Accession number:
Record number:
JCB call number:
BA669 L864u / 1-SIZE
Image title:
[Our Lady of Guadalupe appears to Juan Diego]
Place image published:
Image publisher:
[Widow of Bernardo Calderon]
Image date:
Image function:
plate; verso leaf [1]
Image dimension height:
19.1 cm.
Image dimension width:
12.6 cm.
Page dimension height:
29 cm.
Page dimension width:
19.8 cm.
Materials medium:
Materials support:
In the background Our Lady of Guadalupe appears to a man. In the foreground kneels a man with an image of the Virgin on his cloak. Includes cacti on the hill.
Source creator:
López de Avilés, José
Source Title:
Veridicum admodum anagramma, epigramma obsequiosum, unaque cum acrostichide Virgilio centunculus rigorosis. In laudem purissimae immaculataeque conceptionis sanctissimae Virginis Dei-genitricis Mariae ...
Source place of publication:
Mexici [Mexico]
Source publisher:
Ex Typographia Vidue Bernardi Calderon
Source date:
A vision of the Virgin of Guadalupe, with native American features, appeared to Juan Diego, a native American, on a hill named Tepeyac near the site of a temple to the Aztec goddess Tonantzin (Mother of the People) in 1531. Bishop Zumárraga accepted the vision when Juan Diego presented his cloak, or tilma, with the Virgin's image on it, which was filled with out-of-season roses.
Time Period:
Acquired in 1921.
Owner and copyright:
©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912
geographic area:
Spanish America
Subject Area:
Artifacts, industry, and human activities
Subject headings:
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint--Apparitions and miracles--Mexico
Subject headings:
Guadalupe, Our Lady of