headings: 
Women slaves
Subject headings: 
Mexico--History--Conquest, 1519-1540
Subject headings: 
Indians of Mexico
Subject headings: 