Accession number:
Record number:
JCB call number:
H820 C842a / 2-SIZE
Image title:
[South American monkeys]
Creator 1:
Giuseppe Erba Odescalchi
Creator 2:
Creator 2 role:
Place image published:
Image publisher:
[Dalla tipografia dell 'editore]
Image date:
Image function:
plate; vol. 2, following p. 20
etching, aquatint, hand coloring
Image dimension height:
22.5 cm. (platemark)
Image dimension width:
33 cm.(platemark)
Page dimension height:
34.4 cm.
Page dimension width:
24 cm.
Materials medium:
ink, colors
Materials support:
Various South American monkeys. One holds a peapod, another black monkey holds a fruit. Items in the image are numbered for identification in followinging text. Includes (1) Cappucino dell'Orenoco (capuchin monkey of the Orinoco) (2) Simia Melanocephala (Cacajao or uakari monkey), (3) Seniculus or simia ursina (red howler monkey).
Source Title:
Il costume antico e moderno ... [Parte seconda]
Source place of publication:
Milano [Milan]
Source publisher:
Dalla tipografia dell 'editore
Source date:
The monkeys are derived from illustrations from Alexander von Humboldt. One is probably a Humboldt's woolly monkey (Lagothrix lagothricha). The red howler monkey is Alouatta seniculus. Series edited by Giulio Ferrario. The title page identifies the illustrator as Giuseppe Erba Odescalchi.Image placed horizontally on page.
Time Period:
Acquired in 2009.
Owner and copyright:
©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912
geographic area:
Spanish America
Subject Area:
Flora and fauna
Subject headings:
New World monkeys