Accession number:
Record number:
JCB call number:
B733 S687i
Image title:
[Vignettes of Tenochtitlan, native American feast, symbols of office, and Aztec god (?)]
Creator 1:
Alessandro dalla Via
Creator 1 dates:
fl. 1688-1729
Creator 1 role:
Place image published:
Image publisher:
[Andrea Poletti]
Image date:
Image function:
plate; following p. 186
Image dimension height:
18.3 cm.
Image dimension width:
13 cm.
Page dimension height:
23.3 cm.
Page dimension width:
17 cm.
Materials medium:
Materials support:
[top] Bird's-eye view of Tenochtitlan or Mexico City. [middle] Scene of native American feasting. Includes feathered headdresses and garments. [bottom] Symbols of office. Aztec god wearing a headdress with an eagle [?] on it.
Source creator:
Solís, Antonio de, 1610-1686
Source Title:
[Historia de la conquista de México. Italian] Istoria della conquista del Messico ...
Source place of publication:
In Venezia [Venice]
Source publisher:
Per Andrea Poletti
Source date:
The city is probably shown as the artist imagined Tenochtitlan was before Europeans arrived, but with European-type houses and churches and men on horseback or herding sheep. The image is derived from Carol Allard, Orbis habitabilis oppida et vestitas, Amsterdam 1681, who in turn derived his view from the Hernán Cortés map-view of Tenochtitlán. The Aztec god is possibly Huitzilopochtli, the Aztec god of the sun and war and patron of Tenochtitlan. The turquoise or fire serpent (xiuhcoatl) was his mystical weapon and he carried a shield with five arrows in it.
Time Period:
Acquired before 1870.
Owner and copyright:
©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912
Subject Area:
Artifacts, industry, and human activities
Subject Area:
Geography, maps, city views and plans
Subject Area:
Indigenous peoples
Subject headings:
Mexico City (Mexico)--Description and travel
Subject headings:
Indians of Mexico--Religion