Detail View: JCB Archive of Early American Images: [Portrait of Sebastián de Aparicio]

Accession number: 
Record number: 
JCB call number: 
BA696 O35o
Image title: 
[Portrait of Sebastián de Aparicio]
Creator 1: 
I. Blandaou
Creator 1 role: 
Place image published: 
Image publisher: 
[Camera Apostolica]
Image date: 
Image function: 
Image dimension height: 
19.5 cm.
Image dimension width: 
14.3 cm.
Page dimension height: 
21.4 cm.
Page dimension width: 
15.8 cm.
Materials medium: 
Materials support: 
A native American woman with a feathered headdress holding a book kneels before a portrait of Sebastián de Aparicio. Aparicio is flanked by angels, one with the [Pignatelli] coat of arms [family arms of Pope Innocent XII], the other with the royal Spanish coat of arms. Also includes another image of Sebastián de Aparicio emerging from a lily holding a rosary. He is surrounded by his symbols of an ox and oxcart. Also includes the symbol of Mexico, an eagle holding a snake in its beak resting on a cactus, papal keys and crown, a settlement with churches, ship, crown, horse, cornucopia, and armadillo [?].
Source creator: 
Ogramic Olovcic, Nikola, 1630-1700
Source Title: 
Opusculum vitae, virtutum, et miraculorum ven. serui Dei Fr. Sebastiani ab Apparitio ordinis min. de obseruantia laici professi prouinciae mexicanae ...
Source place of publication: 
Romae [Rome]
Source publisher: 
Ex Officina Reverendae Camerae Apostolicae
Source date: 
M.DC.XCVI. [1696]
Born in Spain, Sebastián de Aparicio traveled to Mexico where he made a substantial fortune building roads and the carriages or carts to carry goods on the roads. At age 70, he joined the Franciscan order and was known as the Angel of Mexico. He was beatified in 1787. The eagle perched on a cactus was a sign to the wandering Mexica or Aztec tribe of the site where they were to build their city of Tenochtitlan, now Mexico City.
Time Period: 
Visual categories: 
Emblems (Allegorical pictures)
Acquired in 1980.
Owner and copyright: 
©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912
geographic area: 
Spanish America
Subject Area: 
Artifacts, industry, and human activities
Subject Area: 
Indigenous peoples
Subject Area: 
Subject headings: 
Aparicio, Sebastián de, 1502-1600
Subject headings: 
Subject headings: 