Detail View: JCB Archive of Early American Images: Valboa wirfft etliche Indianer welche die schreckliche Sünd der Sodomen begangen den hunden für sie zuzerreissen.

Accession number: 
Record number: 
JCB call number: 
J590 B915v GVG 4 / 2-SIZE
Image title: 
Valboa wirfft etliche Indianer welche die schreckliche Sünd der Sodomen begangen den hunden für sie zuzerreissen.
Place image published: 
[Frankfurt am Main]
Image publisher: 
[Diterich de Bry]
Image date: 
Image function: 
illustration; plate 22
Image dimension height: 
16.1 cm.
Image dimension width: 
19.8 cm.
Page dimension height: 
34.4 cm.
Page dimension width: 
24 cm.
Materials medium: 
Materials support: 
European soldiers watch as dogs tear apart native Americans. Includes guns or muskets, swords, dwelling, and bird.
Source Title: 
[America. Pt. 4. German] Das vierdte Buch von der neuwen Welt. oder Neuwe und gründtliche dem Nidergängischen Indien ...
Source place of publication: 
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source publisher: 
durch Diterich von Bry
Source date: 
While crossing the Isthmus of Panama in 1513, Vasco Nuñez de Balboa came across native Americans from the province of Quarenca, dressed as women, commiting acts of sodomy. As punishment, Balboa had the men thrown to the dogs. This work was published by Th
Time Period: 
Church, E.D. Discovery, 183
Acquired before 1871.
Owner and copyright: 
©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912
geographic area: 
Spanish America
Subject Area: 
Artifacts, industry, and human activities
Subject Area: 
Indigenous peoples
Subject headings: 
Indians, Treatment of
Subject headings: 
Indians of Central America--Panama