Accession number:
Record number:
JCB call number:
J752 A394g
Image title:
[Native American methods of curing the sick and funerary rites]
Place image published:
Image publisher:
[Johann Justinus Gebauer]
Image date:
Image function:
plate 37; vol. 1, following p. 456
Image dimension height:
19.3 cm.
Image dimension width:
14.2 cm.
Page dimension height:
24.2 cm.
Page dimension width:
18.8 cm.
Materials medium:
Materials support:
Native American methods of curing the sick and funerary rites. At top a sick man is shown being guided over glowing coals by two religious leaders while a group dances a healing dance. In the background, the shaman's tent is shown. At bottom, a dead person is elevated on a platform while an elder gives a eulogy. Built environment includes dwellings and a tent.
Source Title:
Algemeine Geschichte de Länder und Völker von America. Erster Theil. Nebst einer Vorrede Siegmund Jacob Baumgartens ...
Source place of publication:
Source publisher:
bey Johann Justinus Gebauer
Source date:
This image is derived from Joseph François Lafitau, Moeurs des sauvages ameriquains, vol. 2, plate 18, where he describes North American medicine and funerary rites. Compiled and translated from several sources by Johann Friedrich Schröter, with a preface by Siegmund Jakob Baumgarten. Schröter was secretary to the Privy Council of Magdeburg and had served for some years as a missionary in Canada.
Time Period:
| (Oct. 2005)
Acquired in 1963.
Owner and copyright:
©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912
geographic area:
North America
Subject Area:
Artifacts, industry, and human activities
Subject Area:
Indigenous peoples
Subject headings:
Indians of North America--Medicine
Subject headings:
Indians of North America--Funeral customs and rites