Accession number:
Record number:
JCB call number:
J590 B915v GVG 6.1 / 2-SIZE
Image title:
Atabaliba König in Peru wirdt von dem Francisco Pizarro gefangen.
Place image published:
[Frankfurt am Main]
Image publisher:
[Johann Feyerabend, for Dieterich de Bry]
Image date:
Image function:
illustration; plate 7
Image dimension height:
15.5 cm.
Image dimension width:
18.4 cm.
Page dimension height:
33.3 cm.
Page dimension width:
21.9 cm.
Materials medium:
Materials support:
The Inca king, Atahualpa or Atabaliba, holding a scepter in the shape of a sun is carried on a litter into a scene of warfare. A priest or monk with a crucifix approaches his litter while Spanish soldiers with cannons, guns or muskets, horses, and swords attack native soldiers armed with bows.
Source Title:
[America. Pt. 6. German] Das sechste Theil der neuwen Welt. Oder Der historien ... das dritte Buch
Source place of publication:
Franckfurt [Frankfurt am Main]
Source publisher:
Durch Dieterich von Bry
Source date:
M D XCVII. [1597]
A monk named Vicente de Valverde confronted Atahualpa with a crucifix and a breviary. When Atahualpa asked how the Spanish knew what the teachings of God were, Valverde said the book spoke of them. The king took the book, turned the pages, said it did not speak of anything, and threw it on the ground. At this point, Pizarro and his men charged into the crowds which panicked and were slaughtered. Atahualpa was thrown from his litter and taken prisoner. This work was published by Theodor de Bry and is derived from the third part of Girolamo Benzoni, Historia del mondo nuovo, Venice, 1565. Theodor de Bry's America. Pt. 6. German. Imprint information from colophon.
Time Period:
Church, E.D. Discovery, 188
Acquired before 1865.
Owner and copyright:
©John Carter Brown Library, Box 1894, Brown University, Providence, R.I. 02912
geographic area:
Spanish America
Subject Area:
Artifacts, industry, and human activities
Subject Area:
Indigenous peoples
Subject headings:
Subject headings:
Indians of South America--Peru
Subject headings:
Peru--History--Conquest, 1522-1548